Health Care Innovation


Our View: Despite qualms of some, universal health care becoming a reality

When Juan Figueroa, president of Meriden-based Universal Health Care Foundation, introduced “SustiNet” two weeks ago the response was, for the most part, enthusiastic. And why shouldn’t it be? Foundation officials said that if implemented over a five-year timeline, SustiNet would save households and businesses a combined total of $1.75 billion ...

Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care

Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care President-elect Barack Obama has promised sweeping changes during his first few months in office. Perhaps the most far-reaching – and troubling – of his proposals is his plan for healthcare reform. Obama has tapped former Sen. Tom Daschle to serve as both the ...

Daschle leads Obama charge for government-run health care

Get ready for a few years of breast-pounding about greedy pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and doctors. The campaign will culminate (we can expect) in some half-assed health care scheme cobbled together by bureaucrats that will hide its costs in taxes, discourage innovation and ultimately run up against the same laws ...

Fixing Fragmentation in U.S. Health Care

One of the primary reasons for the large number of uninsured people in America is that the government uses the tax code to take your family’s health care dollars away from you and give them to your employer to buy health insurance that it chooses for you. When you lose ...
Business & Economics

Product Liability Law, FDA Pre-Emption, and Public Opinion

On December 3, the U.S. Supreme Court began to hear Wyeth v. Levine, which will determine whether the FDA’s regulations governing the labels of prescription drugs “pre-empt” state tort laws. I’ve already discussed the details of the case, wherein Wyeth (the manufacturer) claims that the Vermont state court had no ...

Health Plans Belly Up to SCHIP Trough

For those of us who believe that American families should control our health-care dollars, instead of government, employers, or other 3rd parties, the recent behavior of health-care lobbyists in DC is disturbing. A key insight of the political philosophy of “public choice” theory is that it is impossible for politicians ...
Business & Economics

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

Eureka Reporter, November 4, 2008 Sacramento Union, November 12, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but ...

State off course on ‘personal genomics’

California officials recently ordered two “personal genomics” firms to cease and desist operations within the state. The companies eventually were allowed to continue operations – with a few more regulatory conditions – but why did the state demand that they shut down in the first place? The Silicon Valley startups, ...

Five Myths About Health Care, November 1, 2008, November 1, 2008 Sen. Barack Obama has drawn many voters to his side, thanks in no small part to his health care plan. Unfortunately, his proposals rest upon several falsehoods that are all too common in the health care debate. Using his own words, let’s ...

Gov’t Control of Health Care Unravelling? CVS Gives Cash Discounts for Generic Drugs

While state and federal governments flail around trying to unbreak the health care “system” that they’ve been breaking for decades, entrepreneurs are addressing patients’ needs in innovative ways. CVS, a leading chain of pharmacies has now cut prices for 400 generic drugs to $9.99 for a 90-day supply. A key ...

Our View: Despite qualms of some, universal health care becoming a reality

When Juan Figueroa, president of Meriden-based Universal Health Care Foundation, introduced “SustiNet” two weeks ago the response was, for the most part, enthusiastic. And why shouldn’t it be? Foundation officials said that if implemented over a five-year timeline, SustiNet would save households and businesses a combined total of $1.75 billion ...

Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care

Obama-Daschle “reform” will cripple American health care President-elect Barack Obama has promised sweeping changes during his first few months in office. Perhaps the most far-reaching – and troubling – of his proposals is his plan for healthcare reform. Obama has tapped former Sen. Tom Daschle to serve as both the ...

Daschle leads Obama charge for government-run health care

Get ready for a few years of breast-pounding about greedy pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and doctors. The campaign will culminate (we can expect) in some half-assed health care scheme cobbled together by bureaucrats that will hide its costs in taxes, discourage innovation and ultimately run up against the same laws ...

Fixing Fragmentation in U.S. Health Care

One of the primary reasons for the large number of uninsured people in America is that the government uses the tax code to take your family’s health care dollars away from you and give them to your employer to buy health insurance that it chooses for you. When you lose ...
Business & Economics

Product Liability Law, FDA Pre-Emption, and Public Opinion

On December 3, the U.S. Supreme Court began to hear Wyeth v. Levine, which will determine whether the FDA’s regulations governing the labels of prescription drugs “pre-empt” state tort laws. I’ve already discussed the details of the case, wherein Wyeth (the manufacturer) claims that the Vermont state court had no ...

Health Plans Belly Up to SCHIP Trough

For those of us who believe that American families should control our health-care dollars, instead of government, employers, or other 3rd parties, the recent behavior of health-care lobbyists in DC is disturbing. A key insight of the political philosophy of “public choice” theory is that it is impossible for politicians ...
Business & Economics

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto traps California in obsolete medical research

Eureka Reporter, November 4, 2008 Sacramento Union, November 12, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Last month Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September 25 “Stem Cell Awareness Day.” That news got by many Californians, who remain unaware of how California is locked into paying for obsolete research, certain to consume billions of dollars but ...

State off course on ‘personal genomics’

California officials recently ordered two “personal genomics” firms to cease and desist operations within the state. The companies eventually were allowed to continue operations – with a few more regulatory conditions – but why did the state demand that they shut down in the first place? The Silicon Valley startups, ...

Five Myths About Health Care, November 1, 2008, November 1, 2008 Sen. Barack Obama has drawn many voters to his side, thanks in no small part to his health care plan. Unfortunately, his proposals rest upon several falsehoods that are all too common in the health care debate. Using his own words, let’s ...

Gov’t Control of Health Care Unravelling? CVS Gives Cash Discounts for Generic Drugs

While state and federal governments flail around trying to unbreak the health care “system” that they’ve been breaking for decades, entrepreneurs are addressing patients’ needs in innovative ways. CVS, a leading chain of pharmacies has now cut prices for 400 generic drugs to $9.99 for a 90-day supply. A key ...
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