Health Care

Health Care

Sally Pipes Mentioned in “Obamacare Reboots For Prescription Drugs Take Congress By Storm”

Everyone wants to live the American dream. But many of us also fear the American nightmare: An expensive medical problem that wipes out our financial security. Maybe it’s a trip to the emergency room, or a chronic illness that requires expensive prescription medicine. That shouldn’t destroy our lives. But to ...

The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...

How Long Can Sen. Warren Dodge Questions About Medicare For All?

Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren won’t answer a simple question about the healthcare plan she endorses, Medicare for All. Will it raise taxes on middle-class families? Pressed by moderators at the most recent televised debate last month, she refused to give a straight answer. She parried late-night host Stephen Colbert’s query away. ...

Business Leaders Should Crunch the Numbers On Medicare for All

Big business appears to be getting behind Medicare for All. That’s one way to read a new report from the National Business Group on Health. The organization recently asked 147 large employers that provide coverage to over 15.6 million workers and their dependents for their opinions of Medicare for All. ...

President Trump wants you to get your flu shot

Influenza — the flu — is more than a bad cold. Seasonal outbreaks mean not only misery but increased hospital admissions and deaths. The last flu season, from October 2018 until May 2019, caused up to 42.9 million illnesses, up to 647,000 hospitalizations and up to 61,200 deaths, according to preliminary ...

New Survey Results Should Give Lawmakers Pause Before Embracing Single-Payer Health Care

One issue that was pushed on the backburner in this year’s very eventful legislative session was single-payer health care. Surprisingly, even though the Senate actually passed a single payer bill (SB 562) last session, a single-payer bill wasn’t even introduced this legislative session. Now as our attention turns to the ...
Business & Economics

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market

Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. That’s the grim conclusion of a new study published in the Lancet, a medical journal. Researchers examined five-year survival rates for seven types of cancer in seven “high income” countries. The United Kingdom came in dead last in five of the ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Mentioned in “Obamacare Reboots For Prescription Drugs Take Congress By Storm”

Everyone wants to live the American dream. But many of us also fear the American nightmare: An expensive medical problem that wipes out our financial security. Maybe it’s a trip to the emergency room, or a chronic illness that requires expensive prescription medicine. That shouldn’t destroy our lives. But to ...

The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...

How Long Can Sen. Warren Dodge Questions About Medicare For All?

Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren won’t answer a simple question about the healthcare plan she endorses, Medicare for All. Will it raise taxes on middle-class families? Pressed by moderators at the most recent televised debate last month, she refused to give a straight answer. She parried late-night host Stephen Colbert’s query away. ...

Business Leaders Should Crunch the Numbers On Medicare for All

Big business appears to be getting behind Medicare for All. That’s one way to read a new report from the National Business Group on Health. The organization recently asked 147 large employers that provide coverage to over 15.6 million workers and their dependents for their opinions of Medicare for All. ...

President Trump wants you to get your flu shot

Influenza — the flu — is more than a bad cold. Seasonal outbreaks mean not only misery but increased hospital admissions and deaths. The last flu season, from October 2018 until May 2019, caused up to 42.9 million illnesses, up to 647,000 hospitalizations and up to 61,200 deaths, according to preliminary ...

New Survey Results Should Give Lawmakers Pause Before Embracing Single-Payer Health Care

One issue that was pushed on the backburner in this year’s very eventful legislative session was single-payer health care. Surprisingly, even though the Senate actually passed a single payer bill (SB 562) last session, a single-payer bill wasn’t even introduced this legislative session. Now as our attention turns to the ...
Business & Economics

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilars Study Shows Massive State and Taxpayer Savings Possible by Expanding Biosimilars Market

Biosimilars have the opportunity to bring significant savings to state Medicaid programs and consumers with commercial insurance according to a new study released today by Pacific Research Institute. “Every state would experience significant savings in the state Medicaid programs from expanding the use of biosimilars compared to the more expensive ...

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. That’s the grim conclusion of a new study published in the Lancet, a medical journal. Researchers examined five-year survival rates for seven types of cancer in seven “high income” countries. The United Kingdom came in dead last in five of the ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...
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