Health Care Innovation


Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...

A tax even Chuck Schumer hates

Among the five new ObamaCare tax hikes that kicked in Jan. 1, one in particular is attracting opposition from both Republicans and Democrats: the tax on medical devices. Last month, 18 Democratic senators and senators-elect (including New York’s own Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand) wrote Majority Leader Harry Reid, ...

Obamacare’s Cruel War On Patient-Centered Healthcare

In just a few weeks, when the calendar flips to 2013, millions of Americans will get their first taste of Obamacare — a $2,500 cap on their flexible spending accounts. That’s down from the previous $5,000 cap — and thus equivalent to a tax hike for any family that had ...

To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations

Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...
Health Care

Dental Service Organizations Disproportionately Benefit Low-Income Communities

New Study Finds Dental Service Organizations Disproportionately Benefit Low-Income Communities October 15, 2012 – A new analysis by the Pacific Research Institute finds that Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) create a win-win solution for consumers and taxpayers by providing important, efficient and effective health services to people who have historically lacked ...

A Private Sector Healthcare Solution That We Can Smile About

Earlier this year, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn decided to cut $1.6 billion from the state’s Medicaid program to help get the state’s finances under control. Among the benefits slashed was dental coverage for adults. The Land of Lincoln was only the latest cash-strapped state to scrap dental coverage under Medicaid, ...

Forget About Providers, What Do Doctors Think of Obamacare?

Healthcare providers have long been among Obamacare’s most enthusiastic supporters. The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Hospital Association have all spoken out in favor of President Obama’s signature piece of legislation. But their statements of support are proving to be little more than lip ...
Business & Economics

Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists

Laffer Study of TX Medicaid Claims Shows DSOs Treat Patients More Conservatively, Contrary to Claims by Detractors of the Dental Business Model Nashville, Tenn. — An in-depth study of state reimbursement claims data conducted by economist Arthur Laffer shows that Dental Service Organizations (DSO) in Texas are providing more cost-efficient ...
Health Care

Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope

The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid — the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states — and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...

Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...

Healthcare reform tax on medical devices is a mistake

During a time when our nation’s economy struggles to stabilize and manufacturing jobs continue to diminish there has been one industry within the manufacturing sector that has ascended as a global leader – America’s medical device industry. This industry, described as an American success story, has brought us lifesaving technologies ...

A tax even Chuck Schumer hates

Among the five new ObamaCare tax hikes that kicked in Jan. 1, one in particular is attracting opposition from both Republicans and Democrats: the tax on medical devices. Last month, 18 Democratic senators and senators-elect (including New York’s own Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand) wrote Majority Leader Harry Reid, ...

Obamacare’s Cruel War On Patient-Centered Healthcare

In just a few weeks, when the calendar flips to 2013, millions of Americans will get their first taste of Obamacare — a $2,500 cap on their flexible spending accounts. That’s down from the previous $5,000 cap — and thus equivalent to a tax hike for any family that had ...

To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations

Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...
Health Care

Dental Service Organizations Disproportionately Benefit Low-Income Communities

New Study Finds Dental Service Organizations Disproportionately Benefit Low-Income Communities October 15, 2012 – A new analysis by the Pacific Research Institute finds that Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) create a win-win solution for consumers and taxpayers by providing important, efficient and effective health services to people who have historically lacked ...

A Private Sector Healthcare Solution That We Can Smile About

Earlier this year, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn decided to cut $1.6 billion from the state’s Medicaid program to help get the state’s finances under control. Among the benefits slashed was dental coverage for adults. The Land of Lincoln was only the latest cash-strapped state to scrap dental coverage under Medicaid, ...

Forget About Providers, What Do Doctors Think of Obamacare?

Healthcare providers have long been among Obamacare’s most enthusiastic supporters. The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Hospital Association have all spoken out in favor of President Obama’s signature piece of legislation. But their statements of support are proving to be little more than lip ...
Business & Economics

Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists

Laffer Study of TX Medicaid Claims Shows DSOs Treat Patients More Conservatively, Contrary to Claims by Detractors of the Dental Business Model Nashville, Tenn. — An in-depth study of state reimbursement claims data conducted by economist Arthur Laffer shows that Dental Service Organizations (DSO) in Texas are providing more cost-efficient ...
Health Care

Block Grants to States Give Medicaid New Hope

The House of Representatives is now considering a piece of legislation that would fundamentally improve Medicaid — the health insurance program for low-income Americans jointly funded by the federal government and the states — and help this country avoid fiscal apocalypse. Medicaid is on the front-burner in Washington, as the ...
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