Health Care Innovation


“Better” Health Care?

President Obama says government will make health care cheaper and better. But there’s no free lunch. In England, health care is “free” — as long as you don’t mind waiting. People wait so long for dentist appointments that some pull their own teeth. Real Clear Politics, July 1, 2009 The ...

Canadian Health Care: The End of Innovation? – ABC News

Government Controlled Health Care Means Waiting Lines, Serious Drawbacks President Obama said that the government is going to “fix what is broken about health care in America.” It sounds like a great idea, but often what sounds good has unintended consequences. John Stossel discovers some dead-serious drawbacks to socialized medicine. ...

ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable

While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...

Not Surprisingly, Howard Dean Favors Public Health Plan

Former governor of Vermont and chairman of the Democratic party Howard Dean, not surprisingly, endorses President Obama’s desire for a public health-plan option. He has been a supporter of a single-payer health-care system for years, and celebrating the idea as a stepping stone to a fully government-run system. Dean is ...
Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...

Health care reform takes center stage

Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...

Boost biologics protection to improve lives

The Times (Munster, IN), June 10, 2009 Wenatchee World (WA), June 11, 2009 Imagine you have a young daughter with psoriasis. The disease affects her immune system, creating inflamed patches on her skin and causing constant joint pain. In addition to the physical irritations, she is self-conscious about her outbreaks ...

The End of Medical Miracles?

Scientific discoveries are neither inevitable nor predictable Americans have, at best, a love-hate relationship with the life-sciences industry—the term for the sector of the economy that produces pharmaceuticals, biologics (like vaccines), and medical devices. These days, the mere mention of a pharmaceutical manufacturer seems to elicit gut-level hostility. Journalists, operating ...

Shut Down Google Docs, Advocacy Group Tells FTC

The Electronic Privacy Information Center is calling for a federal government investigation of Google’s privacy safeguards. The group is reacting to the accidental sharing of some users’ Google Docs information in March. The bug affected users who previously shared documents with other users. About .05 percent of all Google Docs ...

Minnesota Lawmakers Propose More Control over Health Care

Minnesota legislators have announced several health care reform proposals they say will reduce health care spending by the state government to help lower the state’s looming budget deficit. The proposals include requiring patients to enroll in medical homes; ending state payment for medical errors; implementing a licensing and preferential treatment ...

“Better” Health Care?

President Obama says government will make health care cheaper and better. But there’s no free lunch. In England, health care is “free” — as long as you don’t mind waiting. People wait so long for dentist appointments that some pull their own teeth. Real Clear Politics, July 1, 2009 The ...

Canadian Health Care: The End of Innovation? – ABC News

Government Controlled Health Care Means Waiting Lines, Serious Drawbacks President Obama said that the government is going to “fix what is broken about health care in America.” It sounds like a great idea, but often what sounds good has unintended consequences. John Stossel discovers some dead-serious drawbacks to socialized medicine. ...

ObamaCare Isn’t Inevitable

While still good, President Barack Obama’s political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm — his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care. Mr. Obama remains slightly more popular than most presidents have been in their opening months. But his job approval rating has ...

Not Surprisingly, Howard Dean Favors Public Health Plan

Former governor of Vermont and chairman of the Democratic party Howard Dean, not surprisingly, endorses President Obama’s desire for a public health-plan option. He has been a supporter of a single-payer health-care system for years, and celebrating the idea as a stepping stone to a fully government-run system. Dean is ...
Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...

Health care reform takes center stage

Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...

Boost biologics protection to improve lives

The Times (Munster, IN), June 10, 2009 Wenatchee World (WA), June 11, 2009 Imagine you have a young daughter with psoriasis. The disease affects her immune system, creating inflamed patches on her skin and causing constant joint pain. In addition to the physical irritations, she is self-conscious about her outbreaks ...

The End of Medical Miracles?

Scientific discoveries are neither inevitable nor predictable Americans have, at best, a love-hate relationship with the life-sciences industry—the term for the sector of the economy that produces pharmaceuticals, biologics (like vaccines), and medical devices. These days, the mere mention of a pharmaceutical manufacturer seems to elicit gut-level hostility. Journalists, operating ...

Shut Down Google Docs, Advocacy Group Tells FTC

The Electronic Privacy Information Center is calling for a federal government investigation of Google’s privacy safeguards. The group is reacting to the accidental sharing of some users’ Google Docs information in March. The bug affected users who previously shared documents with other users. About .05 percent of all Google Docs ...

Minnesota Lawmakers Propose More Control over Health Care

Minnesota legislators have announced several health care reform proposals they say will reduce health care spending by the state government to help lower the state’s looming budget deficit. The proposals include requiring patients to enroll in medical homes; ending state payment for medical errors; implementing a licensing and preferential treatment ...
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