

Not all med students want Obamacare

As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...

With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?

The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...

Letters: A government boondoggle

Obamacare is just another government boondoggle The Bennington Banner’s editorial, “So push the button,” directs Democrats to implement the “nuclear option” to force the healthcare bill through Congress — against the will of the American people — and the bipartisan cooperation President Obama has repeatedly promised. Personally, I never thought ...

Shut Up, He Explained

It’s a sign of how badly things are going for Barack Obama on the make-or-break issue of his tenure that the president delivered yesterday’s prime time health care address in a forum traditionally reserved for national crises. But with public disapproval of the president’s handling of health care rising to ...

Space needs to answer some questions

Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...

The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare

Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...

Prescription: Debt

Obamacare Would Lose $65 Billion a Year DEMOCRATIC members of Congress are now trying to decide whether they’re better off abandoning ObamaCare and inviting the administration’s wrath — or supporting it and inviting their constituents’ wrath. If the public learns the full extent of what the Congressional Budget Office has ...

The Medicare tsunami

In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...

O’s Rx: Break It

The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...

Not all med students want Obamacare

As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...

With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?

The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...

Say No To Government Health Care

Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...

Letters: A government boondoggle

Obamacare is just another government boondoggle The Bennington Banner’s editorial, “So push the button,” directs Democrats to implement the “nuclear option” to force the healthcare bill through Congress — against the will of the American people — and the bipartisan cooperation President Obama has repeatedly promised. Personally, I never thought ...

Shut Up, He Explained

It’s a sign of how badly things are going for Barack Obama on the make-or-break issue of his tenure that the president delivered yesterday’s prime time health care address in a forum traditionally reserved for national crises. But with public disapproval of the president’s handling of health care rising to ...

Space needs to answer some questions

Where in the world is Zack Space? He’s hiding under the bed. He’s seen the town hall meetings on the news, and he’s afraid one of us un-American, swastika-bearing mobsters will get upset with him about ObamaCare. “That’s not my style,” he says. Poor baby. I’m sure he’ll have the ...

The Top Ten Reasons We Must Oppose ObamaCare

Why it has to be stopped. 1. ObamaCare’s centerpiece, a Medicare-like “public option,” would cause millions of Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance. Millions of employers would choose this new “option” for their employees. The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that under a widespread, Medicare-like “public option,” ...

Prescription: Debt

Obamacare Would Lose $65 Billion a Year DEMOCRATIC members of Congress are now trying to decide whether they’re better off abandoning ObamaCare and inviting the administration’s wrath — or supporting it and inviting their constituents’ wrath. If the public learns the full extent of what the Congressional Budget Office has ...

The Medicare tsunami

In a recent news conference, President Obama said: “The biggest driving force behind our federal deficit is the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. So let me be clear: If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficits.” He is absolutely right. The ...

O’s Rx: Break It

The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...
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