

Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...
Business & Economics

Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

Make Water Policy Work Like Water

As California’s water situation continues to cause problems, well-intentioned analyses continue to promote misguided solutions while missing some obvious simple steps. Mike Taugher of the Contra Costa Times recently related California’s water woes to the nation’s economic troubles. “In both cases,” he says, “lax regulatory oversight was a factor in ...
Business & Economics

Government Should Leave Sharing Economy Alone

Governments tend to target innovative industries that are too new to be regulated and single them out for punitive taxes and nasty abuse. As Art Laffer once put it, governments aren’t happy when business pioneers enjoy “success without the benevolent, guiding wisdom of” of the regulatory state. This was the ...

One State, Under Water

After a particularly soppy winter refilled California’s gasping reservoirs and swelled the Sierra Nevada snowpack—to 175 percent above its historical average, in some spots—grateful residents hailed the end of a dry spell that stretched back six years. Governor Jerry Brown has declared that the state’s drought is mostly over, though ...

Withholding CSR Funds Could Push More Health Plans Out

If President Trump follows through with his suggestion that he might withhold subsidy payments to insurers as a way to force Democrats to the negotiating table, the move might have little effect on his political opponents but push struggling health plans out of the ACA marketplace. The president indicated in ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Devin Nunes Has 5 Big Ideas To Fix California

There are 120 legislators and eight elected statewide officials in Sacramento, but maybe the most sensible elected official in California lives much of the time in Washington, D.C. Or at least the one who’s making the most sensible proposals. Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents California’s 22nd District in Congress, encouraged ...

Senators Sell Sorry Rx For What Ails Obamacare

Republicans won three elections — including one this past November — promising to repeal President Obama’s signature health law. Yet some GOP senators are proposing to replace Obama-care with … Obamacare. There’s no other way to describe the “replacement” plan offered by U.S. Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Susan Collins ...

Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...
Business & Economics

Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

Make Water Policy Work Like Water

As California’s water situation continues to cause problems, well-intentioned analyses continue to promote misguided solutions while missing some obvious simple steps. Mike Taugher of the Contra Costa Times recently related California’s water woes to the nation’s economic troubles. “In both cases,” he says, “lax regulatory oversight was a factor in ...
Business & Economics

Government Should Leave Sharing Economy Alone

Governments tend to target innovative industries that are too new to be regulated and single them out for punitive taxes and nasty abuse. As Art Laffer once put it, governments aren’t happy when business pioneers enjoy “success without the benevolent, guiding wisdom of” of the regulatory state. This was the ...

One State, Under Water

After a particularly soppy winter refilled California’s gasping reservoirs and swelled the Sierra Nevada snowpack—to 175 percent above its historical average, in some spots—grateful residents hailed the end of a dry spell that stretched back six years. Governor Jerry Brown has declared that the state’s drought is mostly over, though ...

Withholding CSR Funds Could Push More Health Plans Out

If President Trump follows through with his suggestion that he might withhold subsidy payments to insurers as a way to force Democrats to the negotiating table, the move might have little effect on his political opponents but push struggling health plans out of the ACA marketplace. The president indicated in ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Devin Nunes Has 5 Big Ideas To Fix California

There are 120 legislators and eight elected statewide officials in Sacramento, but maybe the most sensible elected official in California lives much of the time in Washington, D.C. Or at least the one who’s making the most sensible proposals. Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents California’s 22nd District in Congress, encouraged ...

Senators Sell Sorry Rx For What Ails Obamacare

Republicans won three elections — including one this past November — promising to repeal President Obama’s signature health law. Yet some GOP senators are proposing to replace Obama-care with … Obamacare. There’s no other way to describe the “replacement” plan offered by U.S. Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Susan Collins ...
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