Drug Pricing
There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls
Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...
Wayne Winegarden
November 7, 2019
Drug Pricing
Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price Controls on Lars Larson Show
Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his recent Forbes op-ed on prescription drug price controls and how they would threaten access to innovative cures for America’s patients on “The Lars Larson Show.”
Pacific Research Institute
November 1, 2019
We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates
“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 29, 2019
The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 17, 2019
Drug Innovation
Sally C. Pipes Discusses Changing Drug Regulations on the Lars Larson Show
Sally C. Pipes joins the Lars Larson Show on KXL to discuss how new regulations will change drug prices in Canada and discourage drug innovation.
Sally C. Pipes
September 12, 2019
Drug Pricing
Henry Miller explains how the market can lower drug prices on the Lars Larson Show
Henry Miller joined the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss how the market can lower drug prices. Henry Miller’s interview starts at the 46 minute mark.
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
August 19, 2019
Trump’s drug price controls could cost lives
The Trump administration is preparing a proposal that will likely peg what Medicare pays for prescription drugs to prices in other nations. Name brand drugs generally cost less abroad because foreign governments forcibly control their prices. So this international price index would effectively import those foreign price controls. That may sound like a ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 19, 2019
Drug Pricing
What to Know in Washington: When Drugs Make News, Trump Reacts
Staffers at the Department of Health and Human Services have gotten used to a pattern: President Donald Trump sees a news report on spikes in prescription-drug list prices, Secretary Alex Azar is called to a meeting in the Oval Office, and a policy in the discussion stage gets accelerated and ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 15, 2019
Let’s Let Market Forces Lower Drug Prices
The Trump Administration on July 31 announced steps that could lead to the importation of prescription drugs from Canada, where prices are lower. This strategy is favored by President Trump but has long been opposed by many Republicans. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that the policy would enable Americans ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
August 12, 2019
Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short
A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 8, 2019
There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls
Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...
Wayne Winegarden Discusses Drug Price Controls on Lars Larson Show
Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his recent Forbes op-ed on prescription drug price controls and how they would threaten access to innovative cures for America’s patients on “The Lars Larson Show.”
We Need A Cure For The Arrogance Of Drug Price Control Advocates
“Three hundred forty-five billion dollars in savings versus the cost of eight to 15 fewer drugs over 10 years, I frankly think it’s worth it.” Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee In the above quote, Representative Soto is defending H.R. 3, the drug price control ...
The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...
Sally C. Pipes Discusses Changing Drug Regulations on the Lars Larson Show
Sally C. Pipes joins the Lars Larson Show on KXL to discuss how new regulations will change drug prices in Canada and discourage drug innovation.
Henry Miller explains how the market can lower drug prices on the Lars Larson Show
Henry Miller joined the nationally syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss how the market can lower drug prices. Henry Miller’s interview starts at the 46 minute mark.
Trump’s drug price controls could cost lives
The Trump administration is preparing a proposal that will likely peg what Medicare pays for prescription drugs to prices in other nations. Name brand drugs generally cost less abroad because foreign governments forcibly control their prices. So this international price index would effectively import those foreign price controls. That may sound like a ...
What to Know in Washington: When Drugs Make News, Trump Reacts
Staffers at the Department of Health and Human Services have gotten used to a pattern: President Donald Trump sees a news report on spikes in prescription-drug list prices, Secretary Alex Azar is called to a meeting in the Oval Office, and a policy in the discussion stage gets accelerated and ...
Let’s Let Market Forces Lower Drug Prices
The Trump Administration on July 31 announced steps that could lead to the importation of prescription drugs from Canada, where prices are lower. This strategy is favored by President Trump but has long been opposed by many Republicans. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that the policy would enable Americans ...
Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short
A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...