Health Care Innovation
Health Care
Book Review: The Truth about Obamacare
Health care reform may prove to be President Obama’s signature domestic achievement — as well as the undoing of the Democratic Party. Contrary to his claim that Americans would grow to love Uncle Sam as doctor-in-chief, public support for statist “reform” continues to fall. Few Democrats in marginal congressional districts ...
Doug Bandow
September 14, 2010
State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice
Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
John R. Graham
September 9, 2010
Obamacare undermines our right to health care
President Obama has made no secret of his belief that health care should be “a right for every American.” This moral argument for reform was no doubt among the strongest offered by Obamacare’s proponents. Unfortunately, Obamacare doesn’t guarantee a right to health care. Instead, it undermines that right by subverting ...
John R. Graham
August 30, 2010
How real reform is different from Obamacare
Part three in a three-part series To turn a phrase, there ought not to be a law; Obamacare should be booted from the U.S. Code and onto the ash heap of history. Think it can’t be done? Guess again — Congress has reversed course on health care reform before. On ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 4, 2010
Business & Economics
Leave Medical Liability Change To States
By signing health reform into law, President Obama has launched the most sweeping expansion of federal control of Americans’ access to medical services in decades. Republicans charge that the reform package grants the federal government too much power over our health choices. They’re right — but it could have been ...
John R. Graham
April 23, 2010
Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on Payment, Reimbursement and Innovation
The Institute for International Research presented “Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on Payment, Reimbursement and Innovation” with futurist Ian Morrison, and Sally C. Pipes, Pacific Research Institute.
Pacific Research Institute
January 26, 2010
Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More
On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for some kind of cost containment because if we dont, then our budgets are going to blow up
Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...
John R. Graham
January 24, 2010
What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery
The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeons office for a consultation and, ...
John R. Graham
January 21, 2010
Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...
Hans Bader
November 21, 2009
Roadmap to Victory
Providing a contrast would best expose the weaknesses of the Democratic health bills. By proposing a health-care bill of their own, Senate Republicans can throw the extraordinary weaknesses of the Democratic bills into stark relief. In the wake of the Congressional Budget Office’s recent scoring of aspects of the House ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
November 19, 2009
Book Review: The Truth about Obamacare
Health care reform may prove to be President Obama’s signature domestic achievement — as well as the undoing of the Democratic Party. Contrary to his claim that Americans would grow to love Uncle Sam as doctor-in-chief, public support for statist “reform” continues to fall. Few Democrats in marginal congressional districts ...
State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice
Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Obamacare undermines our right to health care
President Obama has made no secret of his belief that health care should be “a right for every American.” This moral argument for reform was no doubt among the strongest offered by Obamacare’s proponents. Unfortunately, Obamacare doesn’t guarantee a right to health care. Instead, it undermines that right by subverting ...
How real reform is different from Obamacare
Part three in a three-part series To turn a phrase, there ought not to be a law; Obamacare should be booted from the U.S. Code and onto the ash heap of history. Think it can’t be done? Guess again — Congress has reversed course on health care reform before. On ...
Leave Medical Liability Change To States
By signing health reform into law, President Obama has launched the most sweeping expansion of federal control of Americans’ access to medical services in decades. Republicans charge that the reform package grants the federal government too much power over our health choices. They’re right — but it could have been ...
Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on Payment, Reimbursement and Innovation
The Institute for International Research presented “Assessing the Impact of Healthcare Reform on Payment, Reimbursement and Innovation” with futurist Ian Morrison, and Sally C. Pipes, Pacific Research Institute.
Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More
On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for some kind of cost containment because if we dont, then our budgets are going to blow up
Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...
What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery
The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeons office for a consultation and, ...
Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...
Roadmap to Victory
Providing a contrast would best expose the weaknesses of the Democratic health bills. By proposing a health-care bill of their own, Senate Republicans can throw the extraordinary weaknesses of the Democratic bills into stark relief. In the wake of the Congressional Budget Office’s recent scoring of aspects of the House ...