Drug Pricing
Drug Pricing
Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor
Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 25, 2014
Drug Discount Program Drives up Costs, Discounts the Poor
American cancer patients have never had a better chance of beating the disease than they do today. In the last quarter-century, cancer death rates have declined by more than one-fifth. But these gains in the fight against cancer havent come cheaply. Cancer drug prices have doubled in the past decade. ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 2, 2014
Big Pharma Accomplishes Big Things, Yet Obama Is Suffocating The Industry
Whats the most research-intensive industry in America? If you guessed Silicon Valley or the energy sector, guess again. In fact, its the drug industry. The 31 pharmaceutical companies comprising its main trade group spent $48.5 billion on research and development last year. All told, the pharmaceutical sector has spent $550 ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 29, 2013
Why Are The Democrats Attacking The Only Successful Part Of Medicare
The much-discussed sequester has taken effect. But federal lawmakers are still trying to find ways to undo the $85 billion in spending cuts it has put in motion. In his state -of-the-union address, President Obama trained his eyes on one of his favorite bogeymen the pharmaceutical industry. The president ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 4, 2013
Senior Citizens Will Pay Dearly For Health Care Price Controls
Squabbles over spending cuts have ruled the negotiations over increasing the debt ceiling. But even after the ink is dry on the budget deal just passed, lawmakers will still be charged with reducing federal spending further. One proposal that refuses to die would impose price controls on prescription drugs in ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 1, 2011
A Plan That Leads Health Care To Nowhere
President Obama recently offered up his plan for cutting the federal budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. A big chunk of those proposed savings–$480 billion, or more than 10%–is supposed to come from federal health care programs. Unfortunately, the president plans to achieve those savings through heavy-handed rationing. ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 3, 2011
Obamacare Unintended Consequence of the Day: Higher Drug Prices for Kids’ Hospitals
One anonymous politician who voted to impose Obamacare on the nation told the reporter that this results from “an honest mistake in drafting.” Sick kids will lose access to medicines because of politicians’ incompetence, but they don’t even bother to defend their not reading or understanding the legislation anymore. Indeed, ...
John R. Graham
December 8, 2010
Health reform plans represent financial malpractice
Detroit News, February 27, 2010 President Barack Obama has made it clear that reducing the cost of care is one of the primary goals of his reform effort, a point he emphasized at Thursday’s health care summit. And yet, according to a recent report from the Department of Health and ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 27, 2010
How Stupid Can They Possibly Be?
So who is it this time? Well, it’s those savvy businessmen, wheeling and dealing inside the Beltway, as if the machinations that they arrange with the politicos are actually enforceable. Consider a New York Times report today, beginning with the following: Pressed by industry lobbyists, White House officials on Wednesday ...
Benjamin Zycher
August 6, 2009
Health Reform Puts Innovation At Risk
Investor’s Business Daily, July 23, 2009 President Obama and congressional Democrats have spelled out few details in their health reform plan. But one thing is certain — it’s going to be expensive. A new report from the Congressional Budget Office puts the price tag of the current proposal from Sen. ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 23, 2009
Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor
Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...
Drug Discount Program Drives up Costs, Discounts the Poor
American cancer patients have never had a better chance of beating the disease than they do today. In the last quarter-century, cancer death rates have declined by more than one-fifth. But these gains in the fight against cancer havent come cheaply. Cancer drug prices have doubled in the past decade. ...
Big Pharma Accomplishes Big Things, Yet Obama Is Suffocating The Industry
Whats the most research-intensive industry in America? If you guessed Silicon Valley or the energy sector, guess again. In fact, its the drug industry. The 31 pharmaceutical companies comprising its main trade group spent $48.5 billion on research and development last year. All told, the pharmaceutical sector has spent $550 ...
Why Are The Democrats Attacking The Only Successful Part Of Medicare
The much-discussed sequester has taken effect. But federal lawmakers are still trying to find ways to undo the $85 billion in spending cuts it has put in motion. In his state -of-the-union address, President Obama trained his eyes on one of his favorite bogeymen the pharmaceutical industry. The president ...
Senior Citizens Will Pay Dearly For Health Care Price Controls
Squabbles over spending cuts have ruled the negotiations over increasing the debt ceiling. But even after the ink is dry on the budget deal just passed, lawmakers will still be charged with reducing federal spending further. One proposal that refuses to die would impose price controls on prescription drugs in ...
A Plan That Leads Health Care To Nowhere
President Obama recently offered up his plan for cutting the federal budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. A big chunk of those proposed savings–$480 billion, or more than 10%–is supposed to come from federal health care programs. Unfortunately, the president plans to achieve those savings through heavy-handed rationing. ...
Obamacare Unintended Consequence of the Day: Higher Drug Prices for Kids’ Hospitals
One anonymous politician who voted to impose Obamacare on the nation told the reporter that this results from “an honest mistake in drafting.” Sick kids will lose access to medicines because of politicians’ incompetence, but they don’t even bother to defend their not reading or understanding the legislation anymore. Indeed, ...
Health reform plans represent financial malpractice
Detroit News, February 27, 2010 President Barack Obama has made it clear that reducing the cost of care is one of the primary goals of his reform effort, a point he emphasized at Thursday’s health care summit. And yet, according to a recent report from the Department of Health and ...
How Stupid Can They Possibly Be?
So who is it this time? Well, it’s those savvy businessmen, wheeling and dealing inside the Beltway, as if the machinations that they arrange with the politicos are actually enforceable. Consider a New York Times report today, beginning with the following: Pressed by industry lobbyists, White House officials on Wednesday ...
Health Reform Puts Innovation At Risk
Investor’s Business Daily, July 23, 2009 President Obama and congressional Democrats have spelled out few details in their health reform plan. But one thing is certain — it’s going to be expensive. A new report from the Congressional Budget Office puts the price tag of the current proposal from Sen. ...