Health Care Innovation


Intelligence Squared U.S. Moves to Rockefeller University to Accommodate Sold Out Audiences

Marketwire, June 16, 2008 NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwire – June 16, 2008) – Intelligence Squared U.S., the Oxford style debate series sponsored by The Rosenkranz Foundation, today announced that its third year of sold out public debates will move to Rockefeller University’s Caspary Auditorium beginning with the fall season in September ...

A Primer for Follow-On Biologics

Generic drugs are chemically identical to their brand-name counterparts. And they cost about 70 percent less. That’s why, with healthcare costs escalating, policymakers want to expand the use of generics. As part of that effort, the Senate is considering a measure that would allow the generic drug industry to produce ...

Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Keep health data private

Patients don’t need government taking control of their personal medical records Those who think the government’s tentacles have not strangled enough of American health care should pay heed to developments in health information technology. Health information technology evangelists complain that U.S. health care is “fragmented” and can only be “integrated” ...

Governor has good plans for uninsured

In the wake of the Massachusetts health reform and California’s recent attempt at an overhaul, more states are jumping on the bandwagon to “cover the uninsured.” That can be a tricky matter, like health reform in general. Gov. Charlie Crist’s 2008-09 budget includes a few costly reforms including expanded coverage ...
Business & Economics

The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution

At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...

McCain’s health proposal aims to tackle costs

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Given the amount of attention focused on the differences between the Democratic presidential candidates’ health-care proposals, you might think presumed Republican nominee Sen. John McCain didn’t have one of his own. But he does. As Democratic senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama spar over whose proposal ...

Thailand’s misuse of ‘compulsory licensing’ allowed corrupt officials to steal millions

When it comes to public health, Thailand’s former government leaders would like the world to think that they’re a collection of 21st-century Robin Hoods. Last year, the unelected military-backed government gave Thailand’s state-run pharmaceutical firm, the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), permission to manufacture generic versions of drugs that fight heart ...

Calls to Inaction? Three New Books on Health Reform

During 2007, some new books on health reform offered the same old message of single-payer, government-monopoly health care. Others offered market-based solutions but, unfortunately, rely too much on “top-down” technical innovation instead of “bottom-up” consumer preference to improve American health care. Three books not only show the wide spectrum of ...

Intelligence Squared U.S. Moves to Rockefeller University to Accommodate Sold Out Audiences

Marketwire, June 16, 2008 NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwire – June 16, 2008) – Intelligence Squared U.S., the Oxford style debate series sponsored by The Rosenkranz Foundation, today announced that its third year of sold out public debates will move to Rockefeller University’s Caspary Auditorium beginning with the fall season in September ...

A Primer for Follow-On Biologics

Generic drugs are chemically identical to their brand-name counterparts. And they cost about 70 percent less. That’s why, with healthcare costs escalating, policymakers want to expand the use of generics. As part of that effort, the Senate is considering a measure that would allow the generic drug industry to produce ...

Russia’s Failed Universal Health Care Program Exposes the Perils of Single-Payer Systems

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Despite doubling government spending, Russian system remains a model of what not to do Despite outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s doubling of state spending on health care over the past two years, complaints about crumbling infrastructure, poor quality of medical services, and ...

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Keep health data private

Patients don’t need government taking control of their personal medical records Those who think the government’s tentacles have not strangled enough of American health care should pay heed to developments in health information technology. Health information technology evangelists complain that U.S. health care is “fragmented” and can only be “integrated” ...

Governor has good plans for uninsured

In the wake of the Massachusetts health reform and California’s recent attempt at an overhaul, more states are jumping on the bandwagon to “cover the uninsured.” That can be a tricky matter, like health reform in general. Gov. Charlie Crist’s 2008-09 budget includes a few costly reforms including expanded coverage ...
Business & Economics

The Beginning of the Longevity Revolution

At last week’s Aging in America conference in Washington, attendees were greeted with multiple displays of technology aiming to help older people live better. A technological divide exists between the “oldest old” and the “recently old” baby boomers, but technologies developed for both groups may also be able to help ...

McCain’s health proposal aims to tackle costs

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Given the amount of attention focused on the differences between the Democratic presidential candidates’ health-care proposals, you might think presumed Republican nominee Sen. John McCain didn’t have one of his own. But he does. As Democratic senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama spar over whose proposal ...

Thailand’s misuse of ‘compulsory licensing’ allowed corrupt officials to steal millions

When it comes to public health, Thailand’s former government leaders would like the world to think that they’re a collection of 21st-century Robin Hoods. Last year, the unelected military-backed government gave Thailand’s state-run pharmaceutical firm, the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), permission to manufacture generic versions of drugs that fight heart ...

Calls to Inaction? Three New Books on Health Reform

During 2007, some new books on health reform offered the same old message of single-payer, government-monopoly health care. Others offered market-based solutions but, unfortunately, rely too much on “top-down” technical innovation instead of “bottom-up” consumer preference to improve American health care. Three books not only show the wide spectrum of ...
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