Health Care Innovation

Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship

As Americans have benefited from tele-health and other innovations thanks to COVID-19 regulatory relief, future medical advances will be stymied unless policymakers remove road blocks that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to develop new technology and for patients to access it, finds the latest study in the Breaking Down Barriers ...

Price controls punish U.S. innovators and economy

America’s biopharmaceutical industry dwarfs most other economic sectors. It’s one of our nation’s single biggest job creators, supporting close to a million positions across the country. And its products save countless lives each year. Yet for some reason, politicians in both parties seem determined to snuff it out by imposing ...
Climate Change

Pandemics, Pollution, and Poppycock

By Henry I. Miller, M.S, M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat With the world in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the short-term focus is now on how to avoid surges of infections and get the economy functioning so people can go back to work. Hindsight is, of course, ...

ICER’s Cost Model Is Not Only Wrong It’s Also Dangerous

There they go again. In the midst of the race for an effective COVID-19 treatment the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has performed an incomplete analysis of remdesivir in order to produce a cost estimate that is, by definition, precisely wrong. Remdesivir, produced by Gilead Sciences Inc., is ...

The Savings Potential Of Biosimilars Is More Urgent Than Ever

It was not long ago that the economy’s rising tide was supporting state budgets across the country. As the Pew Charitable Trusts noted, widespread economic prosperity was supporting tax revenue growth and creating budget surpluses. When times are good, saving money is not always a priority in state capitols. But, times are ...

COVID-19 Reminds Us That Both Innovation and Affordability Are Needed

In her March 25 Forbes editorial, Sally Pipes documented how the private sector is rising to the health challenges of the coronavirus. Whether it is Moderna launching clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine or Gilead Sciences investigating whether one of its medicines, Remdesivir, is effective against the coronavirus, private sector ...

NEW BRIEF: Expanding “Buy America” Rules Would Hurt U.S. Patients and Economy, Hinder Development of Coronavirus Vaccine

Expanding “Buy America” rules for prescription drugs and medical supplies would reduce patient access to drugs and further damage the economy, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download the brief “As the U.S. ...

The Pat Miller Show Talks to Sally C. Pipes on Private Sector Role in Coronavirus Fight

Sally C. Pipes joined the the Pat Miller Show in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss the enormous benefits of the American private sector in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Pipes breaks down how the private sector industries in the United States are pushing innovations in the fight against the coronavirus ...

The Medicare Bureaucracy Is Unnecessarily Putting Kidney Patients At Risk

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance for healthcare facilities in response to the COVID-19 virus including asking all U.S. healthcare facilities to “explore alternatives to face-to-face triage and visits.” The CDC has issued this recommendation to help contain the spread of the virus, protect healthcare workers from ...
Drug Pricing

Sally C. Pipes Explains the Danger of Drug Price Controls with Coronavirus

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes, President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, joined the Kirby Nation to discuss the danger of drug price controls and American medical innovation. Pipes explains that roughly 4,500 new drugs are in various stage of development, with an estimated three-quarters of those ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Future Medical Innovation Will Be Hindered Unless Elected Officials Embrace Health Care Entrepreneurship

As Americans have benefited from tele-health and other innovations thanks to COVID-19 regulatory relief, future medical advances will be stymied unless policymakers remove road blocks that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to develop new technology and for patients to access it, finds the latest study in the Breaking Down Barriers ...

Price controls punish U.S. innovators and economy

America’s biopharmaceutical industry dwarfs most other economic sectors. It’s one of our nation’s single biggest job creators, supporting close to a million positions across the country. And its products save countless lives each year. Yet for some reason, politicians in both parties seem determined to snuff it out by imposing ...
Climate Change

Pandemics, Pollution, and Poppycock

By Henry I. Miller, M.S, M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat With the world in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the short-term focus is now on how to avoid surges of infections and get the economy functioning so people can go back to work. Hindsight is, of course, ...

ICER’s Cost Model Is Not Only Wrong It’s Also Dangerous

There they go again. In the midst of the race for an effective COVID-19 treatment the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has performed an incomplete analysis of remdesivir in order to produce a cost estimate that is, by definition, precisely wrong. Remdesivir, produced by Gilead Sciences Inc., is ...

The Savings Potential Of Biosimilars Is More Urgent Than Ever

It was not long ago that the economy’s rising tide was supporting state budgets across the country. As the Pew Charitable Trusts noted, widespread economic prosperity was supporting tax revenue growth and creating budget surpluses. When times are good, saving money is not always a priority in state capitols. But, times are ...

COVID-19 Reminds Us That Both Innovation and Affordability Are Needed

In her March 25 Forbes editorial, Sally Pipes documented how the private sector is rising to the health challenges of the coronavirus. Whether it is Moderna launching clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine or Gilead Sciences investigating whether one of its medicines, Remdesivir, is effective against the coronavirus, private sector ...

NEW BRIEF: Expanding “Buy America” Rules Would Hurt U.S. Patients and Economy, Hinder Development of Coronavirus Vaccine

Expanding “Buy America” rules for prescription drugs and medical supplies would reduce patient access to drugs and further damage the economy, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download the brief “As the U.S. ...

The Pat Miller Show Talks to Sally C. Pipes on Private Sector Role in Coronavirus Fight

Sally C. Pipes joined the the Pat Miller Show in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss the enormous benefits of the American private sector in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Pipes breaks down how the private sector industries in the United States are pushing innovations in the fight against the coronavirus ...

The Medicare Bureaucracy Is Unnecessarily Putting Kidney Patients At Risk

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance for healthcare facilities in response to the COVID-19 virus including asking all U.S. healthcare facilities to “explore alternatives to face-to-face triage and visits.” The CDC has issued this recommendation to help contain the spread of the virus, protect healthcare workers from ...
Drug Pricing

Sally C. Pipes Explains the Danger of Drug Price Controls with Coronavirus

PRI’s Sally C. Pipes, President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, joined the Kirby Nation to discuss the danger of drug price controls and American medical innovation. Pipes explains that roughly 4,500 new drugs are in various stage of development, with an estimated three-quarters of those ...
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