Health Care Innovation


Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax

A Look at UK Puts U.S. Doctors ‘Plight’ in Perspective

Doctors are pleading with Congress to reverse the 3.4% cut in Medicare payments that took effect this month. In a recent interview, the head of the American Medical Association, Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld, called the policy “unconscionable,” adding that “physicians continue to struggle.” If American physicians think they have it rough, they ...

Read how our broken immigration system is affecting healthcare

Limited Visas Hinder Hospitals Ability To Curb Nursing Shortfall

Covid-19 burnout and understaffed hospital wards have taken their toll on the nursing profession. An April 2023 study found that overworked nursing professionals and understaffing have driven “an overall 3.3% decline in the U.S. nursing workforce during the past 2 years.” While some argue that the term shortage is not appropriate because the number ...

Don’t give Medicaid to illegal immigrants

California just became the first state to offer taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal immigrants. As of Jan. 1, every adult in California, regardless of age or legal status, can apply for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. Democrats claim the law is about human rights. But taxpayer dollars are finite — something California should understand as it grapples with a ...

Candidates can’t afford silence on health care

Democrats and Republicans are further apart than they’ve been in half a century, according to the Pew Research Center. But nearly 4 in 10 tell pollsters that they’d be open to supporting a candidate from a different political party whose top priority was reducing health care costs. Many Democrats have ...

House’s New Healthcare Reform Drags Medical Pricing to Sunlight

One of the most glaring deficiencies in America’s healthcare system is its lack of price transparency. For too long, the bottom-line price of everything from prescription drugs to MRI scans and in-patient medical procedures has remained a mystery to most consumers. This is no accident. By obscuring this information, providers, ...

Sally Pipes featured in New York Post regarding undocumented immigrants in CA qualifying for free healthcare

By Victor Nava Cash-strapped California will ring in the new year by offering free health care to all undocumented immigrants who qualify for the state’s government-run health insurance program. “The expansion was a bad idea when the state’s coffers were flush. Now that California is struggling to make ends meet, ...

New Report Confirms: Left’s Health Policy Is Malignant

Earlier this month, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new data on the state of U.S. health spending. The agency’s report offers a chilling diagnosis of the challenges facing the U.S. health system. It also reveals just how misguided the Democrats’ health policy agenda has been ...

Biden Is Medical Innovation’s Executioner

President Joe Biden just declared war on medical science — and has undermined his “Cancer Moonshot.” That’s the only way to interpret the administration’s announcement last week arrogating the power to seize patents for medicines and other technologies developed with taxpayer funds on the grounds that they’re too expensive. The president claims ...

Read how Biden plan would hurt medical innovation

The Biden Administration Abuses Inflation to Attack Medical Innovation

It is theoretically bankrupt because price changes for individual goods and services reflect unique market factors in addition to broad-based inflation trends. There is no reason to expect any good’s price changes to always equal the average of all price changes (e.g., measured inflation). For instance, a deep frost that ...

Will Trump’s Hospital Price Transparency Rule Resurge?

One of President Donald J. Trump’s greatest health-policy coups during his term in office came in 2019. His executive order directed hospitals to disclose the prices of a range of services and treatments. The logic behind the order was straightforward. In order for healthcare markets to function efficiently, patients need ready access ...

Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax

A Look at UK Puts U.S. Doctors ‘Plight’ in Perspective

Doctors are pleading with Congress to reverse the 3.4% cut in Medicare payments that took effect this month. In a recent interview, the head of the American Medical Association, Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld, called the policy “unconscionable,” adding that “physicians continue to struggle.” If American physicians think they have it rough, they ...

Read how our broken immigration system is affecting healthcare

Limited Visas Hinder Hospitals Ability To Curb Nursing Shortfall

Covid-19 burnout and understaffed hospital wards have taken their toll on the nursing profession. An April 2023 study found that overworked nursing professionals and understaffing have driven “an overall 3.3% decline in the U.S. nursing workforce during the past 2 years.” While some argue that the term shortage is not appropriate because the number ...

Don’t give Medicaid to illegal immigrants

California just became the first state to offer taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal immigrants. As of Jan. 1, every adult in California, regardless of age or legal status, can apply for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. Democrats claim the law is about human rights. But taxpayer dollars are finite — something California should understand as it grapples with a ...

Candidates can’t afford silence on health care

Democrats and Republicans are further apart than they’ve been in half a century, according to the Pew Research Center. But nearly 4 in 10 tell pollsters that they’d be open to supporting a candidate from a different political party whose top priority was reducing health care costs. Many Democrats have ...

House’s New Healthcare Reform Drags Medical Pricing to Sunlight

One of the most glaring deficiencies in America’s healthcare system is its lack of price transparency. For too long, the bottom-line price of everything from prescription drugs to MRI scans and in-patient medical procedures has remained a mystery to most consumers. This is no accident. By obscuring this information, providers, ...

Sally Pipes featured in New York Post regarding undocumented immigrants in CA qualifying for free healthcare

By Victor Nava Cash-strapped California will ring in the new year by offering free health care to all undocumented immigrants who qualify for the state’s government-run health insurance program. “The expansion was a bad idea when the state’s coffers were flush. Now that California is struggling to make ends meet, ...

New Report Confirms: Left’s Health Policy Is Malignant

Earlier this month, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new data on the state of U.S. health spending. The agency’s report offers a chilling diagnosis of the challenges facing the U.S. health system. It also reveals just how misguided the Democrats’ health policy agenda has been ...

Biden Is Medical Innovation’s Executioner

President Joe Biden just declared war on medical science — and has undermined his “Cancer Moonshot.” That’s the only way to interpret the administration’s announcement last week arrogating the power to seize patents for medicines and other technologies developed with taxpayer funds on the grounds that they’re too expensive. The president claims ...

Read how Biden plan would hurt medical innovation

The Biden Administration Abuses Inflation to Attack Medical Innovation

It is theoretically bankrupt because price changes for individual goods and services reflect unique market factors in addition to broad-based inflation trends. There is no reason to expect any good’s price changes to always equal the average of all price changes (e.g., measured inflation). For instance, a deep frost that ...

Will Trump’s Hospital Price Transparency Rule Resurge?

One of President Donald J. Trump’s greatest health-policy coups during his term in office came in 2019. His executive order directed hospitals to disclose the prices of a range of services and treatments. The logic behind the order was straightforward. In order for healthcare markets to function efficiently, patients need ready access ...
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