

Veteran suicides testify to a healthcare travesty

The Department of Veterans Affairs has said that preventing veteran suicides is a top priority. Unfortunately, a new inspector general report suggests the department is failing in its mission. The report found that more than 1 in 10 VA staffers hadn’t completed their mandatory suicide-prevention training. As the report put it, “Lack of training ...

Obamacare Open Enrollment Brings Election Day “Gift” To Voters

We’re about a week away from two notable dates on America’s civic calendar. On November 1, open enrollment begins on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. One week later, voters head to the polls for the midterm elections. Democrats have been aware of this reality for months. It was one of the reasons they ...

Nothing Dysfunctional About US Healthcare – Period

Sen. Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor last week to proclaim that the American people are deeply dissatisfied with the healthcare system. Citing a new Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, the Vermont socialist lamented that “just 12% of the American people believe that health care in general is ...

Centennial State About to Discover Public Option’s Nightmare

Colorado is about to become the first state to implement a public health insurance option through Section 1332, a provision in Obamacare that allows states to waive many of the law’s regulations. The Biden administration approved the program, known as the Colorado Option, on June 23. The new state-sponsored health plan ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...

Expanding Obamacare is a Costly Prescription

Last month, President Biden proposed fixing the so-called “family glitch,” a quirk in Obamacare’s text that has prevented millions of people from purchasing subsidized coverage through the exchanges. It’s only the latest attempt to gift more people taxpayer-sponsored health coverage. The result will be rising premiums, fewer coverage options, and ...

A bankrupt argument for single-payer health care

Are Americans going bankrupt because of medical debt? Leading progressives seem to think so. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently called for all medical debt to be canceled. “‘Medical debt’ and ‘Medical bankruptcy’ are two phrases that should not exist in the United States of America,” he said after the major ...

Biden must not kill off short-term health plans

Democratic lawmakers are looking to limit patient choice in the health insurance market. Forty of them just sent a letter to the Biden administration urging regulators to undo a Trump-era rule that expanded access to short-term health plans. President Joe Biden is sympathetic to their pleas. He called short-term plans “junk” during ...

Medicaid Expansion Would Only Expand Waste And Poor Care

Expanding Medicaid is popular, according to new survey data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Two-thirds of Americans living in the 12 states that have not expanded the program as prescribed by Obamacare want their leaders to change course and boost enrollment. Perhaps they’ll change their minds after reviewing the latest data on ...

Veteran suicides testify to a healthcare travesty

The Department of Veterans Affairs has said that preventing veteran suicides is a top priority. Unfortunately, a new inspector general report suggests the department is failing in its mission. The report found that more than 1 in 10 VA staffers hadn’t completed their mandatory suicide-prevention training. As the report put it, “Lack of training ...

Obamacare Open Enrollment Brings Election Day “Gift” To Voters

We’re about a week away from two notable dates on America’s civic calendar. On November 1, open enrollment begins on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. One week later, voters head to the polls for the midterm elections. Democrats have been aware of this reality for months. It was one of the reasons they ...

Nothing Dysfunctional About US Healthcare – Period

Sen. Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor last week to proclaim that the American people are deeply dissatisfied with the healthcare system. Citing a new Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, the Vermont socialist lamented that “just 12% of the American people believe that health care in general is ...

Centennial State About to Discover Public Option’s Nightmare

Colorado is about to become the first state to implement a public health insurance option through Section 1332, a provision in Obamacare that allows states to waive many of the law’s regulations. The Biden administration approved the program, known as the Colorado Option, on June 23. The new state-sponsored health plan ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...

Expanding Obamacare is a Costly Prescription

Last month, President Biden proposed fixing the so-called “family glitch,” a quirk in Obamacare’s text that has prevented millions of people from purchasing subsidized coverage through the exchanges. It’s only the latest attempt to gift more people taxpayer-sponsored health coverage. The result will be rising premiums, fewer coverage options, and ...

A bankrupt argument for single-payer health care

Are Americans going bankrupt because of medical debt? Leading progressives seem to think so. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently called for all medical debt to be canceled. “‘Medical debt’ and ‘Medical bankruptcy’ are two phrases that should not exist in the United States of America,” he said after the major ...

Biden must not kill off short-term health plans

Democratic lawmakers are looking to limit patient choice in the health insurance market. Forty of them just sent a letter to the Biden administration urging regulators to undo a Trump-era rule that expanded access to short-term health plans. President Joe Biden is sympathetic to their pleas. He called short-term plans “junk” during ...

Medicaid Expansion Would Only Expand Waste And Poor Care

Expanding Medicaid is popular, according to new survey data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Two-thirds of Americans living in the 12 states that have not expanded the program as prescribed by Obamacare want their leaders to change course and boost enrollment. Perhaps they’ll change their minds after reviewing the latest data on ...
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