Health Care
Medicare for None
“Medicare for All,” were it subjected to truth in labeling criteria, would more accurately be named “Medicare for None.” This is a point made early in Sally Pipes‘s succinct but detailed analysis of the socialized medicine programs offered by Bernie Sanders and other Democratic POTUS candidates. Her book, False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 10, 2020
States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate
Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 3, 2020
ObamaCare turns 10 – decade of failure is nothing to celebrate
As the calendar flips to 2020, we’re coming up on a decade since the passage of ObamaCare. But Democrats aren’t celebrating 10 years of the Affordable Care Act, signed into law March 23, 2010. That’s largely because President Obama’s signature legislative achievement hasn’t yielded the affordable care Democrats promised. Let’s start with that opening ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 6, 2020
New Year, New Laws
New Year’s resolutions are about goals and aspirations. Unfortunately, California’s new 2020 laws serve mostly the aspirations of state politicians and interest groups, not hard-working Californians. Take AB5, a law that forces thousands of independent contractors to become company employees. Gig economy workers from Uber drivers to truckers and journalists ...
Rowena Itchon
January 6, 2020
Democrats’ health care mistakes of 2019 – five things they keep getting wrong
Whether on the debate stage or in the halls of Congress, over the past year Democrats have misled the public on just about every major health care issue. As 2019 draws to a close, let’s look at the five biggest things Democrats got wrong on health care this year. Supporters of “Medicare-for-all” routinely ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 30, 2019
America’s Critical Medical Device Industry Gets A Needed Tax Cut
Medical devices may not be as glamorous as blockbuster drugs, but they include some of the genuine miracles of modern medicine: pacemakers, artificial joints, replacement heart valves, scanners, and cancer radiation-therapy machines. The U.S. has been the global leader in medical devices, one of the few major industries that both ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
December 26, 2019
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 20, 2019
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
Evan Harris
December 17, 2019
State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems
Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 25, 2019
Colorado’s public option is bad news
Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 21, 2019
Medicare for None
“Medicare for All,” were it subjected to truth in labeling criteria, would more accurately be named “Medicare for None.” This is a point made early in Sally Pipes‘s succinct but detailed analysis of the socialized medicine programs offered by Bernie Sanders and other Democratic POTUS candidates. Her book, False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous ...
States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate
Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...
ObamaCare turns 10 – decade of failure is nothing to celebrate
As the calendar flips to 2020, we’re coming up on a decade since the passage of ObamaCare. But Democrats aren’t celebrating 10 years of the Affordable Care Act, signed into law March 23, 2010. That’s largely because President Obama’s signature legislative achievement hasn’t yielded the affordable care Democrats promised. Let’s start with that opening ...
New Year, New Laws
New Year’s resolutions are about goals and aspirations. Unfortunately, California’s new 2020 laws serve mostly the aspirations of state politicians and interest groups, not hard-working Californians. Take AB5, a law that forces thousands of independent contractors to become company employees. Gig economy workers from Uber drivers to truckers and journalists ...
Democrats’ health care mistakes of 2019 – five things they keep getting wrong
Whether on the debate stage or in the halls of Congress, over the past year Democrats have misled the public on just about every major health care issue. As 2019 draws to a close, let’s look at the five biggest things Democrats got wrong on health care this year. Supporters of “Medicare-for-all” routinely ...
America’s Critical Medical Device Industry Gets A Needed Tax Cut
Medical devices may not be as glamorous as blockbuster drugs, but they include some of the genuine miracles of modern medicine: pacemakers, artificial joints, replacement heart valves, scanners, and cancer radiation-therapy machines. The U.S. has been the global leader in medical devices, one of the few major industries that both ...
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
New PRI Single-Payer Poll Watch Tracks Growing Opposition to Medicare for All
Health care has dominated the early Democrat presidential debates, with progressive candidates battling “moderates” over the question of a public option versus a Medicare for All plan that would outlaw private insurance. As the public has focused more on what single-payer would mean for them, such as having to pay ...
State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems
Medicare for All is struggling to gain traction at the national level. Some progressives are hoping that left-leaning states will instead be able to lead the way. This month, California Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna introduced the “State-Based Universal Health Care Act,” a bill that would let states take all the ...
Colorado’s public option is bad news
Colorado officials just released their plan to overhaul the state’s health care system. The proposal would make a state-sponsored insurance plan available to Colorado residents shopping for health insurance, starting in January 2022. Proponents of this “state option” claim it will expand access to affordable coverage and encourage competition in ...