Plastic or paper? The jury’s still out
The Eureka Reporter, June 5, 2008 It began as a breeze, but soon took on the power of a gale. We’re referring to the campaign intended to replace plastic bags used by many stores with paper ones. The argument was and is that plastic bags will take hundreds of years ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 5, 2008
Business & Economics
The Government’s Scapegoats
With food and energy prices soaring, housing prices collapsing, and the economy sinking into what could be a deep recession, the government has been searching around for villains. The latest scapegoats are speculators, OPEC, and of course, the big bad oil companies. As usual, our government ignores its own role ...
Robert P. Murphy
May 31, 2008
Business & Economics
Impact – May 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – May 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Pacific Research Institute
May 31, 2008
Climate Change
Questions for McCain
Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Gregg Jackson
May 29, 2008
Business & Economics
Why rob consumers to reward retailers?
WASHINGTON (Map, News) – A recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found Americans rank the skyrocketing cost of gasoline as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while ...
Daniel R. Ballon
May 26, 2008
Pain at the Pump?
The new report, known as EPCA III, estimates that energy supplies put off-limits by Congress at 117 billion barrels of oil and 651 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This is enough oil to replace our OPEC imports for over 50 years, and enough natural gas to supply all US ...
Thomas Tanton
May 24, 2008
Business & Economics
Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag
Yesterday the Assembly Appropriations Committee was scheduled to consider AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
May 23, 2008
How Misguided Energy Policy Eats Up the Economic Stimulus
This month, checks are going out to federal taxpayers in the form of an “economic stimulus” package. Economists are divided over how those dollars will be spent—new spending, paying off bills, savings? Unfortunately, other federal and state policies, including energy policy, will eliminate any stimulation. The economic stimulus checks are ...
Thomas Tanton
May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Vladimir Lenin, And Oh Yeah – Happy Earth Day Too
As we approach the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union (oops, I meant Earth Day) it’s so easy to confuse the two because they occur, quite by coincidence I’m sure, on the same day. Anyway April 22 will bring forth an avalanche of the usual accusations that ...
Alan Caruba
May 22, 2008
Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California
SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
May 21, 2008
Plastic or paper? The jury’s still out
The Eureka Reporter, June 5, 2008 It began as a breeze, but soon took on the power of a gale. We’re referring to the campaign intended to replace plastic bags used by many stores with paper ones. The argument was and is that plastic bags will take hundreds of years ...
The Government’s Scapegoats
With food and energy prices soaring, housing prices collapsing, and the economy sinking into what could be a deep recession, the government has been searching around for villains. The latest scapegoats are speculators, OPEC, and of course, the big bad oil companies. As usual, our government ignores its own role ...
Impact – May 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – May 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Questions for McCain
Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Why rob consumers to reward retailers?
WASHINGTON (Map, News) – A recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found Americans rank the skyrocketing cost of gasoline as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while ...
Pain at the Pump?
The new report, known as EPCA III, estimates that energy supplies put off-limits by Congress at 117 billion barrels of oil and 651 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This is enough oil to replace our OPEC imports for over 50 years, and enough natural gas to supply all US ...
Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag
Yesterday the Assembly Appropriations Committee was scheduled to consider AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman ...
How Misguided Energy Policy Eats Up the Economic Stimulus
This month, checks are going out to federal taxpayers in the form of an “economic stimulus” package. Economists are divided over how those dollars will be spent—new spending, paying off bills, savings? Unfortunately, other federal and state policies, including energy policy, will eliminate any stimulation. The economic stimulus checks are ...
Happy Birthday Vladimir Lenin, And Oh Yeah – Happy Earth Day Too
As we approach the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union (oops, I meant Earth Day) it’s so easy to confuse the two because they occur, quite by coincidence I’m sure, on the same day. Anyway April 22 will bring forth an avalanche of the usual accusations that ...
Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California
SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...