What We’re Watching
Today, we’re launching a new weekly feature on Right by the Bay called “What We’re Watching”. Think of it as our click bait for short video clips that you should be watching. Every day, when we gather around the water cooler or check our e-mails, we’re bombarded with suggestions for ...
Tim Anaya
April 13, 2018
Are Electric Car Subsidies Just Giveaways To The Wealthy?
Gov. Jerry Brown and some California lawmakers are pushing Golden State drivers to the fast lane of an all-electric car future. For example, San Francisco Democrat Phil Ting has introduced legislation to outlaw the sale of traditional gas-powered cars by the year 2040. My colleague Kerry Jackson has called this idea “a ...
Wayne Winegarden
April 10, 2018
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?
Read the PDF It’s not elected officials’ fault if it doesn’t rain. But they are largely responsible for the issues that arise when it doesn’t. That’s why California’s most-recent drought was often referred to as man-made. The next one, which will reportedly arrive this year, should carry the same label. ...
Kerry Jackson
April 10, 2018
Free Markets and Education: The Answer is Freedom
The United States’ K-12 system of education must evolve to keep pace with the changing global economy. America has consistently taken a leading role in the world in a broad range of industries because we have avoided each century’s intellectual political fads (e.g. mercantilism, communism, & socialism) that dilute the ...
Damon Dunn
April 4, 2018
Sacramento Taxes Nearly Everything. Is Drinking Water Next?
Apparently, there’s nothing so sacred nor so ordinary that Sacramento won’t tax it. Possibly next up on the tax table is a first-ever levy on drinking water. During last year’s legislative session, lawmakers proposed through Senate Bill 623 a 95-cent monthly tax on water bills. The revenue, about $200 million, ...
Kerry Jackson
March 29, 2018
Investors and Taxpayers: Beware of Corporate Welfare
Last week, Tesla analysts at Goldman Sachs reiterated their sell rating of the stock, citing decreased delivery projections of its Models S and X, and slower production of its mass market Model 3 (see: that’s what I want!). Goldman analyst David Tamberrino believes that the slowdown may mean that the ...
Rowena Itchon
March 28, 2018
Trump is right — California is out of control
When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...
Kerry Jackson
March 27, 2018
Yes, It’s True. California Must Build A Lot More Housing to Close Gap
Finally, a state ranking where California isn’t last. In per capita housing supply, California is 49th. Only Utah has fewer housing units per 1,000 population, with 347. The Golden State: 358. The data are from McKinsey Global Institute’s 2016 report “A Tool Kit to Close California’s Housing Gap: 3.5 Million ...
Kerry Jackson
March 27, 2018
Is ‘Plastophobia’ Sweeping California?
Grocery store cashier: Do you need a bag? Customer: No thanks, it’s just a few items. I’ll put everything in this plastic produce bag with the bananas. Cashier: Ok. We just got those bags the other day. They’re awesome. Customer: Oh, why? Cashier: They’re biodegradable. They are also delicate to ...
Kerry Jackson
March 24, 2018
ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans
When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 23, 2018
What We’re Watching
Today, we’re launching a new weekly feature on Right by the Bay called “What We’re Watching”. Think of it as our click bait for short video clips that you should be watching. Every day, when we gather around the water cooler or check our e-mails, we’re bombarded with suggestions for ...
Are Electric Car Subsidies Just Giveaways To The Wealthy?
Gov. Jerry Brown and some California lawmakers are pushing Golden State drivers to the fast lane of an all-electric car future. For example, San Francisco Democrat Phil Ting has introduced legislation to outlaw the sale of traditional gas-powered cars by the year 2040. My colleague Kerry Jackson has called this idea “a ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Will We Ever Build More Water Storage in California?
Read the PDF It’s not elected officials’ fault if it doesn’t rain. But they are largely responsible for the issues that arise when it doesn’t. That’s why California’s most-recent drought was often referred to as man-made. The next one, which will reportedly arrive this year, should carry the same label. ...
Free Markets and Education: The Answer is Freedom
The United States’ K-12 system of education must evolve to keep pace with the changing global economy. America has consistently taken a leading role in the world in a broad range of industries because we have avoided each century’s intellectual political fads (e.g. mercantilism, communism, & socialism) that dilute the ...
Sacramento Taxes Nearly Everything. Is Drinking Water Next?
Apparently, there’s nothing so sacred nor so ordinary that Sacramento won’t tax it. Possibly next up on the tax table is a first-ever levy on drinking water. During last year’s legislative session, lawmakers proposed through Senate Bill 623 a 95-cent monthly tax on water bills. The revenue, about $200 million, ...
Investors and Taxpayers: Beware of Corporate Welfare
Last week, Tesla analysts at Goldman Sachs reiterated their sell rating of the stock, citing decreased delivery projections of its Models S and X, and slower production of its mass market Model 3 (see: that’s what I want!). Goldman analyst David Tamberrino believes that the slowdown may mean that the ...
Trump is right — California is out of control
When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...
Yes, It’s True. California Must Build A Lot More Housing to Close Gap
Finally, a state ranking where California isn’t last. In per capita housing supply, California is 49th. Only Utah has fewer housing units per 1,000 population, with 347. The Golden State: 358. The data are from McKinsey Global Institute’s 2016 report “A Tool Kit to Close California’s Housing Gap: 3.5 Million ...
Is ‘Plastophobia’ Sweeping California?
Grocery store cashier: Do you need a bag? Customer: No thanks, it’s just a few items. I’ll put everything in this plastic produce bag with the bananas. Cashier: Ok. We just got those bags the other day. They’re awesome. Customer: Oh, why? Cashier: They’re biodegradable. They are also delicate to ...
ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans
When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...