

Read latest about California's green agenda

Everyday Is Halloween For The Scaremongering Climate Alarmists

“Climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses,” says The Lancet, “are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning.” And what does California do about this? It is now the third state to “mandate scaring our kids to death.” Along with Connecticut ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about California's water woes

California Sets Fire To The Rain

The Los Angeles Times recently noted that even after “a ‘miracle’ water year,” challenges are still ahead for California, and they might arrive as early as the coming winter. And what are those challenges? The San Francisco Chronicle puts it plainly: “California will soon require many cities to significantly cut ...

Read about new state water law

SB 389: New water law wastes time in the race to save a valuable resource

Water rights in California are split into pre- and post-1914 categories with pre-1914 and riparian rights given supremacy over post-1914 rights. The pre-1914 and riparian rights are largely for surface water withdrawals – effecting streams, rivers, and tributaries throughout the state. In recent years, activists have called for a total ...

Read about latest Sacramento green overreach

Is Sacramento Going to Ban Classic Cars? Recent History Suggests It Might.

California, according to the Capitol Museum in Sacramento, “is the world’s first auto-civilization.” A PBS affiliate says “as an innovator and early adopter of freeways, California became the symbolic capital of car culture.” Just five years ago, Jalopnik reported that “California is one of the hottest beds of car culture ...

Read about latest costly green mandate

New Climate Disclosure Laws Will Hurt Business, Won’t Help Planet

When author and journalist Tom Wolfe coined the term “statusphere” – in which participants compete for prestige within a groupthink bubble – he didn’t have the California Legislature of the 21st century in mind. But he could have. In California, it’s routine for lawmakers to pass bills that have little ...

Read the latest on animal rights extremism

City-based activists push radical animal-rights agenda from the comfortable security provided by rural Americans

The phrase “First World Problems” has become a punchline. It is a throwaway statement because it is uttered by people with plenty of gadgets, a reliable food supply, and a secure roof over their heads. It has also dulled our experience of a world in which seasonal food is the ...

Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil

Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform.  Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications.  He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...
Climate Change

Read about state climate change lawsuit

Newsom-Bonta lawsuit against oil industry good PR strategy, bad for fighting climate change

Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit in San Francisco County Superior Court, suing a number of oil companies as well as the American Petroleum Institute for “creating, contributing to, and/or assisting in the creation of state-wide climate change-related harms in California.” The lawsuit ...

Read about Sacramento offshore power deal

Deal on Offshore Power is Latest Fool’s Game on Green Energy

Wind farms will supposedly produce 25% (or 25 gigawatts, which would be enough power for 25 million homes) of California’s electricity after the state completes its 2045 transition to an energy grid free of fossil fuels and nuclear power. As the Times story indicates, there are zero offshore wind turbines ...

Read latest about California's green agenda

Everyday Is Halloween For The Scaremongering Climate Alarmists

“Climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses,” says The Lancet, “are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning.” And what does California do about this? It is now the third state to “mandate scaring our kids to death.” Along with Connecticut ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about California's water woes

California Sets Fire To The Rain

The Los Angeles Times recently noted that even after “a ‘miracle’ water year,” challenges are still ahead for California, and they might arrive as early as the coming winter. And what are those challenges? The San Francisco Chronicle puts it plainly: “California will soon require many cities to significantly cut ...

Read about new state water law

SB 389: New water law wastes time in the race to save a valuable resource

Water rights in California are split into pre- and post-1914 categories with pre-1914 and riparian rights given supremacy over post-1914 rights. The pre-1914 and riparian rights are largely for surface water withdrawals – effecting streams, rivers, and tributaries throughout the state. In recent years, activists have called for a total ...

Read about latest Sacramento green overreach

Is Sacramento Going to Ban Classic Cars? Recent History Suggests It Might.

California, according to the Capitol Museum in Sacramento, “is the world’s first auto-civilization.” A PBS affiliate says “as an innovator and early adopter of freeways, California became the symbolic capital of car culture.” Just five years ago, Jalopnik reported that “California is one of the hottest beds of car culture ...

Read about latest costly green mandate

New Climate Disclosure Laws Will Hurt Business, Won’t Help Planet

When author and journalist Tom Wolfe coined the term “statusphere” – in which participants compete for prestige within a groupthink bubble – he didn’t have the California Legislature of the 21st century in mind. But he could have. In California, it’s routine for lawmakers to pass bills that have little ...

Read the latest on animal rights extremism

City-based activists push radical animal-rights agenda from the comfortable security provided by rural Americans

The phrase “First World Problems” has become a punchline. It is a throwaway statement because it is uttered by people with plenty of gadgets, a reliable food supply, and a secure roof over their heads. It has also dulled our experience of a world in which seasonal food is the ...

Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil

Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform.  Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications.  He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...
Climate Change

Read about state climate change lawsuit

Newsom-Bonta lawsuit against oil industry good PR strategy, bad for fighting climate change

Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit in San Francisco County Superior Court, suing a number of oil companies as well as the American Petroleum Institute for “creating, contributing to, and/or assisting in the creation of state-wide climate change-related harms in California.” The lawsuit ...

Read about Sacramento offshore power deal

Deal on Offshore Power is Latest Fool’s Game on Green Energy

Wind farms will supposedly produce 25% (or 25 gigawatts, which would be enough power for 25 million homes) of California’s electricity after the state completes its 2045 transition to an energy grid free of fossil fuels and nuclear power. As the Times story indicates, there are zero offshore wind turbines ...
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