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  • Obamacare

    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire

    EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes on Financial Survival Network

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss Obamacare and her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, on the Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz. Click here to listen to the interview.

    Medicaid work requirements are common sense

    The Trump administration wants to require Medicaid recipients to work in exchange for their benefits. That means working, volunteering, attending school, or job training for 80 hours a month. Yet this reasonable reform has provoked howls of outrage from progressives, who say the requirements would deprive low-income people of healthcare. ...

    Schumer’s Trash Is America’s Treasure

    The Trump administration recently finalized a rule that will enable millions of Americans to join association health plans. AHPs allow small businesses and self-employed individuals in the same geographic area or industry to link up to purchase coverage. Such plans can be significantly cheaper than those sold through ObamaCare’s insurance ...

    Blame Democrats — not Trump — for Sabotaging ObamaCare

    Premiums for health insurance plans on ObamaCare’s exchanges will rise an average of 15 percent next year, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has blamed President Trump and congressional Republicans for the rate hikes – and for “deliberately sabotaging our ...

    California’s Costly, Inaccessible Healthcare System

    More than one-third of California’s $200 billion budget goes toward health care. Private health insurance spending in the state, meanwhile, exceeds more than $100 billion a year. Unfortunately, all that spending doesn’t appear to make health care more accessible. That’s the troubling finding of a comprehensive new analysis of health ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in Health Leaders Media Article on Single-Payer in the States

    Single Payer Getting More Attention at State Level, Not Going Away By Gregory A. Freeman States are testing the waters with Medicare-for-all type plans while waiting for federal solutions. The cost of single-payer plans could be the biggest hurdle. “Medicare for all” is becoming a rallying cry in state elections, ...

    Democrats Bet Their 2018 Hopes on Destroying Healthcare

    As November’s midterm elections approach, Democrats, even the comparatively centrist members, are embracing government-run healthcare. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, for instance, has officially endorsed a public insurance option, as have other Democrats running in swing districts in Kentucky and Illinois. Meanwhile, single-payer advocates have won Democratic congressional primaries in ...

    States Must Save Themselves from Medicaid Expansion

    This month, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill that will expand Medicaid coverage to roughly 400,000 low-income, able-bodied adults in the state. The governor praised the expansion as “the right thing for our people.” His heart may be in the right place. But Medicaid has a well-documented history of ...

    Health Care Premiums Will Soar Again In 2019 — Thanks, Obama

    ObamaCare enrollees should brace themselves for another year of double-digit premium hikes. Average premiums for plans sold through the state and federal insurance exchanges will jump as much as 32% next year, according to a recent report from actuarial firm Milliman. Consumers in some markets could face 80% rate hikes, ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire

    EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes on Financial Survival Network

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss Obamacare and her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, on the Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz. Click here to listen to the interview.

    Medicaid work requirements are common sense

    The Trump administration wants to require Medicaid recipients to work in exchange for their benefits. That means working, volunteering, attending school, or job training for 80 hours a month. Yet this reasonable reform has provoked howls of outrage from progressives, who say the requirements would deprive low-income people of healthcare. ...

    Schumer’s Trash Is America’s Treasure

    The Trump administration recently finalized a rule that will enable millions of Americans to join association health plans. AHPs allow small businesses and self-employed individuals in the same geographic area or industry to link up to purchase coverage. Such plans can be significantly cheaper than those sold through ObamaCare’s insurance ...

    Blame Democrats — not Trump — for Sabotaging ObamaCare

    Premiums for health insurance plans on ObamaCare’s exchanges will rise an average of 15 percent next year, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has blamed President Trump and congressional Republicans for the rate hikes – and for “deliberately sabotaging our ...

    California’s Costly, Inaccessible Healthcare System

    More than one-third of California’s $200 billion budget goes toward health care. Private health insurance spending in the state, meanwhile, exceeds more than $100 billion a year. Unfortunately, all that spending doesn’t appear to make health care more accessible. That’s the troubling finding of a comprehensive new analysis of health ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in Health Leaders Media Article on Single-Payer in the States

    Single Payer Getting More Attention at State Level, Not Going Away By Gregory A. Freeman States are testing the waters with Medicare-for-all type plans while waiting for federal solutions. The cost of single-payer plans could be the biggest hurdle. “Medicare for all” is becoming a rallying cry in state elections, ...

    Democrats Bet Their 2018 Hopes on Destroying Healthcare

    As November’s midterm elections approach, Democrats, even the comparatively centrist members, are embracing government-run healthcare. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, for instance, has officially endorsed a public insurance option, as have other Democrats running in swing districts in Kentucky and Illinois. Meanwhile, single-payer advocates have won Democratic congressional primaries in ...

    States Must Save Themselves from Medicaid Expansion

    This month, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill that will expand Medicaid coverage to roughly 400,000 low-income, able-bodied adults in the state. The governor praised the expansion as “the right thing for our people.” His heart may be in the right place. But Medicaid has a well-documented history of ...

    Health Care Premiums Will Soar Again In 2019 — Thanks, Obama

    ObamaCare enrollees should brace themselves for another year of double-digit premium hikes. Average premiums for plans sold through the state and federal insurance exchanges will jump as much as 32% next year, according to a recent report from actuarial firm Milliman. Consumers in some markets could face 80% rate hikes, ...
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