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  • Water


    Proposed Tax Is a Four-Letter Word in My Neighborhood

    Water meters are a sore subject in my neighborhood. The City of Sacramento has been installing water meters for the past few years as part of its effort to comply with a state mandate. This year, it was my neighborhood’s turn to endure the inefficient mess that has become Sacramento’s ...

    Legislature Should Remove Barriers to Work for Californians

    Late last month, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta challenged state legislators to abolish one of the most noxious barriers to work: occupational licensing. If Sacramento lawmakers followed through, hundreds of thousands of Californians would be liberated from a system that bars entry into the workforce and also protects those who’ve ...

    The Inconvenient Truth About Obamacare’s Premium Spiral

    Insurers have until Sept. 5 to reveal what they will charge for coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges next year. They are required to finalize their rates by Sept. 5 — and sign their contracts by Sept. 27. The numbers they’ve released thus far aren’t pretty. In Iowa, insurer Medica is seeking ...

    An (Artificially) Intelligent Future for California?

    Californians harboring dystopian fears would have us believe that the state is sowing the seeds of its own destruction by leading in the development of artificial intelligence. Consider state legislation introduced this year that would fine companies like Uber $25,000 a day per vehicle if they operate self-driving cars without ...

    Congress Takes an Important Step to Prevent Future Droughts

    Thanks to a stormy winter, California’s long drought is over says state government. But California’s man-made drought will continue as long as Sacramento misallocates our water supply. Maybe it’s time to appeal to a higher but distant authority. When Gov. Jerry Brown declared in April that the six-year “drought emergency ...

    Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

    President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

    Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

    Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

    If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

    It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...
    Business & Economics

    Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

    If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

    Make Water Policy Work Like Water

    As California’s water situation continues to cause problems, well-intentioned analyses continue to promote misguided solutions while missing some obvious simple steps. Mike Taugher of the Contra Costa Times recently related California’s water woes to the nation’s economic troubles. “In both cases,” he says, “lax regulatory oversight was a factor in ...

    Proposed Tax Is a Four-Letter Word in My Neighborhood

    Water meters are a sore subject in my neighborhood. The City of Sacramento has been installing water meters for the past few years as part of its effort to comply with a state mandate. This year, it was my neighborhood’s turn to endure the inefficient mess that has become Sacramento’s ...

    Legislature Should Remove Barriers to Work for Californians

    Late last month, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta challenged state legislators to abolish one of the most noxious barriers to work: occupational licensing. If Sacramento lawmakers followed through, hundreds of thousands of Californians would be liberated from a system that bars entry into the workforce and also protects those who’ve ...

    The Inconvenient Truth About Obamacare’s Premium Spiral

    Insurers have until Sept. 5 to reveal what they will charge for coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges next year. They are required to finalize their rates by Sept. 5 — and sign their contracts by Sept. 27. The numbers they’ve released thus far aren’t pretty. In Iowa, insurer Medica is seeking ...

    An (Artificially) Intelligent Future for California?

    Californians harboring dystopian fears would have us believe that the state is sowing the seeds of its own destruction by leading in the development of artificial intelligence. Consider state legislation introduced this year that would fine companies like Uber $25,000 a day per vehicle if they operate self-driving cars without ...

    Congress Takes an Important Step to Prevent Future Droughts

    Thanks to a stormy winter, California’s long drought is over says state government. But California’s man-made drought will continue as long as Sacramento misallocates our water supply. Maybe it’s time to appeal to a higher but distant authority. When Gov. Jerry Brown declared in April that the six-year “drought emergency ...

    Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

    President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...

    Giving Rural California A Bigger Voice

    Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher of Yuba City joins us at his Sacramento office to talk about the Oroville Dam emergency, building California water storage, and his proposal to give the North State a bigger voice in California politics.

    If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next

    It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...
    Business & Economics

    Empower The Private Sector To Close The Infrastructure Funding Gap

    If you believe the civil engineers, then on top of current planned expenditures, the U.S. needs an additional $5.2 trillion in investment into the nation’s roads, water systems, electric grids, ports & waterways, and airports between now and 2040. While such investments may be imperative, the ability of the government ...

    Make Water Policy Work Like Water

    As California’s water situation continues to cause problems, well-intentioned analyses continue to promote misguided solutions while missing some obvious simple steps. Mike Taugher of the Contra Costa Times recently related California’s water woes to the nation’s economic troubles. “In both cases,” he says, “lax regulatory oversight was a factor in ...