Health Care

Health Care

Henry Miller Provides New Update on Wuhan Flu Coronavirus Epidemic

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss the latest news around the Wuhan flu outbreak. Wuhan flu, a strand of the common coronavirus, has spread from the Wuhan region of China to a number of countries, including the United States.

Single-Payer Poll Watch: Single-Payer Support and Opposition Even, Iowa Caucusgoers Rate Health Care Top Issue

One of the first national health care polls of 2020 shows the continued lukewarm support for a national single-payer health care plan. Adding the January 2020 Kaiser survey to the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) Single-Payer Poll Watch brings the average support and opposition for single-payer health care to almost dead ...

American health care needs more competition, not less, to bring down prices

Here’s a newsflash: when businesses don’t need to compete for customers, they tend to raise prices. Yet the progressive remedy to perpetually escalating health-care costs is not to increase competition — it’s to eliminate it completely and put the government in charge of health care, via Medicare for All. There’s ample ...

What I’d tell California’s single-payer commission

On Jan. 27, California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new commission exploring the viability of bringing government-run, single-payer health care to the Golden State met for the first time. As a California-based health care scholar who’s studied single-payer for more than 30 years, I hoped Newsom would ask me to join the business leaders, medical ...

States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate

Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...

While Americans pine for ‘Medicare for all,’ Canadians look for US-style private insurance

About 56% of people in the United States favor “Medicare for all,” according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation out last week. That’s an increase of 3 percentage points from last November. That majority would be wise to take a look across our northern border. Waits for care in Canada’s government-run health ...

Pelosi’s Drug Price Controls Are Dangerous—But So Are Trump’s

The White House Council of Economic Advisors just issued a damning indictment of a House bill (H.R. 3) designed to lower drug prices. According to White House economists, the measure endorsed by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow House Democrats could prevent the development of 100 new drugs over the next ten years. ...
Health Care

Henry Miller Provides a Wuhan Flu Update on the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller joins the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show to share updates and analysis on the Wuhan flu epidemic that started in China earlier this month. Miller also discusses the preparedness of the United States and other countries in dealing with epidemics.
Health Care

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare for All on the Jim Bohannon Show

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy joins the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show to explain the litany of problems with single payer health care and provide examples from her new book False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All.

China Catches Cold from the Wuhan Coronavirus—and the World Sneezes.

The outbreak of infections from a novel virus that appears to have originated in Central China has elicited a storm of commentary, much of it uninformed. Opinions have ranged from predictions of a worldwide apocalypse to dismissal of quarantines and “social distancing” as a kind of public relations stunt by ...
Health Care

Henry Miller Provides New Update on Wuhan Flu Coronavirus Epidemic

Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss the latest news around the Wuhan flu outbreak. Wuhan flu, a strand of the common coronavirus, has spread from the Wuhan region of China to a number of countries, including the United States.

Single-Payer Poll Watch: Single-Payer Support and Opposition Even, Iowa Caucusgoers Rate Health Care Top Issue

One of the first national health care polls of 2020 shows the continued lukewarm support for a national single-payer health care plan. Adding the January 2020 Kaiser survey to the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) Single-Payer Poll Watch brings the average support and opposition for single-payer health care to almost dead ...

American health care needs more competition, not less, to bring down prices

Here’s a newsflash: when businesses don’t need to compete for customers, they tend to raise prices. Yet the progressive remedy to perpetually escalating health-care costs is not to increase competition — it’s to eliminate it completely and put the government in charge of health care, via Medicare for All. There’s ample ...

What I’d tell California’s single-payer commission

On Jan. 27, California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new commission exploring the viability of bringing government-run, single-payer health care to the Golden State met for the first time. As a California-based health care scholar who’s studied single-payer for more than 30 years, I hoped Newsom would ask me to join the business leaders, medical ...

States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate

Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...

While Americans pine for ‘Medicare for all,’ Canadians look for US-style private insurance

About 56% of people in the United States favor “Medicare for all,” according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation out last week. That’s an increase of 3 percentage points from last November. That majority would be wise to take a look across our northern border. Waits for care in Canada’s government-run health ...

Pelosi’s Drug Price Controls Are Dangerous—But So Are Trump’s

The White House Council of Economic Advisors just issued a damning indictment of a House bill (H.R. 3) designed to lower drug prices. According to White House economists, the measure endorsed by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow House Democrats could prevent the development of 100 new drugs over the next ten years. ...
Health Care

Henry Miller Provides a Wuhan Flu Update on the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller joins the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show to share updates and analysis on the Wuhan flu epidemic that started in China earlier this month. Miller also discusses the preparedness of the United States and other countries in dealing with epidemics.
Health Care

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare for All on the Jim Bohannon Show

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy joins the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show to explain the litany of problems with single payer health care and provide examples from her new book False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All.

China Catches Cold from the Wuhan Coronavirus—and the World Sneezes.

The outbreak of infections from a novel virus that appears to have originated in Central China has elicited a storm of commentary, much of it uninformed. Opinions have ranged from predictions of a worldwide apocalypse to dismissal of quarantines and “social distancing” as a kind of public relations stunt by ...
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