

Why Water Markets Should be Part of the “Vision” for the Delta, and All of California

SACRAMENTO – Before the end of 2008, the Delta Vision Committee will send Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger a Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP), “one of the most ambitious infrastructure and habitat restoration projects ever proposed in America,” according to news reports, to restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a prime source of drinking ...

Will the EPA Have a Cow?

In response to an April, 2007, Supreme Court ruling that greenhouse gases are air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently ended the public comment period on “proposed rulemaking” for regulating greenhouse gases. Buried within the proposal is a controversial measure for regulating ...

Synthetic biology is a key to energy independence

Barack Obama recently pledged to establish a $150 billion “Apollo project” for energy independence. A new field known as synthetic biology presents one of the most promising opportunities to achieve his goal, but influential interest groups within his own party are fighting to kill this technology in its cradle. Just ...

Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming

Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...

Are “Green Jobs” an answer to economy?

The prospects sound good but the conference got only half the story. Estimates of just how many jobs our push to go green may generate vary widely, but not all economists believe that there really will be any kind of green-job boom. More important is the question of whether these ...

Air Board’s analysis holds many flaws

This is not the time to implement policies that will further cripple California’s economy and put a disproportionate financial burden on the state’s poor and elderly, but that is exactly what the California Air Resources Board is planning to do by implementing the Global Warming Solutions Act. The air board ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...

Don’t give electric cars the inside track

With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
Business & Economics

Welfare is bad for automobile companies, too

Various commentators have tried to blame the dreadful condition of the Big Three automakers on unreasonable union demands, greedy and incompetent management or the government. In truth, these claims are all partially true. The United Auto Workers have saddled the Big Three with expensive compensation packages making it difficult to ...

PRI Report Shows California’s Water Problems Are Mostly Due to Uneven Distribution, Not Lack of Supply

PRI Report Shows California’s Water Problems Are Mostly Due to Uneven Distribution, Not Lack of Supply San Francisco – California should lift bans and restrictions to help alleviate the water distribution problem, according to Go with the Flow: Why water markets can solve California’s water crisis, a Pacific Research Institute ...

Why Water Markets Should be Part of the “Vision” for the Delta, and All of California

SACRAMENTO – Before the end of 2008, the Delta Vision Committee will send Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger a Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP), “one of the most ambitious infrastructure and habitat restoration projects ever proposed in America,” according to news reports, to restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a prime source of drinking ...

Will the EPA Have a Cow?

In response to an April, 2007, Supreme Court ruling that greenhouse gases are air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently ended the public comment period on “proposed rulemaking” for regulating greenhouse gases. Buried within the proposal is a controversial measure for regulating ...

Synthetic biology is a key to energy independence

Barack Obama recently pledged to establish a $150 billion “Apollo project” for energy independence. A new field known as synthetic biology presents one of the most promising opportunities to achieve his goal, but influential interest groups within his own party are fighting to kill this technology in its cradle. Just ...

Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming

Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...

Are “Green Jobs” an answer to economy?

The prospects sound good but the conference got only half the story. Estimates of just how many jobs our push to go green may generate vary widely, but not all economists believe that there really will be any kind of green-job boom. More important is the question of whether these ...

Air Board’s analysis holds many flaws

This is not the time to implement policies that will further cripple California’s economy and put a disproportionate financial burden on the state’s poor and elderly, but that is exactly what the California Air Resources Board is planning to do by implementing the Global Warming Solutions Act. The air board ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...

Don’t give electric cars the inside track

With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
Business & Economics

Welfare is bad for automobile companies, too

Various commentators have tried to blame the dreadful condition of the Big Three automakers on unreasonable union demands, greedy and incompetent management or the government. In truth, these claims are all partially true. The United Auto Workers have saddled the Big Three with expensive compensation packages making it difficult to ...

PRI Report Shows California’s Water Problems Are Mostly Due to Uneven Distribution, Not Lack of Supply

PRI Report Shows California’s Water Problems Are Mostly Due to Uneven Distribution, Not Lack of Supply San Francisco – California should lift bans and restrictions to help alleviate the water distribution problem, according to Go with the Flow: Why water markets can solve California’s water crisis, a Pacific Research Institute ...
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