Health Care

Climate Change

The Unintended Consequences Of ESG Activism

As of the end of 2019, Blackrock (the largest asset manager in the world) held $7.4 trillion in assets. To put this in perspective, relative to the $90 trillion value of the global stock markets, Blackrock’s holdings equaled 8 percent of the total value. Given its size, it was inevitable that ...

Governor’s May Revise: Everything Old is New Again

Gov. Gavin Newsom released his May Revise budget plan on Thursday – a dramatically different budget from his January plan that anticipated a $5.6 billion surplus.  California now faces a $54.3 billion deficit. In a press conference that lasted more than an hour (brief for Newsom), I was reminded of ...

Anti-Science Precautionary Principle Jeopardizes Health, Safety, And Risks Innovation

Medical innovations do not happen overnight. Whether it is gene therapies, new vaccines, or cutting-edge medical equipment, developing innovative medical products is a risky venture. It also takes time, lots of financial resources, and most importantly, human ingenuity. Developing new drugs, for instance, can take between 10 and 15 years. ...

Henry Miller Explains Coronavirus Health Threats on the John Batchelor Show

Dr. Henry Miller talks about a recent Science Magazine article arguing about how the coronavirus, COVID-19, threatens major organs and vascular health of those infected unlike previous viruses and illnesses.

Coronavirus Chronicles: States Want Bailout for Past Profligate Spending

Even as House members consider themselves non-essential workers (they’ve decided to vote from home), it hasn’t stopped some lawmakers from coming up with bad ideas for the next stimulus package, including relief for states and municipalities with pre-existing economic conditions. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week at his ...

KCBS Interviews Lance Izumi on SAT/ACT Suspension

KCBS news anchors Jeff Bell and Patti Reising spoke with Lance Izumi, Director of the Pacific Research Institute, about the announcement by University of California President Janet Napolitano recommending that all 10 campuses in the UC system suspend the SAT and ACT college admission tests in favor of UC specific ...

California’s Anti-Car Culture

Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...

Sally Pipes: COVID-19 Makes Employer-Based Coverage Indefensible

Americans rendered jobless by COVID-19 have lost more than just their incomes. An estimated 12.7 million people have also lost their employer-provided health coverage since the beginning of the pandemic. The crisis has driven home the imprudence of tying health insurance to employment. Our system not only makes coverage precarious but also ...
Business & Economics

David White – Keeping the Wine Flowing During the Coronavirus Crisis

Public affairs professional and noted wine blogger David White of joins us to discuss how the wine industry is faring during the global coronavirus crisis.  He also shares his advice on organizing a virtual Happy Hour and gives recommendations for good wines that you can buy online or at ...
Charter Schools

Charters Are Pivoting to Online Education Better than Traditional Schools

With conventional schools shut down because of COVID-19, school officials are scrambling to provide students with education services through the use of online-learning tools. However, some types of schools are having greater success in transitioning to online education, and often those schools are charter schools. First, it is noteworthy that ...
Climate Change

The Unintended Consequences Of ESG Activism

As of the end of 2019, Blackrock (the largest asset manager in the world) held $7.4 trillion in assets. To put this in perspective, relative to the $90 trillion value of the global stock markets, Blackrock’s holdings equaled 8 percent of the total value. Given its size, it was inevitable that ...

Governor’s May Revise: Everything Old is New Again

Gov. Gavin Newsom released his May Revise budget plan on Thursday – a dramatically different budget from his January plan that anticipated a $5.6 billion surplus.  California now faces a $54.3 billion deficit. In a press conference that lasted more than an hour (brief for Newsom), I was reminded of ...

Anti-Science Precautionary Principle Jeopardizes Health, Safety, And Risks Innovation

Medical innovations do not happen overnight. Whether it is gene therapies, new vaccines, or cutting-edge medical equipment, developing innovative medical products is a risky venture. It also takes time, lots of financial resources, and most importantly, human ingenuity. Developing new drugs, for instance, can take between 10 and 15 years. ...

Henry Miller Explains Coronavirus Health Threats on the John Batchelor Show

Dr. Henry Miller talks about a recent Science Magazine article arguing about how the coronavirus, COVID-19, threatens major organs and vascular health of those infected unlike previous viruses and illnesses.

Coronavirus Chronicles: States Want Bailout for Past Profligate Spending

Even as House members consider themselves non-essential workers (they’ve decided to vote from home), it hasn’t stopped some lawmakers from coming up with bad ideas for the next stimulus package, including relief for states and municipalities with pre-existing economic conditions. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week at his ...

KCBS Interviews Lance Izumi on SAT/ACT Suspension

KCBS news anchors Jeff Bell and Patti Reising spoke with Lance Izumi, Director of the Pacific Research Institute, about the announcement by University of California President Janet Napolitano recommending that all 10 campuses in the UC system suspend the SAT and ACT college admission tests in favor of UC specific ...

California’s Anti-Car Culture

Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...

Sally Pipes: COVID-19 Makes Employer-Based Coverage Indefensible

Americans rendered jobless by COVID-19 have lost more than just their incomes. An estimated 12.7 million people have also lost their employer-provided health coverage since the beginning of the pandemic. The crisis has driven home the imprudence of tying health insurance to employment. Our system not only makes coverage precarious but also ...
Business & Economics

David White – Keeping the Wine Flowing During the Coronavirus Crisis

Public affairs professional and noted wine blogger David White of joins us to discuss how the wine industry is faring during the global coronavirus crisis.  He also shares his advice on organizing a virtual Happy Hour and gives recommendations for good wines that you can buy online or at ...
Charter Schools

Charters Are Pivoting to Online Education Better than Traditional Schools

With conventional schools shut down because of COVID-19, school officials are scrambling to provide students with education services through the use of online-learning tools. However, some types of schools are having greater success in transitioning to online education, and often those schools are charter schools. First, it is noteworthy that ...
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