
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...

Rep. Tom McClintock and “California’s Meltdown”

CEI and the Pacific Research Institute recently co-hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on “California’s Meltdown” – the unprecedented combination of flawed economic, energy and environmental policies that have left the state with a massive budget deficit and facing even tougher times ahead. Our keynote speaker was Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), ...
Business & Economics

When Economic Stimulus Does Not Stimulate

A majority of Americans now give President Obama’s handling of the economy a negative rating and many economists and city officials are concerned that Obama’s gargantuan stimulus effort has not given the expected quick boost to the economy. Some argue this is because funds have been slow in coming due ...
Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...

ABC Pulls John Stossel’s Canadian Healthcare Piece

John Stossel, ABC News’ co-anchor of “20/20” and a New York Times best-selling author, likes to take a skeptical look at a wide array of issues, but hold the phone on his new healthcare special — it was pulled to make room for yet more coverage of Michael Jackson. Bad ...

California Targets Auto Emissions, Ethanol Gets No Break

California’s Air Resources Board has approved a landmark rule mandating a statewide cut in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels through 2020. The sweeping regulation targets carbon emissions from the production and burning of gasoline and alternatives such as ethanol. The rule may affect the way land is used to ...
Business & Economics

Cap and Trade: The government’s new pet market

Encore Online (Wilmington, NC), June 29, 2009 While most Americans are distracted by the situation in Iran and the vital current healthcare debates, Barack Obama and his friends in Congress are attempting to rush through one of the most draconian realignments of energy policy in the nation’s history. This legislation ...

Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story

Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...

Will Cap and Trade Pass Congress?

The Volockh Conspiracy, June 23, 2009 The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on cap-and-trade this week. The bill seeks to lower US per capita cabon emissions to levels below those of the US colonial period. As I blogged four months ago: The goal is an 83% reduction in ...
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...

Rep. Tom McClintock and “California’s Meltdown”

CEI and the Pacific Research Institute recently co-hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on “California’s Meltdown” – the unprecedented combination of flawed economic, energy and environmental policies that have left the state with a massive budget deficit and facing even tougher times ahead. Our keynote speaker was Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), ...
Business & Economics

When Economic Stimulus Does Not Stimulate

A majority of Americans now give President Obama’s handling of the economy a negative rating and many economists and city officials are concerned that Obama’s gargantuan stimulus effort has not given the expected quick boost to the economy. Some argue this is because funds have been slow in coming due ...
Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...

ABC Pulls John Stossel’s Canadian Healthcare Piece

John Stossel, ABC News’ co-anchor of “20/20” and a New York Times best-selling author, likes to take a skeptical look at a wide array of issues, but hold the phone on his new healthcare special — it was pulled to make room for yet more coverage of Michael Jackson. Bad ...

California Targets Auto Emissions, Ethanol Gets No Break

California’s Air Resources Board has approved a landmark rule mandating a statewide cut in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels through 2020. The sweeping regulation targets carbon emissions from the production and burning of gasoline and alternatives such as ethanol. The rule may affect the way land is used to ...
Business & Economics

Cap and Trade: The government’s new pet market

Encore Online (Wilmington, NC), June 29, 2009 While most Americans are distracted by the situation in Iran and the vital current healthcare debates, Barack Obama and his friends in Congress are attempting to rush through one of the most draconian realignments of energy policy in the nation’s history. This legislation ...

Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story

Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...

Will Cap and Trade Pass Congress?

The Volockh Conspiracy, June 23, 2009 The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on cap-and-trade this week. The bill seeks to lower US per capita cabon emissions to levels below those of the US colonial period. As I blogged four months ago: The goal is an 83% reduction in ...
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