

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...

Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...

Trump’s Changes to ACA Are Worth Celebrating

Jewish Journal On Oct. 12, President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not, increasing the number of insurance choices available to Americans — and reducing their cost. The order directs ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks with KCRA about President Trump’s Health Care Executive Order

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes talks with KCRA 3 in Sacramento about President Trump’s executive action on cost-sharing reduction payments.  She says that many uninsured found Obamacare’s costs too high, and that the President’s action will bring about more health ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Trump’s Executive Action on Health Care on Air Talk with Larry Mantle

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes joins host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” to discuss President Trump’s announcement that he will stop paying subsidies to health insurance companies which help pay medical costs for people who are low-income. Click here to listen to ...

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...
Health Care

Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California

The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...

With Repeal And Replace On Hold, A New Path Forward For Health Reform

The drive to repeal and replace Obamacare appears dead. The latest attempt to roll it back — a bill authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La. — never even got a vote.  And the September 30 deadline for passing a healthcare overhaul with a simple Senate majority under the ...

Obamacare Might Not Be Dead, But IPAB Should Be

Full-scale repeal of Obamacare has failed, at least for now. But there are still components of the law that can, and should, be rolled back immediately. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is a prime example. Obamacare created the board of 15 unelected, presidentially-appointed bureaucrats to keep Medicare’s costs under control. If entitlement spending growth ...
Health Care

Conservatives put Gottlieb, Jindal at top of list to head HHS

Exactly how long Dr. Don Wright occupies the top spot at HHS is anyone’s guess, but conservative policy insiders have wasted little time in compiling a wish list of candidates to become the department’s next permanent secretary. Wright was temporarily anointed to the post when Dr. Tom Price abruptly resigned late last ...

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...

Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...

Trump’s Changes to ACA Are Worth Celebrating

Jewish Journal On Oct. 12, President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not, increasing the number of insurance choices available to Americans — and reducing their cost. The order directs ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks with KCRA about President Trump’s Health Care Executive Order

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes talks with KCRA 3 in Sacramento about President Trump’s executive action on cost-sharing reduction payments.  She says that many uninsured found Obamacare’s costs too high, and that the President’s action will bring about more health ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Trump’s Executive Action on Health Care on Air Talk with Larry Mantle

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes joins host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” to discuss President Trump’s announcement that he will stop paying subsidies to health insurance companies which help pay medical costs for people who are low-income. Click here to listen to ...

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...
Health Care

Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California

The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...

With Repeal And Replace On Hold, A New Path Forward For Health Reform

The drive to repeal and replace Obamacare appears dead. The latest attempt to roll it back — a bill authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La. — never even got a vote.  And the September 30 deadline for passing a healthcare overhaul with a simple Senate majority under the ...

Obamacare Might Not Be Dead, But IPAB Should Be

Full-scale repeal of Obamacare has failed, at least for now. But there are still components of the law that can, and should, be rolled back immediately. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is a prime example. Obamacare created the board of 15 unelected, presidentially-appointed bureaucrats to keep Medicare’s costs under control. If entitlement spending growth ...
Health Care

Conservatives put Gottlieb, Jindal at top of list to head HHS

Exactly how long Dr. Don Wright occupies the top spot at HHS is anyone’s guess, but conservative policy insiders have wasted little time in compiling a wish list of candidates to become the department’s next permanent secretary. Wright was temporarily anointed to the post when Dr. Tom Price abruptly resigned late last ...
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