

Trump’s Health Reform Fixes Obama’s Mandate Mess

Open enrollment season for health insurance is just around the corner. Starting November 1, Americans who don’t get coverage through work or the government will be able to sign up for health plans that take effect in 2019. Fewer will do so this year than last, according to a recent ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare on Wayne Allyn Root Show

Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss the ongoing problems with Obamacare on the Wayne Allan Root Show. The interview begins at the 31:20 mark. Click here to listen to the interview
Health Care

Sally Pipes cited in Citizens Against Government Waste “WasteWatcher” Blog

The #M4A Price Tag Makes it DOA By Elizabeth Wright Continuing with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s declaration that August should be healthcare month, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is taking a look at Senator Bernie Sander’s (I-Vt) idea that we should have Medicare for All, colloquially being referred to ...

Democrats Going All In On ‘Medicare For All’

Democrats have decided to stop worrying and embrace government-run, single-payer health care. On July 19, 70 House members launched a new Medicare for All caucus. A House bill to implement single-payer — H.R. 676 — already has 122 cosponsors, about two-thirds of House Democrats. Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Rep. Keith Ellison ...

Obamacare’s Risk Adjustment Payments Should Have Stayed Frozen

In early July, the Trump administration announced that it would suspend $10 billion in transfer payments to insurers after a federal court ruled that Obamacare’s “risk-adjustment” program was flawed. The program authorizes the federal government to take money from exchange insurers with an above-average share of healthy enrollees and redistribute ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire

EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes on Financial Survival Network

Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss Obamacare and her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, on the Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz. Click here to listen to the interview.

Medicaid work requirements are common sense

The Trump administration wants to require Medicaid recipients to work in exchange for their benefits. That means working, volunteering, attending school, or job training for 80 hours a month. Yet this reasonable reform has provoked howls of outrage from progressives, who say the requirements would deprive low-income people of healthcare. ...

Schumer’s Trash Is America’s Treasure

The Trump administration recently finalized a rule that will enable millions of Americans to join association health plans. AHPs allow small businesses and self-employed individuals in the same geographic area or industry to link up to purchase coverage. Such plans can be significantly cheaper than those sold through ObamaCare’s insurance ...

Blame Democrats — not Trump — for Sabotaging ObamaCare

Premiums for health insurance plans on ObamaCare’s exchanges will rise an average of 15 percent next year, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has blamed President Trump and congressional Republicans for the rate hikes – and for “deliberately sabotaging our ...

Trump’s Health Reform Fixes Obama’s Mandate Mess

Open enrollment season for health insurance is just around the corner. Starting November 1, Americans who don’t get coverage through work or the government will be able to sign up for health plans that take effect in 2019. Fewer will do so this year than last, according to a recent ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare on Wayne Allyn Root Show

Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss the ongoing problems with Obamacare on the Wayne Allan Root Show. The interview begins at the 31:20 mark. Click here to listen to the interview
Health Care

Sally Pipes cited in Citizens Against Government Waste “WasteWatcher” Blog

The #M4A Price Tag Makes it DOA By Elizabeth Wright Continuing with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s declaration that August should be healthcare month, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is taking a look at Senator Bernie Sander’s (I-Vt) idea that we should have Medicare for All, colloquially being referred to ...

Democrats Going All In On ‘Medicare For All’

Democrats have decided to stop worrying and embrace government-run, single-payer health care. On July 19, 70 House members launched a new Medicare for All caucus. A House bill to implement single-payer — H.R. 676 — already has 122 cosponsors, about two-thirds of House Democrats. Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Rep. Keith Ellison ...

Obamacare’s Risk Adjustment Payments Should Have Stayed Frozen

In early July, the Trump administration announced that it would suspend $10 billion in transfer payments to insurers after a federal court ruled that Obamacare’s “risk-adjustment” program was flawed. The program authorizes the federal government to take money from exchange insurers with an above-average share of healthy enrollees and redistribute ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Talks Single-Payer with Daily Wire

EXCLUSIVE: Sally Pipes On Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Bad For America By Jacob Airey As healthcare premiums go up, Obamacare has become increasingly unpopular with the American public as more people lose their coverage, health plan, and their doctors. While Conservatives have offered free-market solutions to these issues, ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes on Financial Survival Network

Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss Obamacare and her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, on the Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz. Click here to listen to the interview.

Medicaid work requirements are common sense

The Trump administration wants to require Medicaid recipients to work in exchange for their benefits. That means working, volunteering, attending school, or job training for 80 hours a month. Yet this reasonable reform has provoked howls of outrage from progressives, who say the requirements would deprive low-income people of healthcare. ...

Schumer’s Trash Is America’s Treasure

The Trump administration recently finalized a rule that will enable millions of Americans to join association health plans. AHPs allow small businesses and self-employed individuals in the same geographic area or industry to link up to purchase coverage. Such plans can be significantly cheaper than those sold through ObamaCare’s insurance ...

Blame Democrats — not Trump — for Sabotaging ObamaCare

Premiums for health insurance plans on ObamaCare’s exchanges will rise an average of 15 percent next year, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has blamed President Trump and congressional Republicans for the rate hikes – and for “deliberately sabotaging our ...
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