Drug Pricing
Drug Importation
NEW BRIEF: Counterfeit Drugs Harm Patients, Economy, Innovation
A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute shows that counterfeit drugs put patients in harm’s way, hinder drug innovation, and lead to job losses. Proposals like drug importation or price controls, if implemented, would exacerbate the problem and ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 13, 2020
Import German drug prices to the United States? Nein, danke
President Trump recently issued a blitz of executive orders in an attempt to fulfill his promise to reduce drug prices. One of those orders would put in place a “cure” far worse than the disease. The order in question establishes foreign reference pricing, whereby the federal government ties its reimbursement rates for ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 5, 2020
Drug Pricing
Wayne Winegarden Featured in Newsweek Drug Pricing Story
Title: Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden, But People Don’t Think He’ll Fix Drug Pricing By Darragh Roche Former Vice President Joe Biden is winning the race for donations from Big Pharma but experts and industry stakeholders doubt his plans will successfully lower drug prices or address underlying issues in the ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 29, 2020
Drug Pricing
NEW BRIEF: Mandating that Drug Rebates Benefit Consumers Will Help Patients with High Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs
A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute found that reforms mandating drug rebates benefit patients rather than payers would lower overall health care costs and help patients with expensive out-of-pocket drug costs. Click here to download the brief “Ironically, ...
Wayne Winegarden
September 29, 2020
What We’re Watching – September 18
Tim Anaya – Making the Entire Health Care System More Affordable In the final episode in PRI’s “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete visit the City of Free Enterprise and learn that reforms to make the entire health care system more affordable are critical to making ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 18, 2020
Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs
President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...
Wayne Winegarden
September 15, 2020
Trump’s Drug Pricing Order Is A Costly Mistake
On Sunday, September 13, President Trump signed a “most-favored-nation” executive order to reduce U.S. drug prices. It instructs federal officials to set pharmaceutical reimbursements under Medicare Parts B and D equal to the lowest prices paid in other developed countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and France. The high cost of medications is a ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 15, 2020
California should not get into the drug manufacturing business
In an attempt to lower Californians’ prescription drug costs, lawmakers just passed a bill that would allow the state government to contract with pharmaceutical manufacturers to produce generic drugs. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature is all but guaranteed before the end of the month. Golden State politicians aren’t the only ones ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 14, 2020
California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients
The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...
Kerry Jackson
September 9, 2020
California’s Worst Bills of the Legislative Session
The final gavel fell last week on the 2020 legislative session. Cut short by seven weeks due to the coronavirus, lawmakers were forced to take a backseat to Gov. Newsom, who made use of his wide-ranging emergency powers to lock down businesses to stop the spread of the virus and ...
Rowena Itchon
September 8, 2020
NEW BRIEF: Counterfeit Drugs Harm Patients, Economy, Innovation
A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute shows that counterfeit drugs put patients in harm’s way, hinder drug innovation, and lead to job losses. Proposals like drug importation or price controls, if implemented, would exacerbate the problem and ...
Import German drug prices to the United States? Nein, danke
President Trump recently issued a blitz of executive orders in an attempt to fulfill his promise to reduce drug prices. One of those orders would put in place a “cure” far worse than the disease. The order in question establishes foreign reference pricing, whereby the federal government ties its reimbursement rates for ...
Wayne Winegarden Featured in Newsweek Drug Pricing Story
Title: Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden, But People Don’t Think He’ll Fix Drug Pricing By Darragh Roche Former Vice President Joe Biden is winning the race for donations from Big Pharma but experts and industry stakeholders doubt his plans will successfully lower drug prices or address underlying issues in the ...
NEW BRIEF: Mandating that Drug Rebates Benefit Consumers Will Help Patients with High Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs
A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute found that reforms mandating drug rebates benefit patients rather than payers would lower overall health care costs and help patients with expensive out-of-pocket drug costs. Click here to download the brief “Ironically, ...
What We’re Watching – September 18
Tim Anaya – Making the Entire Health Care System More Affordable In the final episode in PRI’s “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, the Professor and Pete visit the City of Free Enterprise and learn that reforms to make the entire health care system more affordable are critical to making ...
Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs
President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...
Trump’s Drug Pricing Order Is A Costly Mistake
On Sunday, September 13, President Trump signed a “most-favored-nation” executive order to reduce U.S. drug prices. It instructs federal officials to set pharmaceutical reimbursements under Medicare Parts B and D equal to the lowest prices paid in other developed countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and France. The high cost of medications is a ...
California should not get into the drug manufacturing business
In an attempt to lower Californians’ prescription drug costs, lawmakers just passed a bill that would allow the state government to contract with pharmaceutical manufacturers to produce generic drugs. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature is all but guaranteed before the end of the month. Golden State politicians aren’t the only ones ...
California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients
The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...
California’s Worst Bills of the Legislative Session
The final gavel fell last week on the 2020 legislative session. Cut short by seven weeks due to the coronavirus, lawmakers were forced to take a backseat to Gov. Newsom, who made use of his wide-ranging emergency powers to lock down businesses to stop the spread of the virus and ...