Hillary Clinton’s Answer To Obamacare: More Government
Late last month, Hillary Clinton began releasing the details for her vision for health reform. That vision is little more than Obamacare on steroids. “I will defend the Affordable Care Act, but as president I want to go further,” the Democratic presidential hopeful said at a recent community forum in ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 8, 2015
Insurance mergers: Weddings mean funeral for health care
Merging insurance companies could be a disaster for U.S. health care. Welcome to Unholy Matrimony: Healthcare Edition. Insurance giant Aetna has made an offer to combine with Humana, and Anthem has bid to buy Cigna. If regulators allow these multibillion-dollar deals to go through, three corporate behemoths will dominate the ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 24, 2015
Obamacare Is Back In Court
Obamacare is back in court. This month, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has standing to sue the Obama administration over how it spent federal money implementing the Affordable Care Act. The lawsuit, brought by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 21, 2015
Mega-Merger Madness
The health insurance industry is undergoing breathtaking consolidation. Industry giant Anthem recently struck a $54 billion deal to buy rival Cigna. If approved, the merger would create the largest insurance company in the United States, serving more than 53 million Americans. The deal comes after Aetna announced it would buy ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 8, 2015
Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform
Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 8, 2015
Four Healthcare Questions for the GOP Presidential Contenders
The U.S. healthcare system is a mess. Premiums and deductibles are soaring. Consumers have fewer choices when it comes to doctors and hospitals. And the United States could be short 90,000 physicians within a decade. Voters want to know how the next president will reverse these trends. Yet the 24 ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 8, 2015
Obamacare’s Bad Blast from the Past
The ’90s are calling. They want their health policy back. Remember health maintenance organizations? HMOs were meant to replace the old fee-for-service model, which supposedly encourages doctors to overtreat patients. The new entities would pay doctors a flat fee for keeping patients healthy. Primary care physicians would coordinate care across ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 3, 2015
These GOP Plans Are Antidote For ObamaCare’s Ills
The next Republican presidential debate is just two weeks away. Health care reform will no doubt be front and center, thanks in large part to the release of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s alternative to ObamaCare. Pundits have called Walker’s plan the first “serious” health reform plan from the crowd of ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 3, 2015
Obamacare’s Cadillac Tax Is A Clunker
Consumers are trying to figure out how they’ll absorb the double-digit increases in health insurance premiums that many insurers have announced for next year. American employers, meanwhile, are worried about what will happen to health costs several years out, in 2018. That’s because 2018 is when one of Obamacare’s most ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 24, 2015
Obamacare’s latest trend: sticker shock
Americans rank health costs as their top financial concern, according to Gallup. That’s not likely to change anytime soon. Health insurers are requesting massive premium hikes for next year — some in excess of 50 percent. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Affordable Care Act has been driving up ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 20, 2015
Hillary Clinton’s Answer To Obamacare: More Government
Late last month, Hillary Clinton began releasing the details for her vision for health reform. That vision is little more than Obamacare on steroids. “I will defend the Affordable Care Act, but as president I want to go further,” the Democratic presidential hopeful said at a recent community forum in ...
Insurance mergers: Weddings mean funeral for health care
Merging insurance companies could be a disaster for U.S. health care. Welcome to Unholy Matrimony: Healthcare Edition. Insurance giant Aetna has made an offer to combine with Humana, and Anthem has bid to buy Cigna. If regulators allow these multibillion-dollar deals to go through, three corporate behemoths will dominate the ...
Obamacare Is Back In Court
Obamacare is back in court. This month, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has standing to sue the Obama administration over how it spent federal money implementing the Affordable Care Act. The lawsuit, brought by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), ...
Mega-Merger Madness
The health insurance industry is undergoing breathtaking consolidation. Industry giant Anthem recently struck a $54 billion deal to buy rival Cigna. If approved, the merger would create the largest insurance company in the United States, serving more than 53 million Americans. The deal comes after Aetna announced it would buy ...
Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform
Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...
Four Healthcare Questions for the GOP Presidential Contenders
The U.S. healthcare system is a mess. Premiums and deductibles are soaring. Consumers have fewer choices when it comes to doctors and hospitals. And the United States could be short 90,000 physicians within a decade. Voters want to know how the next president will reverse these trends. Yet the 24 ...
Obamacare’s Bad Blast from the Past
The ’90s are calling. They want their health policy back. Remember health maintenance organizations? HMOs were meant to replace the old fee-for-service model, which supposedly encourages doctors to overtreat patients. The new entities would pay doctors a flat fee for keeping patients healthy. Primary care physicians would coordinate care across ...
These GOP Plans Are Antidote For ObamaCare’s Ills
The next Republican presidential debate is just two weeks away. Health care reform will no doubt be front and center, thanks in large part to the release of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s alternative to ObamaCare. Pundits have called Walker’s plan the first “serious” health reform plan from the crowd of ...
Obamacare’s Cadillac Tax Is A Clunker
Consumers are trying to figure out how they’ll absorb the double-digit increases in health insurance premiums that many insurers have announced for next year. American employers, meanwhile, are worried about what will happen to health costs several years out, in 2018. That’s because 2018 is when one of Obamacare’s most ...
Obamacare’s latest trend: sticker shock
Americans rank health costs as their top financial concern, according to Gallup. That’s not likely to change anytime soon. Health insurers are requesting massive premium hikes for next year — some in excess of 50 percent. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Affordable Care Act has been driving up ...