

Should Voters Really Have to Decide How Eggs are Made?

In less than a month, Californians will head to the polls in what will surely be of the most consequential elections in years. The state is home to several competitive races for U.S. House seats – the results of which will have a significant impact on American politics for many ...

Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party

We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...

Eco-Bullying Crosses the Pond

Some bad ideas have originated in America. Reality television, spray-on cheese, pineapple pizza, and deep-fried Hostess Twinkies come to mind. But the most obnoxious of all may be eco-activist campaigners armed with Freedom of Information Act requests, or FOIAs, who pervert the intention of the law in order to undermine ...

The U.N. Celebrates 15 Years of Screwing Up Biotech Regulation

Although best-known for its peace-keeping in areas of conflict — where it enjoys a mixed record, at best — the U.N.’s agencies, programs, commissions and international agreements have a dismal record of accomplishment, especially while acting as the world’s regulator-wannabe for all manner of products, processes and activities. The U.N. ...

The Organic Food Industry Gets Fat on Lies

In “The Wealth of Nations,” the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

California Triggered by Weak, Minor Greenhouse Gas

Just days after signing legislation committing the state to 100 percent renewable sources for electricity, Gov. Jerry Brown hosted a grandiose climate summit in San Francisco. Noticeably absent from the conference was even the smallest dose of healthy skepticism. Of course, the self-important nags were there, emitting their usual industrial-grade ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Just How “Authentic” Are the “Natural” Products You’re Buying?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI’s new fellow in health care studies, joins us to discuss his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed challenging the “authentic” industry, which made waves nationally. We also discuss how over-regulation prevents beneficial products from going to market, how the EPA’s Superfund program has become a cash-cow for ...

Why the Two Orders? Freezing CAFE standards was the correct policy

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed freezing CAFE standards at the 2020 levels of 37 mpg. While a bit of a non sequitur, this freeze is reminiscent of the climactic scene from the 1992 film A Few Good Men. For those of you who missed the movie, or just ...

Should Voters Really Have to Decide How Eggs are Made?

In less than a month, Californians will head to the polls in what will surely be of the most consequential elections in years. The state is home to several competitive races for U.S. House seats – the results of which will have a significant impact on American politics for many ...

Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party

We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...

Eco-Bullying Crosses the Pond

Some bad ideas have originated in America. Reality television, spray-on cheese, pineapple pizza, and deep-fried Hostess Twinkies come to mind. But the most obnoxious of all may be eco-activist campaigners armed with Freedom of Information Act requests, or FOIAs, who pervert the intention of the law in order to undermine ...

The U.N. Celebrates 15 Years of Screwing Up Biotech Regulation

Although best-known for its peace-keeping in areas of conflict — where it enjoys a mixed record, at best — the U.N.’s agencies, programs, commissions and international agreements have a dismal record of accomplishment, especially while acting as the world’s regulator-wannabe for all manner of products, processes and activities. The U.N. ...

The Organic Food Industry Gets Fat on Lies

In “The Wealth of Nations,” the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

California Triggered by Weak, Minor Greenhouse Gas

Just days after signing legislation committing the state to 100 percent renewable sources for electricity, Gov. Jerry Brown hosted a grandiose climate summit in San Francisco. Noticeably absent from the conference was even the smallest dose of healthy skepticism. Of course, the self-important nags were there, emitting their usual industrial-grade ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Just How “Authentic” Are the “Natural” Products You’re Buying?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI’s new fellow in health care studies, joins us to discuss his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed challenging the “authentic” industry, which made waves nationally. We also discuss how over-regulation prevents beneficial products from going to market, how the EPA’s Superfund program has become a cash-cow for ...

Why the Two Orders? Freezing CAFE standards was the correct policy

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed freezing CAFE standards at the 2020 levels of 37 mpg. While a bit of a non sequitur, this freeze is reminiscent of the climactic scene from the 1992 film A Few Good Men. For those of you who missed the movie, or just ...
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