A Former Speechwriter’s View of the 2020 State of the Union
PRI is fortunate to be home to several former speechwriters for Presidents and Governors, including me. Anyone who has been a speechwriter watches a big public speech like this week’s State of the Union address or Gov. Newsom’s upcoming State of the State address on Feb. 19 with great interest ...
Tim Anaya
February 6, 2020
The City That Taxed Too Much
San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...
Kerry Jackson
January 30, 2020
Wayne Winegarden in Heartland News Story on CA Solar Roof Mandate
California Solar Home Law Likely to Price Many Out of the Market By Kenneth Artz A new building code in California requires all newly constructed homes statewide to be solar-powered. Tens of thousands of homes will be affected by the first-of-their-kind rules approved in 2018 by the California Energy Commission under Gov. ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 23, 2020
Democratic Candidates Are Sorry for All the Wrong Things
When presidential candidate Joe Biden began a campaign tour with the slogan, “No Malarkey” (a seeming oxymoron for a politician), the rallying cry was contradicted by his many apologies for past actions and positions. Had he fashioned his expedition as a “No Apologies” tour, he doubtless would have done far ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 20, 2020
Climate Change
California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet
Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
Kerry Jackson
January 15, 2020
Could National Water Pipeline Be the Solution to State’s Water Scarcity?
With nearly 40 million people and more than 70,000 farms taking up nearly 25 million acres, California is always thirsty. It is, as well, mostly dry. Deserts make up one-fourth of the state and semi-arid land occupies up at least that much, if not more. Consequently, water is an ever-unfolding ...
Kerry Jackson
January 15, 2020
Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future
I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies. All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...
Damon Dunn
January 14, 2020
A Bold Fix For The West’s Water Woes
The nation’s Western states are facing severe, and worsening, water shortages. There are both consumption and supply problems, and neither will be easy to fix. However, we have a remedy for the latter. More water is used in America per capita than almost anywhere else in the world — more ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 7, 2020
Is It Immoral To Oppose The Use Of Pesticides?
If you were to ask a group of medical professionals to name the most significant public health achievements of the past century, antibiotics and widespread vaccination against infectious diseases would almost certainly top the list. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2 (CDC) would add motor vehicle safety, fluoridated water, workplace ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
January 6, 2020
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
Tim Anaya
December 26, 2019
A Former Speechwriter’s View of the 2020 State of the Union
PRI is fortunate to be home to several former speechwriters for Presidents and Governors, including me. Anyone who has been a speechwriter watches a big public speech like this week’s State of the Union address or Gov. Newsom’s upcoming State of the State address on Feb. 19 with great interest ...
The City That Taxed Too Much
San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...
Wayne Winegarden in Heartland News Story on CA Solar Roof Mandate
California Solar Home Law Likely to Price Many Out of the Market By Kenneth Artz A new building code in California requires all newly constructed homes statewide to be solar-powered. Tens of thousands of homes will be affected by the first-of-their-kind rules approved in 2018 by the California Energy Commission under Gov. ...
Democratic Candidates Are Sorry for All the Wrong Things
When presidential candidate Joe Biden began a campaign tour with the slogan, “No Malarkey” (a seeming oxymoron for a politician), the rallying cry was contradicted by his many apologies for past actions and positions. Had he fashioned his expedition as a “No Apologies” tour, he doubtless would have done far ...
California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet
Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
Could National Water Pipeline Be the Solution to State’s Water Scarcity?
With nearly 40 million people and more than 70,000 farms taking up nearly 25 million acres, California is always thirsty. It is, as well, mostly dry. Deserts make up one-fourth of the state and semi-arid land occupies up at least that much, if not more. Consequently, water is an ever-unfolding ...
Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future
I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies. All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...
A Bold Fix For The West’s Water Woes
The nation’s Western states are facing severe, and worsening, water shortages. There are both consumption and supply problems, and neither will be easy to fix. However, we have a remedy for the latter. More water is used in America per capita than almost anywhere else in the world — more ...
Is It Immoral To Oppose The Use Of Pesticides?
If you were to ask a group of medical professionals to name the most significant public health achievements of the past century, antibiotics and widespread vaccination against infectious diseases would almost certainly top the list. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2 (CDC) would add motor vehicle safety, fluoridated water, workplace ...
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...