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  • Obamacare


    Blame Government Regulations for America’s Uninsured Problem

    The number of uninsured Americans is rising. Last year, 27.4 million Americans went without health insurance, an increase of 700,000 from 2016, according to a just-published analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Government mandates deserve much of the blame. Regulations and red tape have driven premiums through the roof, pricing many Americans ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in NBC News article on Obamacare ruling

    Obamacare court ruling promises headaches for GOP, years of familiar health care fights By Benjy Sarlin WASHINGTON — Obamacare isn’t going anywhere yet, but a Texas judge’s ruling that would invalidate the entire law in response to a Republican-led and White House-supported lawsuit could mean potentially years of pitched battles on ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Discusses Obamacare Ruling on Lars Larson Show

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and what’s next with Obamacare on the “Lars Larson Show”.

    Sacramento’s “Funniest Unfunny Man” Prepares to Exit Stage Left

    Gov. Jerry Brown was once described by my former boss, Connie Conway, as the “funniest unfunny man” she’d ever met. For anyone who had the opportunity to watch his “exit interview” at the Sacramento Press Club, you’d know that this is an apt description. When asked to make a particularly ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare Ruling on “The Wilkow Majority”

    PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the recent Texas court ruling on Obamacare, and how it might lead to free market health care reforms on “The Wilkow Majority” on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125. https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Wilkow-Sally-Pipes-12-18-18.mp3
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes talks Texas Obamacare ruling on Larry Elder Show

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and how it will impact free-market health care reform efforts on the nationally-syndicated Larry Elder Show. Click here to listen to the interview

    ‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

    Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...

    Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

    Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

    ObamaCare continues to fail

    Open enrollment in the 39 states that use the federal HealthCare.gov insurance exchange looks like it will end with a whimper this Saturday. Through the first month, sign-ups are down 11 percent compared to the same period last year. It’s easy to see why. The cost of insurance is unmanageable ...

    Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

    Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...

    Blame Government Regulations for America’s Uninsured Problem

    The number of uninsured Americans is rising. Last year, 27.4 million Americans went without health insurance, an increase of 700,000 from 2016, according to a just-published analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Government mandates deserve much of the blame. Regulations and red tape have driven premiums through the roof, pricing many Americans ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in NBC News article on Obamacare ruling

    Obamacare court ruling promises headaches for GOP, years of familiar health care fights By Benjy Sarlin WASHINGTON — Obamacare isn’t going anywhere yet, but a Texas judge’s ruling that would invalidate the entire law in response to a Republican-led and White House-supported lawsuit could mean potentially years of pitched battles on ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Discusses Obamacare Ruling on Lars Larson Show

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and what’s next with Obamacare on the “Lars Larson Show”.

    Sacramento’s “Funniest Unfunny Man” Prepares to Exit Stage Left

    Gov. Jerry Brown was once described by my former boss, Connie Conway, as the “funniest unfunny man” she’d ever met. For anyone who had the opportunity to watch his “exit interview” at the Sacramento Press Club, you’d know that this is an apt description. When asked to make a particularly ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare Ruling on “The Wilkow Majority”

    PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the recent Texas court ruling on Obamacare, and how it might lead to free market health care reforms on “The Wilkow Majority” on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125. https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Wilkow-Sally-Pipes-12-18-18.mp3
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes talks Texas Obamacare ruling on Larry Elder Show

    Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and how it will impact free-market health care reform efforts on the nationally-syndicated Larry Elder Show. Click here to listen to the interview

    ‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

    Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...

    Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

    Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

    ObamaCare continues to fail

    Open enrollment in the 39 states that use the federal HealthCare.gov insurance exchange looks like it will end with a whimper this Saturday. Through the first month, sign-ups are down 11 percent compared to the same period last year. It’s easy to see why. The cost of insurance is unmanageable ...

    Tim Rice – Could New York’s Single-Payer Plan Be Exported to California?

    Tim Rice, deputy director for health policy at the Manhattan Institute, joins us to talk about their new study on New York’s single-payer health care proposal and whether the same type of plan could become reality in California. We also discuss other healthcare topics including President Trump’s plan to bring ...
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