Health Care Innovation


Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More

On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for “some kind of cost containment because if we don’t, then our budgets are going to blow up…” Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...

What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery

The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeon’s office for a consultation and, ...

Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...

Roadmap to Victory

Providing a contrast would best expose the weaknesses of the Democratic health bills. By proposing a health-care bill of their own, Senate Republicans can throw the extraordinary weaknesses of the Democratic bills into stark relief. In the wake of the Congressional Budget Office’s recent scoring of aspects of the House ...
Business & Economics

Ending drugmakers’ exemption will cost jobs

During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The biopharmaceutical industry currently employs more than 100,000 Michiganders and ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Health cost crisis

While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...

Will universal health care coverage harm American innovation?

Can America institute universal health care coverage without hurting our innovative spirit? It is a fascinating question – courtesy of a libertarian perspective. Our nation has an enviable record of innovation from creation of the telephone to space exploration and medical advances. We also have a shameful record on health ...

Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More

On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for “some kind of cost containment because if we don’t, then our budgets are going to blow up…” Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...

What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery

The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeon’s office for a consultation and, ...

Healthcare Bill Advances in Senate, Despite Receiving Failing Grade from Health Experts; Democrats Block Filibuster in Party-Line Vote, November 21, 2009 The healthcare bill is on the verge of passing the Senate, despite the fact that it has received a failing grade from healthcare experts like the Dean of Harvard Medical School, and the fact that it will increase taxes, deficits, and medical costs, while reducing lifesaving ...

Roadmap to Victory

Providing a contrast would best expose the weaknesses of the Democratic health bills. By proposing a health-care bill of their own, Senate Republicans can throw the extraordinary weaknesses of the Democratic bills into stark relief. In the wake of the Congressional Budget Office’s recent scoring of aspects of the House ...
Business & Economics

Ending drugmakers’ exemption will cost jobs

During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The biopharmaceutical industry currently employs more than 100,000 Michiganders and ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Will the Chickens Roost in the CO-OP? Max Baucus’ Health Reform Proposal.

Someone has leaked a document from Senator Max Baucus, titled a Framework for Comprehensive Health Reform, which purports to be the basis for discussion by the “Gang of Six” Senators on the Senate Finance Committee upon whose quivering shoulders rests the fate of the proposed federal take-over of Americans’ access ...

Health cost crisis

While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress

President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...

Will universal health care coverage harm American innovation?

Can America institute universal health care coverage without hurting our innovative spirit? It is a fascinating question – courtesy of a libertarian perspective. Our nation has an enviable record of innovation from creation of the telephone to space exploration and medical advances. We also have a shameful record on health ...
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