

California, Sunny With A Near-100% Chance Of Blackouts

In Gov. Gavin Newsom’s revised budget released last week, he asked for $5 billion to shore up the state’s electrical grid, calling energy reliability “an endless struggle” in California. And endless will it ever be as long as policymakers continue to pursue, with zero flexibility, an all-green energy portfolio by ...
Gas Prices

Wayne Winegarden Highlighted in Great Lakes Wire on Oil Production and Gas Prices in Michigan

Wayne Winegarden was highlighted in the Great Lakes Wire piece by David Beasley: ‘Allowing more oil production would help reduce gas prices quickly’ in Michigan. “The domestic actions that restrict oil production worsen the inflation problems and the budget squeezes that too many families are facing across the states,” Wayne ...
Business & Economics

NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation

SACRAMENTO – City and state climate change lawsuits discourage private sector innovation required to meet America’s clean energy goals – and expensive judgements in these cases can increase gas prices by 31-cents per gallon, finds a new issue brief released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   “Sustainably addressing ...

To Make California Dream a Reality for All, Remove Homebuilding Roadblocks

California’s median home price set a new record of $849,080 in March, according to the latest figures from the California Association of Realtors.  In 35 of California’s 58 counties, 50 percent or more of the homes sold above the asking price in March.  Given these continued troubling statistics, encouraging desperately ...

California Is Trying to Force An Automobile Outcome

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden California is getting serious about killing off cars and trucks that burn gasoline and diesel. The governor has ordered it so and an unelected bureaucracy is putting together a schedule for the transition. But no matter how determined they might be, they can’t squeeze ...

Public trust, safety, and genetic engineering

By Henry Miller & Drew L. Kershen Although the public is almost completely unaware, today, more than three-quarters of all food crops have been directly and dramatically altered by humans using various processes, some relatively crude, by random experimentation, taking decades and even centuries, others extremely precise. Irrationally, and unrelated ...

The Data is In: California No Better Off Under Plastic Bag Ban

Newton’s third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Politicians know this as the law of unintended consequences. They are well aware of its existence and have seen up close the damage it can do. Still, they make laws they know they shouldn’t. The ...

A Little Truth About Microplastics

While most Californians sleep at night, there must be a group somewhere that stays up thinking of something else to ban. How else to explain the unrelenting march of prohibitions, from single-use plastic bags – directly approved by voters – to plastic straws, to gasoline-powered lawn equipment and eventually the ...

Climate Change: Adapt Or Mitigate?

Along the Sonoma County coast, CalTrans is relocating a stretch of Highway 1 farther inland in response to the ocean taking out about a foot per year of the cliffs overlooking the Pacific. This concept is often referred to as managed retreat, where entire communities and neighborhoods are forced to ...

The U.S. Should Not Be Funding The WHO Follies

By Henry I. Miller and Jeff Stier The two-years-plus of the COVID-19 pandemic should be a wakeup call that there is something very wrong – irreparable, even – at the chronically inept World Health Organization (WHO). Two recent transgressions show that the bureaucrats there are not getting any smarter. The ...

California, Sunny With A Near-100% Chance Of Blackouts

In Gov. Gavin Newsom’s revised budget released last week, he asked for $5 billion to shore up the state’s electrical grid, calling energy reliability “an endless struggle” in California. And endless will it ever be as long as policymakers continue to pursue, with zero flexibility, an all-green energy portfolio by ...
Gas Prices

Wayne Winegarden Highlighted in Great Lakes Wire on Oil Production and Gas Prices in Michigan

Wayne Winegarden was highlighted in the Great Lakes Wire piece by David Beasley: ‘Allowing more oil production would help reduce gas prices quickly’ in Michigan. “The domestic actions that restrict oil production worsen the inflation problems and the budget squeezes that too many families are facing across the states,” Wayne ...
Business & Economics

NEW BRIEF: City and State Climate Change Lawsuits Drive Up Gas Prices, Discourage Clean Energy Innovation

SACRAMENTO – City and state climate change lawsuits discourage private sector innovation required to meet America’s clean energy goals – and expensive judgements in these cases can increase gas prices by 31-cents per gallon, finds a new issue brief released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute.   “Sustainably addressing ...

To Make California Dream a Reality for All, Remove Homebuilding Roadblocks

California’s median home price set a new record of $849,080 in March, according to the latest figures from the California Association of Realtors.  In 35 of California’s 58 counties, 50 percent or more of the homes sold above the asking price in March.  Given these continued troubling statistics, encouraging desperately ...

California Is Trying to Force An Automobile Outcome

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden California is getting serious about killing off cars and trucks that burn gasoline and diesel. The governor has ordered it so and an unelected bureaucracy is putting together a schedule for the transition. But no matter how determined they might be, they can’t squeeze ...

Public trust, safety, and genetic engineering

By Henry Miller & Drew L. Kershen Although the public is almost completely unaware, today, more than three-quarters of all food crops have been directly and dramatically altered by humans using various processes, some relatively crude, by random experimentation, taking decades and even centuries, others extremely precise. Irrationally, and unrelated ...

The Data is In: California No Better Off Under Plastic Bag Ban

Newton’s third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Politicians know this as the law of unintended consequences. They are well aware of its existence and have seen up close the damage it can do. Still, they make laws they know they shouldn’t. The ...

A Little Truth About Microplastics

While most Californians sleep at night, there must be a group somewhere that stays up thinking of something else to ban. How else to explain the unrelenting march of prohibitions, from single-use plastic bags – directly approved by voters – to plastic straws, to gasoline-powered lawn equipment and eventually the ...

Climate Change: Adapt Or Mitigate?

Along the Sonoma County coast, CalTrans is relocating a stretch of Highway 1 farther inland in response to the ocean taking out about a foot per year of the cliffs overlooking the Pacific. This concept is often referred to as managed retreat, where entire communities and neighborhoods are forced to ...

The U.S. Should Not Be Funding The WHO Follies

By Henry I. Miller and Jeff Stier The two-years-plus of the COVID-19 pandemic should be a wakeup call that there is something very wrong – irreparable, even – at the chronically inept World Health Organization (WHO). Two recent transgressions show that the bureaucrats there are not getting any smarter. The ...
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