

Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression

Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent.  Clearly, ...

Wayne Winegarden Shares New Energy Study on the Andy Caldwell Show

Wayne Winegarden discussing his new study, “Legislating Energy Prosperity” on the Andy Caldwell Show. PRI and Power the Future recently released a new study that finds Californians could save up to $2,000 a year by reducing costly energy mandates and still reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

California’s Anti-Car Culture

Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...

NEW STUDY: Californians Could Save More Than $2,000 Annually if Lawmakers Enacted Free-Market Energy Policies

If lawmakers acted to alleviate the unnecessary costs from state energy mandates, Californians living through these unprecedented times could save more than $2,000 annually – while still lowering emissions – finds a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute and Power the Future. Click here to download ...

Flummoxed Feds Freeze Out Frost Fix

Courtesy of the polar vortex, unseasonably cold temperatures came to a broad swath of the country, from Texas to Maine, last week, causing frost damage to crops and ornamental plants. (And snow in New York City’s Central Park on May 9). Cherry and other fruit trees are particularly susceptible, and losses ...

What We’re Watching – May Day Edition

Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

What We’re Watching – April 24

Tim Anaya – Taking a Time Machine to a Lower Drug Price Future In the latest video in the “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, Professor Salvare takes Pete Paystoomuch in a time machine to learn how drugs become cheaper after higher initial costs that incentivize innovation. Then they go ...

Earth Day in the Time of Coronavirus

In case anyone has forgotten (and many long have), April 22 is Earth Day.  And while the coronavirus pandemic has put a chill on this year’s worldwide 50th jubilee celebration, it hasn’t caused its demise. If anything, progressive climate change advocates have attempted to leverage the pandemic to further spread ...

Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression

Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent.  Clearly, ...

Wayne Winegarden Shares New Energy Study on the Andy Caldwell Show

Wayne Winegarden discussing his new study, “Legislating Energy Prosperity” on the Andy Caldwell Show. PRI and Power the Future recently released a new study that finds Californians could save up to $2,000 a year by reducing costly energy mandates and still reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

California’s Anti-Car Culture

Outside a few conspiracy theorists, no one believes the COVID-19 lockdowns are a test run for eventually shuttering economic sectors to mitigate global warming. That said, the climate alarmists have surely been watching the public’s reaction, and they will use the stay-at-home restrictions to insist that government-imposed limits aren’t so ...

NEW STUDY: Californians Could Save More Than $2,000 Annually if Lawmakers Enacted Free-Market Energy Policies

If lawmakers acted to alleviate the unnecessary costs from state energy mandates, Californians living through these unprecedented times could save more than $2,000 annually – while still lowering emissions – finds a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute and Power the Future. Click here to download ...

Flummoxed Feds Freeze Out Frost Fix

Courtesy of the polar vortex, unseasonably cold temperatures came to a broad swath of the country, from Texas to Maine, last week, causing frost damage to crops and ornamental plants. (And snow in New York City’s Central Park on May 9). Cherry and other fruit trees are particularly susceptible, and losses ...

What We’re Watching – May Day Edition

Kerry Jackson – When Will California Reopen? Question asked: Some states begin re-opening from stay home orders – is California close behind? The bet here is California will be the last state to fully open. Rowena Itchon – Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia and New York A Cockpit View: The Blue ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

What We’re Watching – April 24

Tim Anaya – Taking a Time Machine to a Lower Drug Price Future In the latest video in the “Escape the Drug Pricing Maze” series, Professor Salvare takes Pete Paystoomuch in a time machine to learn how drugs become cheaper after higher initial costs that incentivize innovation. Then they go ...

Earth Day in the Time of Coronavirus

In case anyone has forgotten (and many long have), April 22 is Earth Day.  And while the coronavirus pandemic has put a chill on this year’s worldwide 50th jubilee celebration, it hasn’t caused its demise. If anything, progressive climate change advocates have attempted to leverage the pandemic to further spread ...

Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...
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