

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

ObamaCare continues to fail

Open enrollment in the 39 states that use the federal HealthCare.gov insurance exchange looks like it will end with a whimper this Saturday. Through the first month, sign-ups are down 11 percent compared to the same period last year. It’s easy to see why. The cost of insurance is unmanageable ...

Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...

After Midterms, Democrats Inch Toward Government-Run Health Care

The midterm elections were good to Democrats. They took the majority in the U.S. House and captured several state legislatures. Public frustration with health care was a big reason why. Just before the election, seven in 10 voters said that the issue was “very important” when deciding whom to vote ...

Protecting consumers from Obamacare’s costs

Open enrollment in most of Obamacare’s exchanges ends on Saturday, Dec. 15. Consumers in seven states that run their own exchanges, including California and New York, have a little bit longer to purchase coverage. Sign-ups thus far have been less than stellar. Through the first three weeks, only 1.9 million ...

The Secret To Reducing Health Costs May Be At The Shopping Mall

Americans spend a lot on health care. Last year, the average household’s tab was $5,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That figure has gone up more than 13% since 2015 — and is about $600 more than the average person’s expenditures on groceries. Fortunately, it’s possible for the average ...

Private companies are the best stewards of public funds for healthcare

Iowa saved $126 million in fiscal year 2018 by privatizing its management of Medicaid, according to a November report from the state auditor. These savings shouldn’t be a surprise. Private companies are better at managing public funds than the government because they have an incentive to cut costs: It affects their bottom ...

Medicaid work requirements are helping, and this state shows it

A group of Arkansas Medicaid beneficiaries is suing the federal government. They claim the Trump administration’s decision to allow Arkansas to impose work requirements on all able-bodied adult Medicaid recipients restricts their access to healthcare. That’s nonsense. The requirement that able-bodied adult recipients spend 80 hours a month working, training for a job, ...

Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil

Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...
Drug Pricing

Sally Pipes Talks ‘Reinsurance’ Obamacare Fix in Washington Times

‘Reinsurance’ Obamacare fix wins bipartisan support in Senate By Tom Howell, Jr. Sen. Joe Manchin III, a West Virginia Democrat who just won re-election in one of the country’s reddest states, has an idea to fix Obamacare — call in President Trump. The West Virginian is among senators on both ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

ObamaCare continues to fail

Open enrollment in the 39 states that use the federal HealthCare.gov insurance exchange looks like it will end with a whimper this Saturday. Through the first month, sign-ups are down 11 percent compared to the same period last year. It’s easy to see why. The cost of insurance is unmanageable ...

Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...

After Midterms, Democrats Inch Toward Government-Run Health Care

The midterm elections were good to Democrats. They took the majority in the U.S. House and captured several state legislatures. Public frustration with health care was a big reason why. Just before the election, seven in 10 voters said that the issue was “very important” when deciding whom to vote ...

Protecting consumers from Obamacare’s costs

Open enrollment in most of Obamacare’s exchanges ends on Saturday, Dec. 15. Consumers in seven states that run their own exchanges, including California and New York, have a little bit longer to purchase coverage. Sign-ups thus far have been less than stellar. Through the first three weeks, only 1.9 million ...

The Secret To Reducing Health Costs May Be At The Shopping Mall

Americans spend a lot on health care. Last year, the average household’s tab was $5,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That figure has gone up more than 13% since 2015 — and is about $600 more than the average person’s expenditures on groceries. Fortunately, it’s possible for the average ...

Private companies are the best stewards of public funds for healthcare

Iowa saved $126 million in fiscal year 2018 by privatizing its management of Medicaid, according to a November report from the state auditor. These savings shouldn’t be a surprise. Private companies are better at managing public funds than the government because they have an incentive to cut costs: It affects their bottom ...

Medicaid work requirements are helping, and this state shows it

A group of Arkansas Medicaid beneficiaries is suing the federal government. They claim the Trump administration’s decision to allow Arkansas to impose work requirements on all able-bodied adult Medicaid recipients restricts their access to healthcare. That’s nonsense. The requirement that able-bodied adult recipients spend 80 hours a month working, training for a job, ...

Voters Swallowed The Medicaid Snake Oil

Voters in Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah just approved ballot referendums to expand Medicaid. The three solidly red states will soon add 300,000 beneficiaries to the joint state-federal insurance program for low-income Americans. These voters doubtless had good intentions. They wanted to help vulnerable residents in their states gain access to health ...
Drug Pricing

Sally Pipes Talks ‘Reinsurance’ Obamacare Fix in Washington Times

‘Reinsurance’ Obamacare fix wins bipartisan support in Senate By Tom Howell, Jr. Sen. Joe Manchin III, a West Virginia Democrat who just won re-election in one of the country’s reddest states, has an idea to fix Obamacare — call in President Trump. The West Virginian is among senators on both ...
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