Health Care Innovation


The Federal Gov Is $31 Trillion In Debt

Sorry, taxpayers can’t afford unlimited Obamacare subsidies

Congress returns from a spring recess on Monday. In early March, President Joe Biden released his $6.8 trillion spending plan for fiscal 2024, complete with a proposal to permanently extend the generous healthcare insurance subsidies enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March 2021. Many Republicans are insisting on spending cuts, ...

Free-Market Solutions to Improving American Health Care

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part three of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  As you’ve heard today, there’s no shortage of evidence that neither federal entitlement programs nor government-run healthcare systems can provide patients ...

QALYs block life-saving drugs

Don’t Let Progressives Assign A Dollar Value To Human Life

How do you measure a year? Your desk calendar might suggest months or days. The musical “Rent” famously offered 525,600 minutes and a number of other more creative metrics. Ask a progressive health policy expert, though, and they may give you the most shocking option of all. For years, progressives ...

Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...

The Future Of Health Care Is Here, If You Know Where To Look

Nearly half of Americans say the healthcare system is failing them. Six in ten report having had a bad healthcare experience. About half of patients say they have trouble affording health care—even those who are insured. All told, Americans’ satisfaction with their healthcare system hit a new low in 2022. The default response to statistics like these ...

Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...

Blame the Affordable Care Act for rising health care costs

More than half of Americans today rate the quality of U.S. health care as subpar, according to a new Gallup poll. More than 1 in 5 call it “poor.” That represents a remarkable reversal in public opinion. Just 10 years ago, nearly two-thirds of Americans praised the quality of care. Perhaps ...

Bernie Doesn’t “Get” Healthcare Innovation

Next week, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel will testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on the price of his company’s COVID-19 vaccine. He’ll face an unfriendly audience. Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., claims that companies like Moderna profited off COVID at Americans’ expense. He’s eager to “rein in the greed ...

Time to drag hospital pricing out of the shadows

It’s been more than two years since a rule promulgated during the Trump administration requiring hospitals to disclose their prices took effect. Yet according to a new study, most hospitals aren’t complying. The analysis, published in January in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found that just 19% of hospitals examined fully ...

How Congress can empower patients

Healthcare is back on the agenda in Washington. Last week, President Joe Biden released his budget proposal, which includes billions in new taxes and price controls on prescription drugs to help avert Medicare’s fiscal crisis and underwrite billions in health insurance subsidies. But in a divided Congress, it’s unlikely to go anywhere. Instead, lawmakers need ...

The Federal Gov Is $31 Trillion In Debt

Sorry, taxpayers can’t afford unlimited Obamacare subsidies

Congress returns from a spring recess on Monday. In early March, President Joe Biden released his $6.8 trillion spending plan for fiscal 2024, complete with a proposal to permanently extend the generous healthcare insurance subsidies enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March 2021. Many Republicans are insisting on spending cuts, ...

Free-Market Solutions to Improving American Health Care

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part three of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  As you’ve heard today, there’s no shortage of evidence that neither federal entitlement programs nor government-run healthcare systems can provide patients ...

QALYs block life-saving drugs

Don’t Let Progressives Assign A Dollar Value To Human Life

How do you measure a year? Your desk calendar might suggest months or days. The musical “Rent” famously offered 525,600 minutes and a number of other more creative metrics. Ask a progressive health policy expert, though, and they may give you the most shocking option of all. For years, progressives ...

Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...

The Future Of Health Care Is Here, If You Know Where To Look

Nearly half of Americans say the healthcare system is failing them. Six in ten report having had a bad healthcare experience. About half of patients say they have trouble affording health care—even those who are insured. All told, Americans’ satisfaction with their healthcare system hit a new low in 2022. The default response to statistics like these ...

Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...

Blame the Affordable Care Act for rising health care costs

More than half of Americans today rate the quality of U.S. health care as subpar, according to a new Gallup poll. More than 1 in 5 call it “poor.” That represents a remarkable reversal in public opinion. Just 10 years ago, nearly two-thirds of Americans praised the quality of care. Perhaps ...

Bernie Doesn’t “Get” Healthcare Innovation

Next week, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel will testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on the price of his company’s COVID-19 vaccine. He’ll face an unfriendly audience. Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., claims that companies like Moderna profited off COVID at Americans’ expense. He’s eager to “rein in the greed ...

Time to drag hospital pricing out of the shadows

It’s been more than two years since a rule promulgated during the Trump administration requiring hospitals to disclose their prices took effect. Yet according to a new study, most hospitals aren’t complying. The analysis, published in January in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found that just 19% of hospitals examined fully ...

How Congress can empower patients

Healthcare is back on the agenda in Washington. Last week, President Joe Biden released his budget proposal, which includes billions in new taxes and price controls on prescription drugs to help avert Medicare’s fiscal crisis and underwrite billions in health insurance subsidies. But in a divided Congress, it’s unlikely to go anywhere. Instead, lawmakers need ...
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