

The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...

Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ is poking at corporate activists

Many of America’s largest public corporations recently made a commitment in principle to their “stakeholders,” which included working with their communities and “protect[ing] the environment by embracing sustainable practices.” Leaders of 181 of the 193 member companies of the prominent Business Roundtable promised to “deliver value.” It gave us a sense of ...

What Does the Governor’s Veto of SB 1 Mean?

California’s state government has embraced a policy of resisting nearly every federal government policy pursued by the Trump Administration. Legislation, executive orders, and lawsuits serve the dual purpose of forwarding the state’s progressive agenda and pushing back against federal policies from Washington D.C. Many have expressed surprise over Governor Newsom’s ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

Latest Campus Free Speech Battle Shows Long Way to Go to Protect Student First Amendment Freedoms

The free speech battles on college campuses today are perhaps unparalleled since the time of Mario Savio at Berkeley in the 1960s – although the cast of characters is much different today with conservatives being afraid to speak freely about their beliefs in class. Recently on “Next Round with PRI,” ...

California State Senate Hands Newsom Decade-old Political Lightning Rod in Redevelopment Agencies

Since 2011, the California State Legislature has been itching to bring back redevelopment agencies. Governor Jerry Brown’s nixing of the 70-year-old program scored the California state budget several billion dollars during the Great Recession in 2011.  At the time of their elimination, redevelopment agencies collected around 12 percent of all ...

Is California Already Tired of Newsom’s “Winning” So Much This Legislative Session?

President Trump said many times during the 2016 election that the American people would “win” so much under his administration that they would get tired of winning. Now that the 2019 legislative session is over, Gov. Gavin Newsom may be making the same boast.California’s new governor was, by all accounts, ...

Organic Industry Anti-Pesticide Propaganda Threatens to Cripple American Agriculture

In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

California Lawmakers Always Thirsty for More Water Laws

Water policy is one of those topics that can leave newcomers and casual listeners feeling inundated. The regulations that govern state and federal water policy are laced with a flood of acronyms and terms, with a steady gush of changes to state water policy and regulation over the past decade. ...

Cutting Medical Costs Can Be a Bargain

Much of the medical progress in the past half-century has involved expensive, high-tech diagnostic tests and therapies. But it would be a mistake to gainsay the value of inexpensive, low-tech innovations. Consider the problem of falls, which are both a cause and effect of declining health in the elderly. They ...

The Senate’s New Drug Bill Is Socialism Lite

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a radical new plan to let the federal government set drug prices. In the hopes of combating this bill, many Republicans are holding up Senator Chuck Grassley’s Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act as a more moderate alternative. That’s a mistake. While Grassley’s bill isn’t as ...

Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ is poking at corporate activists

Many of America’s largest public corporations recently made a commitment in principle to their “stakeholders,” which included working with their communities and “protect[ing] the environment by embracing sustainable practices.” Leaders of 181 of the 193 member companies of the prominent Business Roundtable promised to “deliver value.” It gave us a sense of ...

What Does the Governor’s Veto of SB 1 Mean?

California’s state government has embraced a policy of resisting nearly every federal government policy pursued by the Trump Administration. Legislation, executive orders, and lawsuits serve the dual purpose of forwarding the state’s progressive agenda and pushing back against federal policies from Washington D.C. Many have expressed surprise over Governor Newsom’s ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

Latest Campus Free Speech Battle Shows Long Way to Go to Protect Student First Amendment Freedoms

The free speech battles on college campuses today are perhaps unparalleled since the time of Mario Savio at Berkeley in the 1960s – although the cast of characters is much different today with conservatives being afraid to speak freely about their beliefs in class. Recently on “Next Round with PRI,” ...

California State Senate Hands Newsom Decade-old Political Lightning Rod in Redevelopment Agencies

Since 2011, the California State Legislature has been itching to bring back redevelopment agencies. Governor Jerry Brown’s nixing of the 70-year-old program scored the California state budget several billion dollars during the Great Recession in 2011.  At the time of their elimination, redevelopment agencies collected around 12 percent of all ...

Is California Already Tired of Newsom’s “Winning” So Much This Legislative Session?

President Trump said many times during the 2016 election that the American people would “win” so much under his administration that they would get tired of winning. Now that the 2019 legislative session is over, Gov. Gavin Newsom may be making the same boast.California’s new governor was, by all accounts, ...

Organic Industry Anti-Pesticide Propaganda Threatens to Cripple American Agriculture

In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

California Lawmakers Always Thirsty for More Water Laws

Water policy is one of those topics that can leave newcomers and casual listeners feeling inundated. The regulations that govern state and federal water policy are laced with a flood of acronyms and terms, with a steady gush of changes to state water policy and regulation over the past decade. ...

Cutting Medical Costs Can Be a Bargain

Much of the medical progress in the past half-century has involved expensive, high-tech diagnostic tests and therapies. But it would be a mistake to gainsay the value of inexpensive, low-tech innovations. Consider the problem of falls, which are both a cause and effect of declining health in the elderly. They ...
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