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  • Obamacare


    ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

    When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

    PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

    Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

    For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...

    ‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

    The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

    Don’t Revive The Individual Mandate

    Tax reform repealed Obamacare’s least popular provision, the individual mandate, starting in 2019. Now, at least nine states want to revive the mandate, which required all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Obamacare’s proponents claim that state-level individual mandates would compel young and healthy people to buy ...

    The Constitution May Finally Catch Up With Obamacare

    Obamacare’s future is once again in jeopardy, thanks to one of the law’s most stubborn opponents — the U.S. Constitution. Twenty states are suing the federal government in Texas on the grounds that, since Congress zeroed-out the penalty for the individual mandate, the law is no longer constitutional. They’re right. ...

    Medicare Drug Benefit is Weakened by Congressional Budget Deal

    Congress has undermined the Medicare drug benefit that millions of older Americans depend on – one of the few federal health care programs that’s working well. The two-year federal budget deal passed recently shifts more of the program’s costs onto drug manufacturers starting in 2020. In the process, the change ...

    What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

    There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...

    Trump’s Short-Term Health Plans Will Legalize Affordable Care

    The Trump administration is preparing to offer Americans an affordable alternative to the high-cost coverage on Obamacare’s exchanges by overturning one of the previous administration’s most burdensome regulations. On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule based on President Trump’s October 12, 2017, Executive ...

    What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

    For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...

    ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

    When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Discusses Her New Book on Encounter Books Podcast

    PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins Ben Weingarten on the Encounter Books podcast to discuss her new Encounter Broadside “The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care”, the state of Obamacare, how staggeringly wrong our politicians were about Medicare and Medicaid, and much more. To learn more about her new book, click ...

    Single-Payer in California: Slowly, Slowly, Catchy Monkey

    For now, California’s progressive politicians have judged single-payer as a bridge too far.  But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up trying to take over health care. As my Canadian mother used to say, “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” – or be patient. On March 14, Assembly lawmakers released a report by ...

    ‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

    The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

    Don’t Revive The Individual Mandate

    Tax reform repealed Obamacare’s least popular provision, the individual mandate, starting in 2019. Now, at least nine states want to revive the mandate, which required all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Obamacare’s proponents claim that state-level individual mandates would compel young and healthy people to buy ...

    The Constitution May Finally Catch Up With Obamacare

    Obamacare’s future is once again in jeopardy, thanks to one of the law’s most stubborn opponents — the U.S. Constitution. Twenty states are suing the federal government in Texas on the grounds that, since Congress zeroed-out the penalty for the individual mandate, the law is no longer constitutional. They’re right. ...

    Medicare Drug Benefit is Weakened by Congressional Budget Deal

    Congress has undermined the Medicare drug benefit that millions of older Americans depend on – one of the few federal health care programs that’s working well. The two-year federal budget deal passed recently shifts more of the program’s costs onto drug manufacturers starting in 2020. In the process, the change ...

    What ‘United States of Care’ Truly Cares About

    There’s a new kid on the health policy block. A deep-pocketed, nominally bipartisan advocacy group called United States of Care — which counts former governors, senators, and top health policy officials among its members — launched earlier this month to great media acclaim. Since its debut, the group hasn’t said much. Its ...

    Trump’s Short-Term Health Plans Will Legalize Affordable Care

    The Trump administration is preparing to offer Americans an affordable alternative to the high-cost coverage on Obamacare’s exchanges by overturning one of the previous administration’s most burdensome regulations. On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule based on President Trump’s October 12, 2017, Executive ...

    What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

    For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...
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