Health Care Innovation


New Brief Shows Impact of California’s Surprise Medical Billing Law: Lower Quality Care, Reduced Access, Higher System Costs

California’s surprise medical billing law (Assembly Bill 72) – which imposes price controls on the rates out-of-network physicians can charge at in-network facilities – is hurting patients with lower quality care, reduced access, and higher health care system costs, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

President Trump’s Big Government Instincts Threaten Drug Innovation And Availability

President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. It is time for President Trump to learn this wisdom. Along with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Sanders, and Representative Ocasio-Cortez, President Trump seems to believe that giving the ...

Executive Order On Drug Price Controls Would Backfire

Rumor has it that President Trump will soon issue a sweeping executive order to lower prescription drug prices by fiat. Nothing is set in stone. But the order would reportedly index the government’s reimbursements for medicines to the prices that Britain, France, Canada, and other developed nations pay. Since all those nations ...

Patients Will Suffer The Most From The Trump Administration’s Reference Pricing Scheme

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with, arguably, the greatest surge in drug innovation in history. Consider that Remdesivir (produced by Gilead) has already received an emergency use authorization by the FDA for Covid-19. Losmapimod (produced by Fulcrum) is another promising treatment for Covid-19 that is in Phase III trials. And, ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Empowering Entrepreneurs to Address America’s Health Care Challenges

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss the latest study in the “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, which makes the case that future medical innovation will be hindered unless state and federal policymakers embrace health care entrepreneurship.

Do coronavirus numbers show bias in health care? This study’s results will surprise you

African-Americans make up 12.4 percent of the population but have accounted for 23.8 percent of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths, as of June 23. This disparity has gained considerable attention in light of the protests sweeping the country. But the situation is more complicated than it appears. According to a working ...

New Brief Shows Impact of California’s Surprise Medical Billing Law: Lower Quality Care, Reduced Access, Higher System Costs

California’s surprise medical billing law (Assembly Bill 72) – which imposes price controls on the rates out-of-network physicians can charge at in-network facilities – is hurting patients with lower quality care, reduced access, and higher health care system costs, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

President Trump’s Big Government Instincts Threaten Drug Innovation And Availability

President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. It is time for President Trump to learn this wisdom. Along with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Sanders, and Representative Ocasio-Cortez, President Trump seems to believe that giving the ...

Executive Order On Drug Price Controls Would Backfire

Rumor has it that President Trump will soon issue a sweeping executive order to lower prescription drug prices by fiat. Nothing is set in stone. But the order would reportedly index the government’s reimbursements for medicines to the prices that Britain, France, Canada, and other developed nations pay. Since all those nations ...

Patients Will Suffer The Most From The Trump Administration’s Reference Pricing Scheme

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with, arguably, the greatest surge in drug innovation in history. Consider that Remdesivir (produced by Gilead) has already received an emergency use authorization by the FDA for Covid-19. Losmapimod (produced by Fulcrum) is another promising treatment for Covid-19 that is in Phase III trials. And, ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Empowering Entrepreneurs to Address America’s Health Care Challenges

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss the latest study in the “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, which makes the case that future medical innovation will be hindered unless state and federal policymakers embrace health care entrepreneurship.

Do coronavirus numbers show bias in health care? This study’s results will surprise you

African-Americans make up 12.4 percent of the population but have accounted for 23.8 percent of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths, as of June 23. This disparity has gained considerable attention in light of the protests sweeping the country. But the situation is more complicated than it appears. According to a working ...
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