Congress Needs to Look Beyond Green Energy
Current U.S. energy policy continues to subsidize uneconomical and inefficient sources of politically preferred energy while punishing the production and generation of reliable and cheap energy sources. As taxpayers, workers, and consumers we are paying a steep price for these irrational policies. Starting with the policies that punish domestic energy ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 25, 2022
The Prohibitions Will Continue … Until There’s Nothing Left To Ban
In both cases, the unelected members of the California Air Resources Board are making decisions that kill consumer choice. CARB’s unanimous Sept. 22 vote phases out sales of natural gas and water heaters by 2030, pending a final board approval in 2025 of the rules that are to be ...
Kerry Jackson
October 24, 2022
Another Government Program Won’t Ease The Burden Of High Gas Prices
Further confirmation that California is on the wrong side of the rabbit hole came on the last day of September, when Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a new tax on oil companies in response to the high cost of gasoline. “Oil companies are ripping you off,” he tweeted. “Their record ...
Kerry Jackson
October 20, 2022
Enviro law’s abusers continue to block urban housing
Enviro law’s abusers continue to block urban housing by John Seiler There are many reasons for California’s housing crisis, but a major problem everyone acknowledges, but never comes close to resolving, is the inability to advance reform of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA (pronounced See-Kwa). It thwarts the ...
John Seiler
October 20, 2022
Hope for WOTUS changes after Supreme Court hearing
Imagine every highway speed limit in the United States changing every few years to a government official’s determination of a “safe” speed. In some ways the interpretation of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule is similar. When the federal administration changes, the interpretation of the WOTUS changes to ...
Pam Lewison
October 18, 2022
CAPITAL IDEAS: The ‘Nuclear Option’ To Get Rid of Cars
There are some things in California that never change. It’s almost always sunny in the southern part of the state, and there’s no reason to expect a cease-fire in the war on cars.
Kerry Jackson
October 17, 2022
The California Climate Quandary
Actually, there’s no predicament at all. One of these concerns is truly alarming, the other not worth worrying about at all. OC voters, in fact voters over the entire state, need not be concerned with the climate. There is no crisis now nor on the horizon. Fuel prices, however, ...
Kerry Jackson
October 10, 2022
Columnist Has a Nuclear Meltdown
Even for a news outlet whose analyses of cutting-edge technologies are often flawed, a recent New York Times article by columnist Farhad Manjoo was exceptionally misguided. Titled “Nuclear Power Still Doesn’t Make Sense,” it is, in fact, the article that doesn’t make sense. Manjoo does recognize that nuclear power is important now, citing ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
October 7, 2022
On Health Care, Energy, and Education, A To-Do List for the New Congress
Recent public opinion surveys highlight the policy priorities that voters have for the next Congress: 90 percent of those surveyed in a July Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll said health care costs, including prescription drug costs, were very or somewhat important issue upon which they would decide their ...
Tim Anaya
October 6, 2022
A ‘To-Do List’ For Congress: Think Tank Urges Next Congress to Embrace Free-Market Vision on Health Care, Education, Energy
A ‘To-Do List’ For Congress: Think Tank Urges Next Congress to Embrace Free-Market Vision on Health Care, Education, Energy. Offers Reform Ideas with Potential for Bipartisan Appeal
Pacific Research Institute
October 6, 2022
Congress Needs to Look Beyond Green Energy
Current U.S. energy policy continues to subsidize uneconomical and inefficient sources of politically preferred energy while punishing the production and generation of reliable and cheap energy sources. As taxpayers, workers, and consumers we are paying a steep price for these irrational policies. Starting with the policies that punish domestic energy ...
The Prohibitions Will Continue … Until There’s Nothing Left To Ban
In both cases, the unelected members of the California Air Resources Board are making decisions that kill consumer choice. CARB’s unanimous Sept. 22 vote phases out sales of natural gas and water heaters by 2030, pending a final board approval in 2025 of the rules that are to be ...
Another Government Program Won’t Ease The Burden Of High Gas Prices
Further confirmation that California is on the wrong side of the rabbit hole came on the last day of September, when Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a new tax on oil companies in response to the high cost of gasoline. “Oil companies are ripping you off,” he tweeted. “Their record ...
Enviro law’s abusers continue to block urban housing
Enviro law’s abusers continue to block urban housing by John Seiler There are many reasons for California’s housing crisis, but a major problem everyone acknowledges, but never comes close to resolving, is the inability to advance reform of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA (pronounced See-Kwa). It thwarts the ...
Hope for WOTUS changes after Supreme Court hearing
Imagine every highway speed limit in the United States changing every few years to a government official’s determination of a “safe” speed. In some ways the interpretation of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule is similar. When the federal administration changes, the interpretation of the WOTUS changes to ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: The ‘Nuclear Option’ To Get Rid of Cars
There are some things in California that never change. It’s almost always sunny in the southern part of the state, and there’s no reason to expect a cease-fire in the war on cars.
The California Climate Quandary
Actually, there’s no predicament at all. One of these concerns is truly alarming, the other not worth worrying about at all. OC voters, in fact voters over the entire state, need not be concerned with the climate. There is no crisis now nor on the horizon. Fuel prices, however, ...
Columnist Has a Nuclear Meltdown
Even for a news outlet whose analyses of cutting-edge technologies are often flawed, a recent New York Times article by columnist Farhad Manjoo was exceptionally misguided. Titled “Nuclear Power Still Doesn’t Make Sense,” it is, in fact, the article that doesn’t make sense. Manjoo does recognize that nuclear power is important now, citing ...
On Health Care, Energy, and Education, A To-Do List for the New Congress
Recent public opinion surveys highlight the policy priorities that voters have for the next Congress: 90 percent of those surveyed in a July Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll said health care costs, including prescription drug costs, were very or somewhat important issue upon which they would decide their ...
A ‘To-Do List’ For Congress: Think Tank Urges Next Congress to Embrace Free-Market Vision on Health Care, Education, Energy
A ‘To-Do List’ For Congress: Think Tank Urges Next Congress to Embrace Free-Market Vision on Health Care, Education, Energy. Offers Reform Ideas with Potential for Bipartisan Appeal