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  • Water


    Science Shows the Way as Hurricane Approaches

    Many people remember “science” as something that only the nerdy kids with thick glasses (like me) liked in high school. But it has everyday importance; for example, if you’re deciding whether to evacuate as Hurricane Florence bears down on the Carolinas. Here’s why: The destructive force of a storm increases ...

    Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

    California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

    The September Issue

    By Sally C. Pipes and Rowena Itchon “In the occasionally parallel universe of fashion magazines,” writes Matthew Schneier, style editor of the New York Times, “the calendar diverges from the standard. The Gregorian does not apply. For fashion magazines, September is Christmas. September is your birthday. September is New Year’s ...

    California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It

    Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...

    Parents Don’t Need Sacramento to Make Their Kids’ Food Choices

    I’ve written before about Sacramento’s efforts to try and dictate how people live their lives through over-reaching legislation. On Thursday, we saw that some Sacramento liberals are taking things a step further, telling California’s parents how they should raise their children. Senate Bill 1192, by Sen. Bill Monning, D-Santa Cruz, ...

    California’s Costly, Inaccessible Healthcare System

    More than one-third of California’s $200 billion budget goes toward health care. Private health insurance spending in the state, meanwhile, exceeds more than $100 billion a year. Unfortunately, all that spending doesn’t appear to make health care more accessible. That’s the troubling finding of a comprehensive new analysis of health ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in Health Leaders Media Article on Single-Payer in the States

    Single Payer Getting More Attention at State Level, Not Going Away By Gregory A. Freeman States are testing the waters with Medicare-for-all type plans while waiting for federal solutions. The cost of single-payer plans could be the biggest hurdle. “Medicare for all” is becoming a rallying cry in state elections, ...

    A way out of California’s water crisis

    California’s chronic water problems were once again national news when Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation establishing a code of water-use restrictions that would be more fitting for an undeveloped nation. As usual, policymakers chose the austerity of coercive public policy over the voluntary, cooperative agreements that markets use to efficiently ...

    California May Mandate Solar Panels on All New Homes

    California may soon become the first state to mandate solar panels be installed on all new homes, apartments, and condominiums. The California Energy Commission passed a building code regulation requiring all homes constructed in 2020 or later to have solar panels on their roofs, by a unanimous vote on May ...

    Proposed Water Tax Dropped in State Budget Deal

    Sacramento has been trying for some time now to add a 95-cents-a-month tax on drinking water to pay for “secure access to safe drinking water for all Californians, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of drinking water service and infrastructure.” Those dreams of more taxes were delayed last week, though, ...

    Science Shows the Way as Hurricane Approaches

    Many people remember “science” as something that only the nerdy kids with thick glasses (like me) liked in high school. But it has everyday importance; for example, if you’re deciding whether to evacuate as Hurricane Florence bears down on the Carolinas. Here’s why: The destructive force of a storm increases ...

    Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

    California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

    The September Issue

    By Sally C. Pipes and Rowena Itchon “In the occasionally parallel universe of fashion magazines,” writes Matthew Schneier, style editor of the New York Times, “the calendar diverges from the standard. The Gregorian does not apply. For fashion magazines, September is Christmas. September is your birthday. September is New Year’s ...

    California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It

    Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...

    Parents Don’t Need Sacramento to Make Their Kids’ Food Choices

    I’ve written before about Sacramento’s efforts to try and dictate how people live their lives through over-reaching legislation. On Thursday, we saw that some Sacramento liberals are taking things a step further, telling California’s parents how they should raise their children. Senate Bill 1192, by Sen. Bill Monning, D-Santa Cruz, ...

    California’s Costly, Inaccessible Healthcare System

    More than one-third of California’s $200 billion budget goes toward health care. Private health insurance spending in the state, meanwhile, exceeds more than $100 billion a year. Unfortunately, all that spending doesn’t appear to make health care more accessible. That’s the troubling finding of a comprehensive new analysis of health ...
    Health Care

    Sally Pipes in Health Leaders Media Article on Single-Payer in the States

    Single Payer Getting More Attention at State Level, Not Going Away By Gregory A. Freeman States are testing the waters with Medicare-for-all type plans while waiting for federal solutions. The cost of single-payer plans could be the biggest hurdle. “Medicare for all” is becoming a rallying cry in state elections, ...

    A way out of California’s water crisis

    California’s chronic water problems were once again national news when Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation establishing a code of water-use restrictions that would be more fitting for an undeveloped nation. As usual, policymakers chose the austerity of coercive public policy over the voluntary, cooperative agreements that markets use to efficiently ...

    California May Mandate Solar Panels on All New Homes

    California may soon become the first state to mandate solar panels be installed on all new homes, apartments, and condominiums. The California Energy Commission passed a building code regulation requiring all homes constructed in 2020 or later to have solar panels on their roofs, by a unanimous vote on May ...

    Proposed Water Tax Dropped in State Budget Deal

    Sacramento has been trying for some time now to add a 95-cents-a-month tax on drinking water to pay for “secure access to safe drinking water for all Californians, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of drinking water service and infrastructure.” Those dreams of more taxes were delayed last week, though, ...
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