

To Fix Health Care, Stop Defending Obamacare

If there was any doubt that the Affordable Care Act has utterly failed, a new study by the Commonwealth Fund should put it to rest. According to the report, Americans are more likely to forgo necessary care because of financial concerns and to struggle with their health bills than their ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

ObamaCare’s Risk Corridor Corruption Never Ends

The Obama Administration just caught a lucky break in its legal war with the insurance industry. A federal court has ruled that the administration doesn’t owe money to Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company, a shuttered Illinois health insurer that was promised more than $70 million under the ObamaCare’s ...

Why Millions Of Americans Are Paying Extra To Avoid Obamacare

It’s open-enrollment season, and millions of Americans are signing up for health insurance on the individual market. ObamaCare’s creators expected most, if not all, to head into the law’s exchanges. Yet as many as 9 million people decided to go off-exchange for coverage this year, even though such plans tend ...

Steve Malzberg Interview With Sally Pipes

PRI’s Sally Pipes talks about the appointment of Congressman Tom Price as Health and Human Services Secretary and the efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV.

The Obamacare Enrollee Solution

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes talks with Mary Kissel on Opinion Journal about how Congress can repeal Obamacare without stranding insured patients. https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/120816opinionmedicaid_v2_ec664k.mp4

Obamacare’s Latest Failure: Medicaid Expansion

Obamacare’s defenders have one less leg to stand on, thanks to a new report on the health law’s attempts to reform Medicaid. Obamacare increased the number of people eligible for Medicaid — the healthcare entitlement for low-income Americans — by allowing individuals with annual income at or below 138 percent ...

Health Insurer Trickery Straps ER Patients With Huge Bills

Millions of emergency room patients could face financial ruin — even if they deliberately seek care at hospitals covered by their insurers. That’s the disturbing finding of a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Conducted by two Yale professors, the study shows that 1 in 5 ...

GOP’s Healthcare Proposals No Cause For Alarm

President-elect Trump recently announced that, while he still plans to repeal Obamacare, he’ll continue to guarantee coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and allow children to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26. The first revelation has some insurance companies worried. As they see it, once the individual mandate ...

Obamacare’s Subsidies Are No Excuse For High Premiums

The election of Donald Trump — who promised voters that he would if elected “repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare” — has put the future of President Obama’s health law in jeopardy. But “repeal-and-replace” cannot happen until after the inauguration on January 20. And that means that the millions of Americans ...

To Fix Health Care, Stop Defending Obamacare

If there was any doubt that the Affordable Care Act has utterly failed, a new study by the Commonwealth Fund should put it to rest. According to the report, Americans are more likely to forgo necessary care because of financial concerns and to struggle with their health bills than their ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

ObamaCare’s Risk Corridor Corruption Never Ends

The Obama Administration just caught a lucky break in its legal war with the insurance industry. A federal court has ruled that the administration doesn’t owe money to Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company, a shuttered Illinois health insurer that was promised more than $70 million under the ObamaCare’s ...

Why Millions Of Americans Are Paying Extra To Avoid Obamacare

It’s open-enrollment season, and millions of Americans are signing up for health insurance on the individual market. ObamaCare’s creators expected most, if not all, to head into the law’s exchanges. Yet as many as 9 million people decided to go off-exchange for coverage this year, even though such plans tend ...

Steve Malzberg Interview With Sally Pipes

PRI’s Sally Pipes talks about the appointment of Congressman Tom Price as Health and Human Services Secretary and the efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV.

The Obamacare Enrollee Solution

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes talks with Mary Kissel on Opinion Journal about how Congress can repeal Obamacare without stranding insured patients. https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/120816opinionmedicaid_v2_ec664k.mp4

Obamacare’s Latest Failure: Medicaid Expansion

Obamacare’s defenders have one less leg to stand on, thanks to a new report on the health law’s attempts to reform Medicaid. Obamacare increased the number of people eligible for Medicaid — the healthcare entitlement for low-income Americans — by allowing individuals with annual income at or below 138 percent ...

Health Insurer Trickery Straps ER Patients With Huge Bills

Millions of emergency room patients could face financial ruin — even if they deliberately seek care at hospitals covered by their insurers. That’s the disturbing finding of a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Conducted by two Yale professors, the study shows that 1 in 5 ...

GOP’s Healthcare Proposals No Cause For Alarm

President-elect Trump recently announced that, while he still plans to repeal Obamacare, he’ll continue to guarantee coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and allow children to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26. The first revelation has some insurance companies worried. As they see it, once the individual mandate ...

Obamacare’s Subsidies Are No Excuse For High Premiums

The election of Donald Trump — who promised voters that he would if elected “repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare” — has put the future of President Obama’s health law in jeopardy. But “repeal-and-replace” cannot happen until after the inauguration on January 20. And that means that the millions of Americans ...
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