Health Care Innovation


Obamacare’s latest trend: sticker shock

Americans rank health costs as their top financial concern, according to Gallup. That’s not likely to change anytime soon. Health insurers are requesting massive premium hikes for next year — some in excess of 50 percent. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Affordable Care Act has been driving up ...

Two More Pieces Of Obamacare May Be On Their Way Out

House Republicans have launched another assault on Obamacare. This time, they have some support from their foes on the other side of the aisle. Two bipartisan bills that would repeal parts of Obamacare are scheduled to reach the House floor this week. One would get rid of a job-killing tax ...

Drug importation is a dangerous idea that won’t die

A federal judge just struck down a program in Maine allowing state residents to import prescription drugs from foreign countries. The reason: it’s against federal law — and justifiably so. The importation of price-controlled foreign drugs severely undermines research into future cures, hurting patients in the long run. And more ...

Letting patients buy Canadian drugs will only import trouble

Good news for American patients — prescription drugs are effectively on sale. Drug spending climbed just 2.5 percent in 2013. Drug cost growth has now lagged overall health inflation for four straight years. Naturally, Washington lawmakers are ignoring the cost problems plaguing the rest of the healthcare marketplace and focusing ...

Healthcare’s Problem Is Not High Drug Prices

Is $84,000 too much to pay to save a life? That’s a question worth asking now that the insurance industry has declared war on what it has deemed outrageous prices for new specialty drugs. In this case, the complaints focus on Sovaldi, a breakthrough treatment that gives three million people ...
Health Care

Why Pharmaceutical Prices Drop Once Drugs Are Off-Patent

Today PRI released the new report “The Economics of Pharmaceutical Pricing” by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D. The study examines the market forces influencing the often dramatic price differences in pharmaceutical drugs before and after their patents expire. “Some critics erroneously see the sharp declines in the prices of ...

Industry Succeeds Where Obamacare Fails

Walmart is about to get into the health insurance business. The retail giant’s Sam’s Club division just announced that it would launch a private health insurance exchange for its small-business customers. Business owners shopping at the wholesaler will effectively be able to pick up health insurance for their employees along ...

The News Is The Declining Incentives For Medical Innovation

The federal health exchange, one of the centerpieces of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”), is gasping for life.  This is not the important story, however. The U.S. health care system has flaws.  And, these flaws should have been the focus of the health care reforms back in ...

India’s War On Intellectual Property Rights May Bring With It A Body Count

Last month, drug maker Roche withdrew its patents for the breast-cancer drug Herceptin in India — and thus gave tacit approval to other companies to make low-cost generic versions of the drug. But the withdrawal of those patents was not completely voluntary. If the Swiss pharmaceutical firm had not relinquished ...

Government Mandates Don’t Lower Health Care Costs

Free lunches are often the most expensive meals. And yet, when it comes to the nation’s health care system, the federal government blindly offers free lunch buffets in lieu of policies that would actually address the core problems of the nation’s health care system. An example of this free lunch ...

Obamacare’s latest trend: sticker shock

Americans rank health costs as their top financial concern, according to Gallup. That’s not likely to change anytime soon. Health insurers are requesting massive premium hikes for next year — some in excess of 50 percent. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Affordable Care Act has been driving up ...

Two More Pieces Of Obamacare May Be On Their Way Out

House Republicans have launched another assault on Obamacare. This time, they have some support from their foes on the other side of the aisle. Two bipartisan bills that would repeal parts of Obamacare are scheduled to reach the House floor this week. One would get rid of a job-killing tax ...

Drug importation is a dangerous idea that won’t die

A federal judge just struck down a program in Maine allowing state residents to import prescription drugs from foreign countries. The reason: it’s against federal law — and justifiably so. The importation of price-controlled foreign drugs severely undermines research into future cures, hurting patients in the long run. And more ...

Letting patients buy Canadian drugs will only import trouble

Good news for American patients — prescription drugs are effectively on sale. Drug spending climbed just 2.5 percent in 2013. Drug cost growth has now lagged overall health inflation for four straight years. Naturally, Washington lawmakers are ignoring the cost problems plaguing the rest of the healthcare marketplace and focusing ...

Healthcare’s Problem Is Not High Drug Prices

Is $84,000 too much to pay to save a life? That’s a question worth asking now that the insurance industry has declared war on what it has deemed outrageous prices for new specialty drugs. In this case, the complaints focus on Sovaldi, a breakthrough treatment that gives three million people ...
Health Care

Why Pharmaceutical Prices Drop Once Drugs Are Off-Patent

Today PRI released the new report “The Economics of Pharmaceutical Pricing” by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D. The study examines the market forces influencing the often dramatic price differences in pharmaceutical drugs before and after their patents expire. “Some critics erroneously see the sharp declines in the prices of ...

Industry Succeeds Where Obamacare Fails

Walmart is about to get into the health insurance business. The retail giant’s Sam’s Club division just announced that it would launch a private health insurance exchange for its small-business customers. Business owners shopping at the wholesaler will effectively be able to pick up health insurance for their employees along ...

The News Is The Declining Incentives For Medical Innovation

The federal health exchange, one of the centerpieces of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”), is gasping for life.  This is not the important story, however. The U.S. health care system has flaws.  And, these flaws should have been the focus of the health care reforms back in ...

India’s War On Intellectual Property Rights May Bring With It A Body Count

Last month, drug maker Roche withdrew its patents for the breast-cancer drug Herceptin in India — and thus gave tacit approval to other companies to make low-cost generic versions of the drug. But the withdrawal of those patents was not completely voluntary. If the Swiss pharmaceutical firm had not relinquished ...

Government Mandates Don’t Lower Health Care Costs

Free lunches are often the most expensive meals. And yet, when it comes to the nation’s health care system, the federal government blindly offers free lunch buffets in lieu of policies that would actually address the core problems of the nation’s health care system. An example of this free lunch ...
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