Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care
Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 5, 2019
Democrats wrong to call for more government meddling in healthcare
At the recent Democratic presidential primary debate, all 20 candidates agreed on something surprising — that Obamacare was a massive failure. They didn’t admit that outright. But all of them proposed big changes to our nation’s healthcare system. A handful called for abolishing private health insurance. Others advocated letting people buy into ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 23, 2019
People Don’t Know What ‘Medicare For All’ Means. Democrats Want It That Way.
Next week, Democrats will convene their second round of presidential debates. As during last month’s debate, health care is sure to be a focus. The candidates have sharpened their differences on the issue in recent days. Frontrunner Joe Biden released his vision for health reform—a sort of Obamacare on steroids—last ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 22, 2019
Sally C. Pipes in Fox News: How Trump can replace ObamaCare with something ‘far better’
On July 9, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hinted that it might strike down ObamaCare. If it does, then the U.S. Supreme Court will likely have the last word on the law’s fate. And it’s unclear whether ObamaCare could survive another date with the high ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 22, 2019
No, Joe Biden’s healthcare plan won’t let you keep your private insurance
This week, Joe Biden released his healthcare plan. The proposal aims to “protect and build on Obamacare,” most notably by creating a public option, which would allow anyone to buy into a government-sponsored plan. While explaining his plan to a crowd in Iowa, Biden echoed President Barack Obama. “If, in ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 19, 2019
Joe Biden’s ‘no’ on ‘Medicare-for-all’ is a ruse
Former Vice President Joe Biden has reiterated his opposition to any health reform plan that would scrap ObamaCare, including “Medicare-for-all.” According to the former vice president, “starting over” on health care would be “a sin.” Instead, Biden proposed expanding ObamaCare to include a “public option,” wherein individuals could buy a ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 15, 2019
Don’t Buy The Democrats’ ‘Moderate’ Alternatives To Medicare For All
Democrats appear to be getting skittish about Medicare for All. During the first two Democratic presidential debates at the end of last month, moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked all 20 candidates to raise their hands if they supported abolishing private health insurance and enrolling everyone in a government-run ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 8, 2019
Medicaid expansion is a failure: Lots of spending, little benefit
Researchers from MIT and Harvard recently released a report concluding that Obamacare had a “clearly positive effect on access to and consumption of health care.” Nearly 16 million people gained coverage through Medicaid expansion while just over 11 million purchased insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges in the past year. But that ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 21, 2019
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s public option amounts to single-payer in disguise
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is running for president. Thus far, his campaign has failed to catch on — he’s at 0.7 percent in the most recent RealClearPolitics average of Democratic primary polls. That may change, thanks to a bill he signed into law May 13 establishing the nation’s first public health insurance option. If ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 18, 2019
Sally Pipes Talks Medicare-for-All with Mark Levin on Fox News
Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss all things health care with Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News Channel. They discuss Obamacare, the push for Medicare-for-All/single-payer health care in Congress ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 6, 2019
Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care
Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...
Democrats wrong to call for more government meddling in healthcare
At the recent Democratic presidential primary debate, all 20 candidates agreed on something surprising — that Obamacare was a massive failure. They didn’t admit that outright. But all of them proposed big changes to our nation’s healthcare system. A handful called for abolishing private health insurance. Others advocated letting people buy into ...
People Don’t Know What ‘Medicare For All’ Means. Democrats Want It That Way.
Next week, Democrats will convene their second round of presidential debates. As during last month’s debate, health care is sure to be a focus. The candidates have sharpened their differences on the issue in recent days. Frontrunner Joe Biden released his vision for health reform—a sort of Obamacare on steroids—last ...
Sally C. Pipes in Fox News: How Trump can replace ObamaCare with something ‘far better’
On July 9, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hinted that it might strike down ObamaCare. If it does, then the U.S. Supreme Court will likely have the last word on the law’s fate. And it’s unclear whether ObamaCare could survive another date with the high ...
No, Joe Biden’s healthcare plan won’t let you keep your private insurance
This week, Joe Biden released his healthcare plan. The proposal aims to “protect and build on Obamacare,” most notably by creating a public option, which would allow anyone to buy into a government-sponsored plan. While explaining his plan to a crowd in Iowa, Biden echoed President Barack Obama. “If, in ...
Joe Biden’s ‘no’ on ‘Medicare-for-all’ is a ruse
Former Vice President Joe Biden has reiterated his opposition to any health reform plan that would scrap ObamaCare, including “Medicare-for-all.” According to the former vice president, “starting over” on health care would be “a sin.” Instead, Biden proposed expanding ObamaCare to include a “public option,” wherein individuals could buy a ...
Don’t Buy The Democrats’ ‘Moderate’ Alternatives To Medicare For All
Democrats appear to be getting skittish about Medicare for All. During the first two Democratic presidential debates at the end of last month, moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked all 20 candidates to raise their hands if they supported abolishing private health insurance and enrolling everyone in a government-run ...
Medicaid expansion is a failure: Lots of spending, little benefit
Researchers from MIT and Harvard recently released a report concluding that Obamacare had a “clearly positive effect on access to and consumption of health care.” Nearly 16 million people gained coverage through Medicaid expansion while just over 11 million purchased insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges in the past year. But that ...
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s public option amounts to single-payer in disguise
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is running for president. Thus far, his campaign has failed to catch on — he’s at 0.7 percent in the most recent RealClearPolitics average of Democratic primary polls. That may change, thanks to a bill he signed into law May 13 establishing the nation’s first public health insurance option. If ...
Sally Pipes Talks Medicare-for-All with Mark Levin on Fox News
Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss all things health care with Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News Channel. They discuss Obamacare, the push for Medicare-for-All/single-payer health care in Congress ...