

In Progressive America, All Roads Lead to Single-Payer

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., recently introduced the “Choose Medicare Act,” which would give every American the option to buy into Medicare. Their colleagues have already rolled out three other bills that would provide for a more limited Medicare buy-in, a Medicaid buy-in, and a full-fledged, government-run, ...

Escape from Obamacare: Coming soon to a health insurance plan near you

Millions of Americans could soon enjoy lower health insurance premiums, thanks to a new Trump administration rule. The rule, which was proposed in January and will likely be finalized by early summer, would make it easier for self-employed individuals and small businesses to band together and purchase coverage through association ...

One ObamaCare Mandate Just Got A Little Less Mandatory

The Trump administration is trying to make health insurance affordable again. That’s the aim of a regulation issued earlier this month by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The new rule would give states greater leeway over how they comply with ObamaCare’s essential health benefits, or EHB, mandate, which ...

States Can’t Afford Medicaid Expansion — Neither Can Patients

This fall’s midterm election ballot just got a little longer in Utah. In mid-April, progressive activists announced that they’d gathered enough signatures to force a November referendum on Medicaid expansion. Utah isn’t the only red state flirting with extending free government health insurance to able-bodied, childless adults. Within weeks, activists in Idaho ...

Don’t blame Trump for Obamacare’s failures

This year, premiums for mid-level “silver” plans on the HealthCare.gov insurance exchange rose 32 percent. President Trump deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this surge – at least according to a new report from the Urban Institute. The left-leaning think tank claims that uncertainty about the Trump administration’s ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare and Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

Listen PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the implosion of Obamacare and the march toward single-payer on the nationally-syndicated “Bill Martinez Live” radio program. The interview begins around the 47:00 mark.

Sally Pipes Receives Honorary Doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Public Policy

Pacific Research Institute President and CEO Sally C. Pipes delivered this year’s commencement address to the graduates of the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. At the event, she received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree – the university’s highest honor. The prepared text of Pipes’ remarks are below: ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Fixing Obamacare on Focus Today

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jxFwizezwU PRI’s Sally Pipes discusses how we can fix Obamacare’s fundamental flaws on “Focus Today” on The Dove TV.
Health Care

Sally Pipes on Pat Miller Program

PRI’S Sally Pipes discusses why bailouts won’t fix Obamacare’s fundamental flaws on the “Pat Miller Program” on WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana

In Progressive America, All Roads Lead to Single-Payer

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., recently introduced the “Choose Medicare Act,” which would give every American the option to buy into Medicare. Their colleagues have already rolled out three other bills that would provide for a more limited Medicare buy-in, a Medicaid buy-in, and a full-fledged, government-run, ...

Escape from Obamacare: Coming soon to a health insurance plan near you

Millions of Americans could soon enjoy lower health insurance premiums, thanks to a new Trump administration rule. The rule, which was proposed in January and will likely be finalized by early summer, would make it easier for self-employed individuals and small businesses to band together and purchase coverage through association ...

One ObamaCare Mandate Just Got A Little Less Mandatory

The Trump administration is trying to make health insurance affordable again. That’s the aim of a regulation issued earlier this month by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The new rule would give states greater leeway over how they comply with ObamaCare’s essential health benefits, or EHB, mandate, which ...

States Can’t Afford Medicaid Expansion — Neither Can Patients

This fall’s midterm election ballot just got a little longer in Utah. In mid-April, progressive activists announced that they’d gathered enough signatures to force a November referendum on Medicaid expansion. Utah isn’t the only red state flirting with extending free government health insurance to able-bodied, childless adults. Within weeks, activists in Idaho ...

Don’t blame Trump for Obamacare’s failures

This year, premiums for mid-level “silver” plans on the HealthCare.gov insurance exchange rose 32 percent. President Trump deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this surge – at least according to a new report from the Urban Institute. The left-leaning think tank claims that uncertainty about the Trump administration’s ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare and Single-Payer on Bill Martinez Live

Listen PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss the implosion of Obamacare and the march toward single-payer on the nationally-syndicated “Bill Martinez Live” radio program. The interview begins around the 47:00 mark.

Sally Pipes Receives Honorary Doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Public Policy

Pacific Research Institute President and CEO Sally C. Pipes delivered this year’s commencement address to the graduates of the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. At the event, she received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree – the university’s highest honor. The prepared text of Pipes’ remarks are below: ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Fixing Obamacare on Focus Today

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jxFwizezwU PRI’s Sally Pipes discusses how we can fix Obamacare’s fundamental flaws on “Focus Today” on The Dove TV.
Health Care

Sally Pipes on Pat Miller Program

PRI’S Sally Pipes discusses why bailouts won’t fix Obamacare’s fundamental flaws on the “Pat Miller Program” on WOWO Radio in Fort Wayne, Indiana
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