Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective
The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 20, 2017
Health Care
Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises
The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...
Michael McGrady
March 14, 2017
Health Care
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom To Propose Universal Health Care In Race To Succeed Jerry Brown
Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is drafting a health care plan for California that he plans to unveil as a core component of his gubernatorial run, based in part on the universal health care program he signed into law when he was mayor of San Francisco. Newsom, seen as a ...
Angela Hart
March 13, 2017
Health Care
Bay Area Obamacare Critics: Are They Happy Now?
But are they happy now that GOP leaders in the House of Representatives have finally announced their plan to replace the law? The reaction from Obamacare critics in the Bay Area ranges from hopeful to cautiously optimistic to downright disgusted — no doubt an indication of why the House Republicans’ ...
Tracy Seipel
March 13, 2017
Sally Pipes Speaks At Steamboat Institute Conference on Health Care After Obamacare
Watch Sally Pipes discuss efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare as part of a recent Steamboat Institute conference held in Monterey, CA. She is joined on the panel by Hal Scherz, M.D, the founder of Docs 4 Patient Care, and Hadley Heath Manning, Tony Blankley Fellow for the Steamboat Institute ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 13, 2017
Republicans’ Health Care Bill Is America’s Best Chance To End Obamacare
The most noteworthy thing about the House Republican leadership’s new American Health Care Act is that a lot of Republicans appear to be unhappy with it. It leaves in place some of Obamacare’s most destructive provisions. For instance, the reform allows children to stay on their parents’ plans until 26, ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 8, 2017
House Republican Plan Only The First Step Toward Repealing And Replacing Obamacare
Yesterday, the House Republican leadership formally unveiled their effort to repeal and replace Obamacare — the American Health Care Act. The legislation is far from a free-marketer’s dream. But it may also represent the only politically viable way to repeal Obamacare — and set the stage for a replacement that ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 7, 2017
Republican Plan Will Give Young People A Break On Health Insurance
The left’s latest complaint about House Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare is that it unfairly raises insurance premiums for older Americans. The GOP’s draft bill, which leaked on February 24, would do away with Obamacare’s community rating rule, which prevents insurers from charging older patients any more than ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 6, 2017
Lawmakers Release Details On Universal Health Care Bill
SACRAMENTO — Following last week’s failed effort by House Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act, and wary of future GOP attempts to chisel away at the 2010 healthcare law, two state lawmakers on Thursday released details about legislation to create universal health coverage for every California resident. Similar to ...
Tracy Seipel
March 3, 2017
GOP Brings Flexibility, Choice And Quality To Medicaid
House Republicans have promised to announce their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare on Feb. 27, shortly after returning from recess. Judging from the policy brief released before the President’s Day break, Medicaid reform will be a major component of that plan. This is welcome news. Obamacare drastically expanded ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 24, 2017
Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective
The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises
The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom To Propose Universal Health Care In Race To Succeed Jerry Brown
Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is drafting a health care plan for California that he plans to unveil as a core component of his gubernatorial run, based in part on the universal health care program he signed into law when he was mayor of San Francisco. Newsom, seen as a ...
Bay Area Obamacare Critics: Are They Happy Now?
But are they happy now that GOP leaders in the House of Representatives have finally announced their plan to replace the law? The reaction from Obamacare critics in the Bay Area ranges from hopeful to cautiously optimistic to downright disgusted — no doubt an indication of why the House Republicans’ ...
Sally Pipes Speaks At Steamboat Institute Conference on Health Care After Obamacare
Watch Sally Pipes discuss efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare as part of a recent Steamboat Institute conference held in Monterey, CA. She is joined on the panel by Hal Scherz, M.D, the founder of Docs 4 Patient Care, and Hadley Heath Manning, Tony Blankley Fellow for the Steamboat Institute ...
Republicans’ Health Care Bill Is America’s Best Chance To End Obamacare
The most noteworthy thing about the House Republican leadership’s new American Health Care Act is that a lot of Republicans appear to be unhappy with it. It leaves in place some of Obamacare’s most destructive provisions. For instance, the reform allows children to stay on their parents’ plans until 26, ...
House Republican Plan Only The First Step Toward Repealing And Replacing Obamacare
Yesterday, the House Republican leadership formally unveiled their effort to repeal and replace Obamacare — the American Health Care Act. The legislation is far from a free-marketer’s dream. But it may also represent the only politically viable way to repeal Obamacare — and set the stage for a replacement that ...
Republican Plan Will Give Young People A Break On Health Insurance
The left’s latest complaint about House Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare is that it unfairly raises insurance premiums for older Americans. The GOP’s draft bill, which leaked on February 24, would do away with Obamacare’s community rating rule, which prevents insurers from charging older patients any more than ...
Lawmakers Release Details On Universal Health Care Bill
SACRAMENTO — Following last week’s failed effort by House Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act, and wary of future GOP attempts to chisel away at the 2010 healthcare law, two state lawmakers on Thursday released details about legislation to create universal health coverage for every California resident. Similar to ...
GOP Brings Flexibility, Choice And Quality To Medicaid
House Republicans have promised to announce their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare on Feb. 27, shortly after returning from recess. Judging from the policy brief released before the President’s Day break, Medicaid reform will be a major component of that plan. This is welcome news. Obamacare drastically expanded ...