States Are Rebelling Against The High Costs Of ObamaCare
President Obama may have won the argument over his health reform law at the Supreme Court but he’s losing it in the states. Since the Supreme Court upheld most of ObamaCare, six governors have said they will not abide by it. Four others have said that they will not ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 25, 2012
A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare. The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romneys attack on the presidents signature legislative achievement. But its hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 23, 2012
Strategists on how to handle healthcare in the election
No bumper sticker slogan is going to cut it this time. They might both wish they could, but neither President Obama nor GOP presumptive nominee Mitt Romney are going to survive the general election without answering targeted questions about their healthcare visions. The upcoming election promises to be a nail-biter ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 20, 2012
Health Care
Obamacare’s tax on medical devices
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Pacific Research Institute
May 1, 2012
Health Care
Obamnacare’s Tax on Medical Devices
Download the full PDF here Key Points: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) imposes an excise tax of 2.3 percent on medical equipment and supplies, effective in 2013. Regardless of the past and recent profitability of investment in the research and development of new and improved medical devices, ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 1, 2012
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...
John R. Graham
April 3, 2012
Health Care
Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope
The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 2, 2012
Health Care
Chart Focus: Will Americans Ever Control As Many Of Our Own Health Dollars as the Swiss, the Swedes, or the Canadians?
Key Points: Americans control a smaller share of our health spending than do residents of most other developed countries. In the late 1980s, the United States allowed patients to control more health spending than any other country, except Switzerland. In the twenty years to 2008, the share of U.S. health ...
John R. Graham
April 1, 2012
Health Care
Obamacare faces Supreme test
The Supreme Court on Monday begins hearing what could be one of the most important cases in our country’s history. The nine justices are set to determine the constitutionality of the “individual mandate” included in the president’s health care bill, passed two years ago this month. The mandate requires that ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 26, 2012
Health Care
ObamaCare Individual Mandate Shifts Costs To Others
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next week on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health reform law. One of the issues the high court will consider is whether Congress can require virtually every American to buy health insurance. The law’s defenders claim that forcing the uninsured to buy ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 22, 2012
States Are Rebelling Against The High Costs Of ObamaCare
President Obama may have won the argument over his health reform law at the Supreme Court but he’s losing it in the states. Since the Supreme Court upheld most of ObamaCare, six governors have said they will not abide by it. Four others have said that they will not ...
A Healthcare Blueprint For A President Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney caused a stir during his recent speech before the NAACP, telling the crowd, I will eliminate expensive non-essential programs like Obamacare. The largely pro-Obama crowd was not thrilled with Romneys attack on the presidents signature legislative achievement. But its hard to imagine how anyone could be excited about ...
Strategists on how to handle healthcare in the election
No bumper sticker slogan is going to cut it this time. They might both wish they could, but neither President Obama nor GOP presumptive nominee Mitt Romney are going to survive the general election without answering targeted questions about their healthcare visions. The upcoming election promises to be a nail-biter ...
Obamacare’s tax on medical devices
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Obamnacare’s Tax on Medical Devices
Download the full PDF here Key Points: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) imposes an excise tax of 2.3 percent on medical equipment and supplies, effective in 2013. Regardless of the past and recent profitability of investment in the research and development of new and improved medical devices, ...
Skin in the Game: Governor Brown is Right and Secretary Sebelius Is Wrong About Medicaid Co-Pays
Key Points: Governor Jerry Brown and California legislators have attempted to get Medi-Cal’s budget under control by charging reasonable co-pays for medical and hospital services, especially emergency rooms. Secretary Sebelius has just quashed the state’s co-pay reform, relying on dubious legal interpretation. This federal overreach cost California taxpayers half a ...
Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope
The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...
Chart Focus: Will Americans Ever Control As Many Of Our Own Health Dollars as the Swiss, the Swedes, or the Canadians?
Key Points: Americans control a smaller share of our health spending than do residents of most other developed countries. In the late 1980s, the United States allowed patients to control more health spending than any other country, except Switzerland. In the twenty years to 2008, the share of U.S. health ...
Obamacare faces Supreme test
The Supreme Court on Monday begins hearing what could be one of the most important cases in our country’s history. The nine justices are set to determine the constitutionality of the “individual mandate” included in the president’s health care bill, passed two years ago this month. The mandate requires that ...
ObamaCare Individual Mandate Shifts Costs To Others
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next week on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health reform law. One of the issues the high court will consider is whether Congress can require virtually every American to buy health insurance. The law’s defenders claim that forcing the uninsured to buy ...