Drug Pricing
Price Controls, Publicly Funded Insurance Won’t Deliver Value
On Dec. 14, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (cms.gov) released their latest estimate of the country’s annual healthcare tab. For the second straight year, U.S. healthcare spending topped $4 trillion. In 2021, health spending accounted for more than 18% of U.S. GDP. Progressives tend to cite numbers like these ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 27, 2022
An Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s, But Only if ICER Allows It
Three days before Christmas, the Institute for Clinical & Economic Review (ICER) is scheduled to publish a draft assessment of two promising treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately for the millions of Americans living with this fatal illness, it is likely that ICER will be giving lumps of coal, not gifts, ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 16, 2022
Drug Prices
NEW STUDY: 340B Providers Reap Big Profits, Should Be Reformed to Ensure At-Risk Patients Receive Affordable Care
SACRAMENTO – The broken 340B program, designed to provide affordable care for at-risk patients, creates massive profits for providers without necessarily improving patient health outcomes and should be reformed, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. ...
Wayne H Winegarden
November 16, 2022
What Is the Value of the Interchangeability Designation for a Biosimilar?
By Wayne Winegarden, Robert Popovian & Peter Pitts Biosimilars, to date, have achieved the promise of reducing prices and drug spending in the United States. The unquestioned safety and efficacy of biosimilars have given providers, patients, and employers, amongst many others, the confidence that savings will be even more robust as we ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 14, 2022
Health Care Priorities for Next Congress
Election day approaches quickly. But no matter who wins come November, Americans must urge Congress to prioritize health care policy. Health care costs are consistently rising which endangers lives because costs can constrain patients from receiving needed care. Pandemic exigencies further highlighted shortcomings in our health care system. Before pandemic ...
McKenzie Richards
October 31, 2022
Inflation Reduction Act is bad news for patients
Democrats are riding high on the public support they’ve garnered for passing legislation giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prices from drug makers. A Politico-Morning Consult Poll found that 76% of Americans support price caps on drugs, while only 13% do not. In other words, Democrats have effectively ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 6, 2022
Drug Prices
Sally Pipes Discusses Prescription Drugs and Inflation Reduction Act on Eric Bolling: The Balance
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss prescription drug costs and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act on “Eric Bolling: The Balance” on Newsmax TV.
Sally C. Pipes
September 20, 2022
Government Drug Price Negotiations Offer A False Promise
With inflation rising and midterm elections just months away, Democrats are desperate for something they can pitch to voters as a reason to keep them in control of Congress. They’re hoping a watered-down version of their Build Back Better Act could do the trick. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., who helped shoot the bill ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 5, 2022
Business & Economics
Rounding Up The Usual Suspects Won’t Alleviate Inflation
Doing his best Captain Renault impersonation, President Biden is trying to alleviate the troubling inflationary environment by “rounding up the usual suspects”. In this case, that means blame a problem that can only be caused by errant government policies on politically convenient targets such as rising drug prices, Russia’s invasion of the ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 23, 2022
Where’s The Promised Transparency in Drug Pricing?
Hospitals are shoring up their balance sheets on the backs of cancer patients, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers looked at 25 of the top cancer medications distributed at 61 cancer treatment centers across the country over the course of six months. They found that ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 23, 2022
Price Controls, Publicly Funded Insurance Won’t Deliver Value
On Dec. 14, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (cms.gov) released their latest estimate of the country’s annual healthcare tab. For the second straight year, U.S. healthcare spending topped $4 trillion. In 2021, health spending accounted for more than 18% of U.S. GDP. Progressives tend to cite numbers like these ...
An Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s, But Only if ICER Allows It
Three days before Christmas, the Institute for Clinical & Economic Review (ICER) is scheduled to publish a draft assessment of two promising treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately for the millions of Americans living with this fatal illness, it is likely that ICER will be giving lumps of coal, not gifts, ...
NEW STUDY: 340B Providers Reap Big Profits, Should Be Reformed to Ensure At-Risk Patients Receive Affordable Care
SACRAMENTO – The broken 340B program, designed to provide affordable care for at-risk patients, creates massive profits for providers without necessarily improving patient health outcomes and should be reformed, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. ...
What Is the Value of the Interchangeability Designation for a Biosimilar?
By Wayne Winegarden, Robert Popovian & Peter Pitts Biosimilars, to date, have achieved the promise of reducing prices and drug spending in the United States. The unquestioned safety and efficacy of biosimilars have given providers, patients, and employers, amongst many others, the confidence that savings will be even more robust as we ...
Health Care Priorities for Next Congress
Election day approaches quickly. But no matter who wins come November, Americans must urge Congress to prioritize health care policy. Health care costs are consistently rising which endangers lives because costs can constrain patients from receiving needed care. Pandemic exigencies further highlighted shortcomings in our health care system. Before pandemic ...
Inflation Reduction Act is bad news for patients
Democrats are riding high on the public support they’ve garnered for passing legislation giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prices from drug makers. A Politico-Morning Consult Poll found that 76% of Americans support price caps on drugs, while only 13% do not. In other words, Democrats have effectively ...
Sally Pipes Discusses Prescription Drugs and Inflation Reduction Act on Eric Bolling: The Balance
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss prescription drug costs and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act on “Eric Bolling: The Balance” on Newsmax TV.
Government Drug Price Negotiations Offer A False Promise
With inflation rising and midterm elections just months away, Democrats are desperate for something they can pitch to voters as a reason to keep them in control of Congress. They’re hoping a watered-down version of their Build Back Better Act could do the trick. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., who helped shoot the bill ...
Rounding Up The Usual Suspects Won’t Alleviate Inflation
Doing his best Captain Renault impersonation, President Biden is trying to alleviate the troubling inflationary environment by “rounding up the usual suspects”. In this case, that means blame a problem that can only be caused by errant government policies on politically convenient targets such as rising drug prices, Russia’s invasion of the ...
Where’s The Promised Transparency in Drug Pricing?
Hospitals are shoring up their balance sheets on the backs of cancer patients, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers looked at 25 of the top cancer medications distributed at 61 cancer treatment centers across the country over the course of six months. They found that ...