Colorado River ‘plan’ staves off federal interference, keeps water coming
The Colorado River supplies 4.4-million-acre feet of water to California every year with about 80 percent of that allocation being delivered to farms in the Imperial Valley. (An acre-foot is enough water to cover one acre of land with one foot of water or 326,000 gallons.) Earlier this week, California, ...
Pam Lewison
May 31, 2023
Learn About Latest Costly Green Mandate
California Emphasizes The ‘DIE’ In Diesel
The state Air Resources Board has approved new rules that says, “all Class I line haul locomotives” that have “an original engine build date of 2035 and beyond” can operate in California only if they have “a zero-emissions configuration.” That’s also the last year that new diesel big rigs can ...
Kerry Jackson
May 30, 2023
Celebrate National Beef Month
The best activism is the one that allows everyone to make their own dietary choices
Considering how much beef is consumed annually in the United States, it is odd to think about the amount of vitriol aimed at cattle production. Whether it is a story about the greenhouse gas emissions of cattle, the misunderstanding of animal breeding and care, or the anthropomorphism of animal rights ...
Pam Lewison
May 29, 2023
Part of WOTUS struck down in victory for private property owners
The ruling changes how “waters of the United States” can be applied by leaving wetlands that are not directly flowing into a body of water that meets the definition of “rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water that flow across or form a part of State boundaries” out of the ...
Pam Lewison
May 26, 2023
Energy Reality Coming at California Fast
“Life comes at you fast,” said the insurance company ad campaign earlier this century. In California, energy reality is coming fast and it doesn’t inspire confidence in the future. With a few exceptions, official Sacramento, its groupthink mélange of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats who wield great political power, have ...
Kerry Jackson
May 17, 2023
Rea Hederman, Jr. – How Much More Will You Pay for Electricity Under Revived Clean Power Plan?
Buckeye Institute Vice President of Policy Rea Hederman Jr. joins us.
Pacific Research Institute
May 15, 2023
New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs
The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country
By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 15, 2023
Prop 12 upheld by SCOTUS: What will ruling mean for farmers and pork lovers?
There was no clear-cut verdict in the decision with the justices offering different opinions on the two-pronged argument brought by the National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Attorneys for the NPPC and AFBF argued Prop 12 violated the “dormant commerce clause” and imposed more cost on ...
Pam Lewison
May 15, 2023
Read latest on California agriculture
Meat production doesn’t have to be cruel
During a recent county fair in California, a little girl sold her show goat but, when faced with having to part with the animal, she and her mother chose to take the animal home during the night. The girl’s mother offered to repay the total amount of money collected to ...
Pam Lewison
May 10, 2023
Pam Lewison – How This Year’s Record Rains are Impacting California Farmers
PRI fellow in agriculture policy Pam Lewison joins us for a discussion of how this year’s record rainfall has been both a blessing and a major challenge for California’s farmers. She also discusses federal and state policy debates and pending legal rulings that could significantly impact state water policy and ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 8, 2023
Colorado River ‘plan’ staves off federal interference, keeps water coming
The Colorado River supplies 4.4-million-acre feet of water to California every year with about 80 percent of that allocation being delivered to farms in the Imperial Valley. (An acre-foot is enough water to cover one acre of land with one foot of water or 326,000 gallons.) Earlier this week, California, ...
Learn About Latest Costly Green Mandate
California Emphasizes The ‘DIE’ In Diesel
The state Air Resources Board has approved new rules that says, “all Class I line haul locomotives” that have “an original engine build date of 2035 and beyond” can operate in California only if they have “a zero-emissions configuration.” That’s also the last year that new diesel big rigs can ...
Celebrate National Beef Month
The best activism is the one that allows everyone to make their own dietary choices
Considering how much beef is consumed annually in the United States, it is odd to think about the amount of vitriol aimed at cattle production. Whether it is a story about the greenhouse gas emissions of cattle, the misunderstanding of animal breeding and care, or the anthropomorphism of animal rights ...
Part of WOTUS struck down in victory for private property owners
The ruling changes how “waters of the United States” can be applied by leaving wetlands that are not directly flowing into a body of water that meets the definition of “rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water that flow across or form a part of State boundaries” out of the ...
Energy Reality Coming at California Fast
“Life comes at you fast,” said the insurance company ad campaign earlier this century. In California, energy reality is coming fast and it doesn’t inspire confidence in the future. With a few exceptions, official Sacramento, its groupthink mélange of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats who wield great political power, have ...
Rea Hederman, Jr. – How Much More Will You Pay for Electricity Under Revived Clean Power Plan?
Buckeye Institute Vice President of Policy Rea Hederman Jr. joins us.
New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs
The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country
By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...
Prop 12 upheld by SCOTUS: What will ruling mean for farmers and pork lovers?
There was no clear-cut verdict in the decision with the justices offering different opinions on the two-pronged argument brought by the National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Attorneys for the NPPC and AFBF argued Prop 12 violated the “dormant commerce clause” and imposed more cost on ...
Read latest on California agriculture
Meat production doesn’t have to be cruel
During a recent county fair in California, a little girl sold her show goat but, when faced with having to part with the animal, she and her mother chose to take the animal home during the night. The girl’s mother offered to repay the total amount of money collected to ...
Pam Lewison – How This Year’s Record Rains are Impacting California Farmers
PRI fellow in agriculture policy Pam Lewison joins us for a discussion of how this year’s record rainfall has been both a blessing and a major challenge for California’s farmers. She also discusses federal and state policy debates and pending legal rulings that could significantly impact state water policy and ...