Business & Economics
The Nuttiness of Negative Interest Rates
In his April 18 New York Times op-ed, Harvard professor (and Bush adviser) Greg Mankiw calls on the Federal Reserve to promise future inflation, in order to fix the economy. Mankiw’s article beautifully illustrates what is wrong with today’s economics profession: it consists of very sharp guys (and gals) who ...
Robert P. Murphy
April 27, 2009
Environmental Progress Continues
Steven Hayward is not only the author of the forthcoming “The Age of Reagan, 1980-1989: The Conservative Counterrevolution. He is also the author of the fourteenth annual edition of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, just published to coincide with Earth day and Lenin’s birthday. The 61-page pamphlet is published ...
Scott Johnson
April 26, 2009
Our Obama opportunity
In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama favoured us with a visit, said very gracious things about us, made supporting our Afghan mission politically respectable again, offered to help out our economy by buying maple leaf cookies for his daughters and hit approval ratings not seen since ...
William Watson
April 24, 2009
Business Flight?
One such environmental policy under question is the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32) which was signed into law in 2006. The law attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a cap and trade program. The Global Warming Solutions Act is the largest piece of environmental legislation in California history and ...
Thomas Tanton
April 23, 2009
The Killers & Kooks of Earth Day
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Now, we’ve just honored some great people on Earth Day, but here is a story from some newspaper called The Bulletin. It is an American paper, I guess it’s Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Bulletin. “Today is Earth Day, a holiday created to honor the planet and to raise ...
Rush Limbaugh
April 22, 2009
Earth Day Update: Green Without Government
It’s the day of the year that the world celebrates being green and there’s certainly a lot to be “green” about today. The Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) published their yearly Index of Leading Environmental Indicators showing major progress in cleaner air and safe drinking water. ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2009
Business & Economics
Has California finally hit the wall?
In a recent interview with Jason Clemens, Economist and Director of Research for the Pacific Research Institute, he explained that California’s budget problems are not really about taxes or the costs of illegal immigration. PRI is near completion of a large detailed study on California’s prosperity, or the lack thereof, ...
Michael Haley
April 22, 2009
Climate Change
The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day
On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...
Alan Caruba
April 22, 2009
Save Capitalism
Investor’s Business Daily, April 21, 2009 The Environment: Wednesday’s airwaves, print media, cable news shows and Webosphere will be filled with nonsense about the scourge of capitalism, corporations and humanity. All of it will ignore the real truth. Buried beneath all the badgering and fear-mongering about lavish Western lifestyles is ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 21, 2009
Agriculture and the Environment Are Not Opposing Forces
Recently, thousands of farm workers and their supporters hit the road in California’s Central Valley to raise awareness of water shortages in the region that are threatening the livelihoods and communities that rely heavily on irrigated crops. The farmers’ most controversial target, arguably, is the Delta smelt. This small fish ...
Amy Kaleita
April 21, 2009
The Nuttiness of Negative Interest Rates
In his April 18 New York Times op-ed, Harvard professor (and Bush adviser) Greg Mankiw calls on the Federal Reserve to promise future inflation, in order to fix the economy. Mankiw’s article beautifully illustrates what is wrong with today’s economics profession: it consists of very sharp guys (and gals) who ...
Environmental Progress Continues
Steven Hayward is not only the author of the forthcoming “The Age of Reagan, 1980-1989: The Conservative Counterrevolution. He is also the author of the fourteenth annual edition of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, just published to coincide with Earth day and Lenin’s birthday. The 61-page pamphlet is published ...
Our Obama opportunity
In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama favoured us with a visit, said very gracious things about us, made supporting our Afghan mission politically respectable again, offered to help out our economy by buying maple leaf cookies for his daughters and hit approval ratings not seen since ...
Business Flight?
One such environmental policy under question is the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32) which was signed into law in 2006. The law attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a cap and trade program. The Global Warming Solutions Act is the largest piece of environmental legislation in California history and ...
The Killers & Kooks of Earth Day
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Now, we’ve just honored some great people on Earth Day, but here is a story from some newspaper called The Bulletin. It is an American paper, I guess it’s Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Bulletin. “Today is Earth Day, a holiday created to honor the planet and to raise ...
Earth Day Update: Green Without Government
It’s the day of the year that the world celebrates being green and there’s certainly a lot to be “green” about today. The Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) published their yearly Index of Leading Environmental Indicators showing major progress in cleaner air and safe drinking water. ...
Has California finally hit the wall?
In a recent interview with Jason Clemens, Economist and Director of Research for the Pacific Research Institute, he explained that California’s budget problems are not really about taxes or the costs of illegal immigration. PRI is near completion of a large detailed study on California’s prosperity, or the lack thereof, ...
The Annual Green Orgy: Earth Day
On Earth Day we will have been engulfed by the avalanche of “Green” propaganda that preceded it, fills the day, and then continues relentlessly thereafter. When I say “propaganda”, I am being polite. Much of the foundation of the environmental movement is pure lies, mind boggling distortions of questionable “science”, ...
Save Capitalism
Investor’s Business Daily, April 21, 2009 The Environment: Wednesday’s airwaves, print media, cable news shows and Webosphere will be filled with nonsense about the scourge of capitalism, corporations and humanity. All of it will ignore the real truth. Buried beneath all the badgering and fear-mongering about lavish Western lifestyles is ...
Agriculture and the Environment Are Not Opposing Forces
Recently, thousands of farm workers and their supporters hit the road in California’s Central Valley to raise awareness of water shortages in the region that are threatening the livelihoods and communities that rely heavily on irrigated crops. The farmers’ most controversial target, arguably, is the Delta smelt. This small fish ...