California’s Nurses Are Militant — And Mistaken
The California State Assembly earlier this month heard testimony from proponents of The Healthy California Act, a bill that would establish a state-run, single-payer healthcare system. Among the most prominent witnesses testifying in support of the bill was Michael Lighty, director of public policy at the California Nurses Association. The ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 16, 2018
Put Medicaid Back to Work Helping the Truly Unfortunate
Some Americans may soon have to punch a time clock to qualify for Medicaid. Last month, the Trump administration announced that states could seek federal permission to require people to work, attend school, or otherwise contribute to the community in order to receive Medicaid benefits. Kentucky’s plan to mandate 80 ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 14, 2018
Has Obamacare Turned Uncle Sam into a Drug Dealer?
Obamacare is fueling the opioid epidemic. That’s according to an explosive new report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The health law expanded Medicaid coverage to millions of childless, able-bodied adults. Some of them have used their free coverage to obtain prescriptions for powerful opioids, which they have then sold ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 5, 2018
God Save The Queen’s Health Care System
On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 2, 2018
Trump’s AHP Rule Makes Health Care Affordable Again
Earlier this month, the Department of Labor proposed a rule that could dramatically expand access to affordable health insurance. The rule would empower small businesses and self-employed individuals to band together to purchase coverage through “association health plans” or AHPs. They are exempt from many of Obamacare’s mandates, which have ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 22, 2018
Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform
Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 20, 2018
The Trump Administration Just Carved Another Chunk Out Of Obamacare
Earlier this month, the Department of Labor released a proposed rule that would enable as many as 11 million Americans to sidestep some of Obamacare’s premium-inflating coverage regulations. Specifically, the new rule allows small businesses and self-employed Americans within the same state or metropolitan area, including areas that extend across ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 18, 2018
The Importance of the Banal: The Case of the 340B Program
Most news coverage focuses on the grandiose – repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), or whether the U.S. should implement a single payer health care system. These existential questions matter of course – a lot. Click on the image above to read Wayne Winegarden’s study, “Addressing the Problems ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 18, 2018
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...
Kerry Jackson
January 17, 2018
Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea
Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...
Kerry Jackson
January 7, 2018
California’s Nurses Are Militant — And Mistaken
The California State Assembly earlier this month heard testimony from proponents of The Healthy California Act, a bill that would establish a state-run, single-payer healthcare system. Among the most prominent witnesses testifying in support of the bill was Michael Lighty, director of public policy at the California Nurses Association. The ...
Put Medicaid Back to Work Helping the Truly Unfortunate
Some Americans may soon have to punch a time clock to qualify for Medicaid. Last month, the Trump administration announced that states could seek federal permission to require people to work, attend school, or otherwise contribute to the community in order to receive Medicaid benefits. Kentucky’s plan to mandate 80 ...
Has Obamacare Turned Uncle Sam into a Drug Dealer?
Obamacare is fueling the opioid epidemic. That’s according to an explosive new report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The health law expanded Medicaid coverage to millions of childless, able-bodied adults. Some of them have used their free coverage to obtain prescriptions for powerful opioids, which they have then sold ...
God Save The Queen’s Health Care System
On Jan. 23, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., hosted an online town hall to promote “Medicare for All.” Over 1 million people tuned in to watch Vermont’s junior senator tout his single-payer plan, which he promised would “guarantee care for all Americans.” His pledge is about as sound as a Venezuelan ...
Trump’s AHP Rule Makes Health Care Affordable Again
Earlier this month, the Department of Labor proposed a rule that could dramatically expand access to affordable health insurance. The rule would empower small businesses and self-employed individuals to band together to purchase coverage through “association health plans” or AHPs. They are exempt from many of Obamacare’s mandates, which have ...
Free Marketers Should Use 2018 To Lay The Foundation For Medicare Reform
Earlier this month, President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other senior Republicans huddled at Camp David to plan the party’s 2018 legislative agenda. Speaker Ryan argued for reforming Medicare. That “is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” he said. He’s right. Unfortunately, ...
The Trump Administration Just Carved Another Chunk Out Of Obamacare
Earlier this month, the Department of Labor released a proposed rule that would enable as many as 11 million Americans to sidestep some of Obamacare’s premium-inflating coverage regulations. Specifically, the new rule allows small businesses and self-employed Americans within the same state or metropolitan area, including areas that extend across ...
The Importance of the Banal: The Case of the 340B Program
Most news coverage focuses on the grandiose – repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), or whether the U.S. should implement a single payer health care system. These existential questions matter of course – a lot. Click on the image above to read Wayne Winegarden’s study, “Addressing the Problems ...
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...
Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea
Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...