Health Care


We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates

“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...
Health Care

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Flu Vaccines on Lars Larson Show

Lars brings on Dr. Henry Miller, a physician, molecular biologist and Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, and widely published in both scholarly journals and the popular press to discuss this year’s battle against the ever so deadly flu virus. According to Dr. Miller, “Last flu season, which ran ...

Bernie Sanders Was Lucky He Didn’t Have His Heart Attack In A Single-Payer System

At the October 15 Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said, “Under the Medicare for all bill that I wrote, premiums are gone. Co-payments are gone. Deductibles are gone. All out-of-pocket expenses are gone. We’re going to do better than the Canadians do, and that is what they have managed to ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...
Health Care

President Trump Shares Sally Pipes’ Washington Examiner Column

President Donald Trump shared Sally Pipes Washington Examiner column on Canada’s single-payer healthcare with his Facebook followers. Pipes op-ed criticizes Senator Bernie Sanders praise of Canada’s flawed single-payer healthcare.

Hey Bernie, it’s ‘Medicare for all’ that would be ‘cruel’ and ‘dysfunctional’

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders called the current U.S. healthcare system “dysfunctional” and “cruel.” Words like that are more appropriate descriptors of the government-run healthcare systems abroad that Sanders would like to import to the United States. Take Canada, the closest analog to Sanders’ vision of “Medicare ...

Medicare’s Denial Of Coverage To Kidney Patients Could Be Just The Beginning

In September 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent an email announcing that it would no longer cover Auryxia®. Auryxia® is an FDA approved medicine that treats iron deficiency anemia (anemia) for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but who are not on dialysis. People with CKD ...

Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...

Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...

Why we should say no to Medicare for All

This month Sen. Bernie Sanders was released from the hospital after suffering a heart attack. The Vermont senator, a Democratic presidential candidate, used his health scare to renew his call for “Medicare for All,” which he claims will ensure everyone has access to the kind of “great health care” he ...

We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates

“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...
Health Care

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Flu Vaccines on Lars Larson Show

Lars brings on Dr. Henry Miller, a physician, molecular biologist and Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, and widely published in both scholarly journals and the popular press to discuss this year’s battle against the ever so deadly flu virus. According to Dr. Miller, “Last flu season, which ran ...

Bernie Sanders Was Lucky He Didn’t Have His Heart Attack In A Single-Payer System

At the October 15 Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders said, “Under the Medicare for all bill that I wrote, premiums are gone. Co-payments are gone. Deductibles are gone. All out-of-pocket expenses are gone. We’re going to do better than the Canadians do, and that is what they have managed to ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...
Health Care

President Trump Shares Sally Pipes’ Washington Examiner Column

President Donald Trump shared Sally Pipes Washington Examiner column on Canada’s single-payer healthcare with his Facebook followers. Pipes op-ed criticizes Senator Bernie Sanders praise of Canada’s flawed single-payer healthcare.

Hey Bernie, it’s ‘Medicare for all’ that would be ‘cruel’ and ‘dysfunctional’

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders called the current U.S. healthcare system “dysfunctional” and “cruel.” Words like that are more appropriate descriptors of the government-run healthcare systems abroad that Sanders would like to import to the United States. Take Canada, the closest analog to Sanders’ vision of “Medicare ...

Medicare’s Denial Of Coverage To Kidney Patients Could Be Just The Beginning

In September 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent an email announcing that it would no longer cover Auryxia®. Auryxia® is an FDA approved medicine that treats iron deficiency anemia (anemia) for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but who are not on dialysis. People with CKD ...

Mayor Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan as flawed as Medicare for All

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in hot water with progressives. At last week’s Democratic presidential debate in Ohio, he attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren for refusing to say whether her preferred brand of health reform, Medicare for All, would require middle-class tax hikes. Soon after, a year-old tweet from the South Bend, ...

Blame unaffordable insurance on Obamacare

The number of uninsured Americans rose in 2018 for the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, according to recent research from the Census Bureau. Obamacare’s defenders were quick to blame the change on meddling by the Trump administration. But the real culprit is the law’s faulty ...

Why we should say no to Medicare for All

This month Sen. Bernie Sanders was released from the hospital after suffering a heart attack. The Vermont senator, a Democratic presidential candidate, used his health scare to renew his call for “Medicare for All,” which he claims will ensure everyone has access to the kind of “great health care” he ...
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