AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back
On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 23, 2020
What uninsured crisis?
Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 19, 2020
Big plans for BidenCare doomed if Republicans keep Senate majority
President-elect Joe Biden’s ambitious plan for a dramatic and costly overhaul of America’s health care sector that would start us down the road to socialized medicine and worse health care has no chance of approval if Republicans capture majority control of the U.S. Senate. And even if Democrats manage to control the Senate by ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 13, 2020
Is there actually a underinsurance crisis?
Over two-fifths of adults went without adequate insurance coverage in the first half of this year, according to new research from the Commonwealth Fund. That includes more than 40 million who are “underinsured.” Those headline numbers are scary. They’re also misleading. Far too many Americans lack access to affordable health insurance. But that’s largely a function of government over-regulation. ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 12, 2020
The key to stopping Biden’s healthcare plan: Gridlock
It looks like gridlock will be the norm in Washington for the next few years. And that just might be a good thing. While multiple news outlets have declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election, Republicans seem likely to control the Senate by one or two seats, as ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 9, 2020
Biden His Time On Health Care?
It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 9, 2020
Big Agenda Facing Presidential Winner
As of this writing, we don’t know who has won the 2020 presidential election. Whoever wins, America’s next chief executive has many important policy decisions to make in the coming weeks. Here’s a preview of some of the big issues that the president will have to confront over the next ...
Tim Anaya
November 4, 2020
Biden’s $750 billion health plan fixes nothing
Democrat Joe Biden made his plan for a new public government-run health insurance option a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. But another key provision of his health care agenda has gotten considerably less attention. The former vice president proposes to give taxpayer-subsidized coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges to more people — ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 3, 2020
What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?
During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...
Evan Harris
October 27, 2020
The ‘public option’ will destroy choice
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 26, 2020
AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back
On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...
What uninsured crisis?
Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...
Big plans for BidenCare doomed if Republicans keep Senate majority
President-elect Joe Biden’s ambitious plan for a dramatic and costly overhaul of America’s health care sector that would start us down the road to socialized medicine and worse health care has no chance of approval if Republicans capture majority control of the U.S. Senate. And even if Democrats manage to control the Senate by ...
Is there actually a underinsurance crisis?
Over two-fifths of adults went without adequate insurance coverage in the first half of this year, according to new research from the Commonwealth Fund. That includes more than 40 million who are “underinsured.” Those headline numbers are scary. They’re also misleading. Far too many Americans lack access to affordable health insurance. But that’s largely a function of government over-regulation. ...
The key to stopping Biden’s healthcare plan: Gridlock
It looks like gridlock will be the norm in Washington for the next few years. And that just might be a good thing. While multiple news outlets have declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election, Republicans seem likely to control the Senate by one or two seats, as ...
Biden His Time On Health Care?
It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...
Big Agenda Facing Presidential Winner
As of this writing, we don’t know who has won the 2020 presidential election. Whoever wins, America’s next chief executive has many important policy decisions to make in the coming weeks. Here’s a preview of some of the big issues that the president will have to confront over the next ...
Biden’s $750 billion health plan fixes nothing
Democrat Joe Biden made his plan for a new public government-run health insurance option a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. But another key provision of his health care agenda has gotten considerably less attention. The former vice president proposes to give taxpayer-subsidized coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges to more people — ...
What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?
During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...
The ‘public option’ will destroy choice
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he opposes the “Medicare for All” model of health reform favored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Instead, Biden proposes creating a public insurance option that would compete against private insurers on Obamacare’s exchanges. ...