Health Care Innovation


Read Biden's latest defense of price controls on insulin

In Debate Biden Lost on Substance, Style, and More

President Joe Biden’s clumsy, halting performance at the first presidential debate was nothing short of disastrous. But the substance of his remarks, especially on healthcare, is just as worrying. Take his defense of the Inflation Reduction Act’s price controls on insulin for Medicare Part D enrollees. As the president put it, “We brought ...

Read about Biden's healthcare promises on the campaign trail

Joe Biden’s False Promise To Young Voters

In the lead-up to last month’s presidential debate, pundits predicted that President Biden would lean into his standard defense of his former boss’s signature healthcare legislation in a bid to attract young voters, whose lack of enthusiasm for the president has the White House worried. It’s safe to say that Team Biden ...

Making Medical Debts ‘Disappear’ Misguided

The Biden administration proposed a rule this month that would remove medical debt from credit reports. It’s sure to be popular, if for no other reason than that it’s expected to boost credit scores for the more than 15 million people with such debt by an average of 20 points. ...

Read the latest on CA health care policy

California rues healthcare minimum wage increase

A minimum wage hike for healthcare workers in California was supposed to take effect this Saturday. But over the past week, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and his Democratic allies have worked feverishly on legislation to postpone it. California Democrats haven’t suddenly become free-market acolytes. They’re worried that the wage increase, which may cost the state $4 billion this ...

Mandating dental coverage will drive up the cost of insurance

The Biden administration finalized a rule last month allowing states to mandate that most individual and small-group health plans, including those for sale on Obamacare‘s exchanges, cover adult dental services. Mandating coverage of dental benefits may be politically appealing. But it will end up leaving a bitter taste in people’s mouths. Mandates cost money. Implementing ...

Congress should take action to make telemedicine permanent

Congress faces a year-end deadline to extend its relaxed pandemic-era rules permitting greater use of telehealth by Medicare beneficiaries. If our lawmakers fail to step up, millions of seniors as well as privately insured patients could lose access to what has become an essential form of medical care. The expansion of ...

Read the latest on medical debt proposals

Medical Debt-Relief Can Backfire on Patients

Americans collectively owe some $220 billion in medical debt. In response, a growing number of states, including New Jersey and Connecticut, are using public funds to relieve those debts. Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa., proposed doing something similar in his state earlier this year. But is canceling medical debt the best way to help cash-strapped Americans? Click to ...

Read how overregulation is having negative effects on nursing homes

Government shouldn’t micromanage nursing homes

The Biden administration published regulations last month requiring most nursing homes to maintain specific staffing levels. As a result, roughly three in four nursing homes will have to hire additional personnel. Progressives argue the rules will lead to better care. “For residents, this will mean more staff, which means fewer ER visits potentially, more ...

Read on the benefits of telehealth

Time Medicare Joined 21st Century on Telehealth

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing this month to discuss extending pandemic-era policies that expanded access to telehealth under Medicare. Without urgent action by lawmakers, these telehealth flexibilities will expire at the end of the year. That’s an outcome few should welcome. Telehealth has proved enormously valuable to ...

Eliminate regs that drive doctor shortage

Doctor’s appointments will be hard to come by over the next decade, according to new data from the Association of American Medical Colleges. By 2036, the organization estimates that the United States will be short as many as 86,000 physicians. This is a shortage of not just doctors but medical ...

Read Biden's latest defense of price controls on insulin

In Debate Biden Lost on Substance, Style, and More

President Joe Biden’s clumsy, halting performance at the first presidential debate was nothing short of disastrous. But the substance of his remarks, especially on healthcare, is just as worrying. Take his defense of the Inflation Reduction Act’s price controls on insulin for Medicare Part D enrollees. As the president put it, “We brought ...

Read about Biden's healthcare promises on the campaign trail

Joe Biden’s False Promise To Young Voters

In the lead-up to last month’s presidential debate, pundits predicted that President Biden would lean into his standard defense of his former boss’s signature healthcare legislation in a bid to attract young voters, whose lack of enthusiasm for the president has the White House worried. It’s safe to say that Team Biden ...

Making Medical Debts ‘Disappear’ Misguided

The Biden administration proposed a rule this month that would remove medical debt from credit reports. It’s sure to be popular, if for no other reason than that it’s expected to boost credit scores for the more than 15 million people with such debt by an average of 20 points. ...

Read the latest on CA health care policy

California rues healthcare minimum wage increase

A minimum wage hike for healthcare workers in California was supposed to take effect this Saturday. But over the past week, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and his Democratic allies have worked feverishly on legislation to postpone it. California Democrats haven’t suddenly become free-market acolytes. They’re worried that the wage increase, which may cost the state $4 billion this ...

Mandating dental coverage will drive up the cost of insurance

The Biden administration finalized a rule last month allowing states to mandate that most individual and small-group health plans, including those for sale on Obamacare‘s exchanges, cover adult dental services. Mandating coverage of dental benefits may be politically appealing. But it will end up leaving a bitter taste in people’s mouths. Mandates cost money. Implementing ...

Congress should take action to make telemedicine permanent

Congress faces a year-end deadline to extend its relaxed pandemic-era rules permitting greater use of telehealth by Medicare beneficiaries. If our lawmakers fail to step up, millions of seniors as well as privately insured patients could lose access to what has become an essential form of medical care. The expansion of ...

Read the latest on medical debt proposals

Medical Debt-Relief Can Backfire on Patients

Americans collectively owe some $220 billion in medical debt. In response, a growing number of states, including New Jersey and Connecticut, are using public funds to relieve those debts. Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa., proposed doing something similar in his state earlier this year. But is canceling medical debt the best way to help cash-strapped Americans? Click to ...

Read how overregulation is having negative effects on nursing homes

Government shouldn’t micromanage nursing homes

The Biden administration published regulations last month requiring most nursing homes to maintain specific staffing levels. As a result, roughly three in four nursing homes will have to hire additional personnel. Progressives argue the rules will lead to better care. “For residents, this will mean more staff, which means fewer ER visits potentially, more ...

Read on the benefits of telehealth

Time Medicare Joined 21st Century on Telehealth

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing this month to discuss extending pandemic-era policies that expanded access to telehealth under Medicare. Without urgent action by lawmakers, these telehealth flexibilities will expire at the end of the year. That’s an outcome few should welcome. Telehealth has proved enormously valuable to ...

Eliminate regs that drive doctor shortage

Doctor’s appointments will be hard to come by over the next decade, according to new data from the Association of American Medical Colleges. By 2036, the organization estimates that the United States will be short as many as 86,000 physicians. This is a shortage of not just doctors but medical ...
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