
Health Care

Doctors and AMA Split Over Contentious Issue of ObamaCare

For more than 160 years, the American Medical Association has served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors. But the AMA’s lofty status has been under threat over the last several years — and is under attack today. In fact, the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors ...
Health Care

The Census, ObamaCare and the Uninsured

The Wall Street Journal The U.S. Census Bureau has released its latest estimates on poverty, income and health-insurance coverage. Strikingly, the official poverty rate is the highest it’s been in 50 years. As one might expect, the number of Americans without health insurance also rose—to 49.9 million, an increase of ...

Two New Ventures Simplify Consumer-Driven Health Care

A friend of mine who made a lot of money use to tease me when I (constantly) expressed shock at how simple so many successful business ideas are. “All great businesses are simple,” he said. Here are two in the healthcare space: Bloom Health and ZocDoc. Although disrupting different parts ...
Health Care

The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare

President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...

What Should Rick Perry Say About Gardasil?

The Republican presidential primaries have been temporarily hijacked by a single incident in Rick Perry’s decade-plus tenure as governor of Texas. Despite Michele Bachmann’s ludicrous claim that Gardasil causes mental retardation, let’s recall that not one single schoolgirl was vaccinated by the offensive executive order: The legislature overturned it long ...

Democrats’ Plan B For Medicare: Medicare For All

Last month, ObamaCare was dealt another huge blow. On August 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ruled that the law’s requirement that all adults purchase health insurance was unconstitutional. The court determined that the government isn’t empowered to force private citizens to buy a ...

Over-The-Counter Remedies That Would Reduce Health Care Costs

Earlier this month, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced that it may ask the Food and Drug Administration to allow it to market the cholesterol-lowering statin Lipitor over the counter after its patent expires in November. The FDA has not yet signaled whether it would approve Pfizer’s proposal. And some doctors ...

Health insurers in states’ cross hairs

The new health care law encourages state politicians to increase their interference with health insurance premiums, an underreported aspect of Obamacare with consequences for patients and health plans alike. Obamacare distributes federal grants that encourage states’ insurance departments to increase their power to dictate insurance premiums. States are responding by ...

The Latest ObamaCare Assault On Health Care Innovation

The list of health services that ObamaCare requires all insurers to cover without co-pays or deductibles keeps growing. The latest additions include an array of “women’s wellness” services and products: birth control, breast pumps, domestic violence counseling, and more. Of course, these additional benefits aren’t really “free.” They drive up ...

Counting Up ObamaCare’s Health Cost Inflation

It’s time to add yet another study to the growing list of research showing that ObamaCare isn’t delivering on its grand promises. In the July issue of the journal Health Affairs, Medicare’s actuaries released new estimates of the rate of growth of national health costs. Surprise, surprise — they’re projected ...
Health Care

Doctors and AMA Split Over Contentious Issue of ObamaCare

For more than 160 years, the American Medical Association has served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors. But the AMA’s lofty status has been under threat over the last several years — and is under attack today. In fact, the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors ...
Health Care

The Census, ObamaCare and the Uninsured

The Wall Street Journal The U.S. Census Bureau has released its latest estimates on poverty, income and health-insurance coverage. Strikingly, the official poverty rate is the highest it’s been in 50 years. As one might expect, the number of Americans without health insurance also rose—to 49.9 million, an increase of ...

Two New Ventures Simplify Consumer-Driven Health Care

A friend of mine who made a lot of money use to tease me when I (constantly) expressed shock at how simple so many successful business ideas are. “All great businesses are simple,” he said. Here are two in the healthcare space: Bloom Health and ZocDoc. Although disrupting different parts ...
Health Care

The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare

President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...

What Should Rick Perry Say About Gardasil?

The Republican presidential primaries have been temporarily hijacked by a single incident in Rick Perry’s decade-plus tenure as governor of Texas. Despite Michele Bachmann’s ludicrous claim that Gardasil causes mental retardation, let’s recall that not one single schoolgirl was vaccinated by the offensive executive order: The legislature overturned it long ...

Democrats’ Plan B For Medicare: Medicare For All

Last month, ObamaCare was dealt another huge blow. On August 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ruled that the law’s requirement that all adults purchase health insurance was unconstitutional. The court determined that the government isn’t empowered to force private citizens to buy a ...

Over-The-Counter Remedies That Would Reduce Health Care Costs

Earlier this month, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced that it may ask the Food and Drug Administration to allow it to market the cholesterol-lowering statin Lipitor over the counter after its patent expires in November. The FDA has not yet signaled whether it would approve Pfizer’s proposal. And some doctors ...

Health insurers in states’ cross hairs

The new health care law encourages state politicians to increase their interference with health insurance premiums, an underreported aspect of Obamacare with consequences for patients and health plans alike. Obamacare distributes federal grants that encourage states’ insurance departments to increase their power to dictate insurance premiums. States are responding by ...

The Latest ObamaCare Assault On Health Care Innovation

The list of health services that ObamaCare requires all insurers to cover without co-pays or deductibles keeps growing. The latest additions include an array of “women’s wellness” services and products: birth control, breast pumps, domestic violence counseling, and more. Of course, these additional benefits aren’t really “free.” They drive up ...

Counting Up ObamaCare’s Health Cost Inflation

It’s time to add yet another study to the growing list of research showing that ObamaCare isn’t delivering on its grand promises. In the July issue of the journal Health Affairs, Medicare’s actuaries released new estimates of the rate of growth of national health costs. Surprise, surprise — they’re projected ...
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