

Celebrate the Cuyahoga’s Comeback

This year is the 40th anniversary of the Cuyahoga River fire, an event that has come to symbolize environmental degradation. The current condition of the river symbolizes something else worth recalling in the wake of Earth Day — environmental improvement, from abysmal conditions. On June 22, 1969, an oil slick ...
Climate Change

Unilateral or Worldwide, Waxman-Markey Fails Standard Cost/Benefit Tests (CO2 “leakage” makes bad even worse)

Master Resource, May 27, 2009 Jim Manzi has a very good post introducing the analysis of costs and benefits of Waxman-Markey. Here I want to follow up on Manzi’s great start, by showing that Chip Knappenberger’s estimate of the climate benefits of Waxman-Markey (W-M) actually erred on the side of ...
Health Care

Testimony of John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, Pacific Research Institute to Arizona House Health & Human Services

Thank you for inviting me here today to speak about the importance of the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act, HCR 2014. I believe that this bill is critical to Arizonans’ individual choice in health care, and a bulwark against undue government control of their access to health services. I am ...

Who Pays?

“When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers worked throughout 2006 to craft AB 32 – the state’s landmark legislation targeting the emissions that contribute to global warming – they repeatedly emphasized their intent to implement the new law with as little economic disruption as possible. Critics questioned how this would be ...
Climate Change

The Geography of Carbon Emissions

The American Thinker (Bellevue, WA), May 23, 2009 Climate Change Fraud, May 23, 2009 Carbon Offset Daily, May 23, 2009 Lux Libertas, May 23, 2009 No American city is among the top 50 cities in the world for air pollution according to the World Bank. (1) Another list, ‘The Top ...

Film: Capistrano district poster child for ‘broken’ school system

New documentary showcases the problems of one O.C. school district. The Capistrano Unified School District is portrayed in a new, 49-minute documentary film as a case study in what is wrong with the American public school system and how politics, misplaced priorities and lack of oversight can derail what should ...
Climate Change

How Government Botches Biofuels

Within the last five years, concern over both global climate change and the economic and national security implications of U.S. oil consumption has created an interest in alternate sources of liquid fuel, namely, “biofuels” derived from agricultural crops. What began as an exciting possibility has unfortunately become an example of ...
Business & Economics

Exploding The Myth Of Green Jobs

Say Anything Blog, May 14, 2009 RXnews.com (Bismarck, ND), May 14 2009 12:00AM Great video of Dr. Robert Murphy talking about the myth of so-called “green jobs.” I’ll be interviewing Dr. Murphy on my radio show this Friday, and he’ll be appearing at the North Dakota Policy Council’s Free Market ...

Does Universal Preschool Improve Learning? Lessons from Georgia and Oklahoma

Campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama pledged to help states implement taxpayer-funded universal preschool–preschool for all.[1] The President’s early education plan, for which he has advocated spending up to $10 billion annually in fed­eral expenditures, encourages states to provide pre­school for every child.[2] As President, Obama reinforced his ...
Climate Change

High/Low: Is There Now Reasonable Agreement on the Costs and Benefits of Waxman-Markey?

Supporters of the Waxman-Markey climate bill have not seriously disputed the extreme costs and the negligible benefits estimated by critics of the cap-and-trade proposal. I must confess that I was expecting a real fight, but some very important markers seem to have been laid down in this legislative debate. Waxman-Markey ...

Celebrate the Cuyahoga’s Comeback

This year is the 40th anniversary of the Cuyahoga River fire, an event that has come to symbolize environmental degradation. The current condition of the river symbolizes something else worth recalling in the wake of Earth Day — environmental improvement, from abysmal conditions. On June 22, 1969, an oil slick ...
Climate Change

Unilateral or Worldwide, Waxman-Markey Fails Standard Cost/Benefit Tests (CO2 “leakage” makes bad even worse)

Master Resource, May 27, 2009 Jim Manzi has a very good post introducing the analysis of costs and benefits of Waxman-Markey. Here I want to follow up on Manzi’s great start, by showing that Chip Knappenberger’s estimate of the climate benefits of Waxman-Markey (W-M) actually erred on the side of ...
Health Care

Testimony of John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, Pacific Research Institute to Arizona House Health & Human Services

Thank you for inviting me here today to speak about the importance of the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act, HCR 2014. I believe that this bill is critical to Arizonans’ individual choice in health care, and a bulwark against undue government control of their access to health services. I am ...

Who Pays?

“When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers worked throughout 2006 to craft AB 32 – the state’s landmark legislation targeting the emissions that contribute to global warming – they repeatedly emphasized their intent to implement the new law with as little economic disruption as possible. Critics questioned how this would be ...
Climate Change

The Geography of Carbon Emissions

The American Thinker (Bellevue, WA), May 23, 2009 Climate Change Fraud, May 23, 2009 Carbon Offset Daily, May 23, 2009 Lux Libertas, May 23, 2009 No American city is among the top 50 cities in the world for air pollution according to the World Bank. (1) Another list, ‘The Top ...

Film: Capistrano district poster child for ‘broken’ school system

New documentary showcases the problems of one O.C. school district. The Capistrano Unified School District is portrayed in a new, 49-minute documentary film as a case study in what is wrong with the American public school system and how politics, misplaced priorities and lack of oversight can derail what should ...
Climate Change

How Government Botches Biofuels

Within the last five years, concern over both global climate change and the economic and national security implications of U.S. oil consumption has created an interest in alternate sources of liquid fuel, namely, “biofuels” derived from agricultural crops. What began as an exciting possibility has unfortunately become an example of ...
Business & Economics

Exploding The Myth Of Green Jobs

Say Anything Blog, May 14, 2009 RXnews.com (Bismarck, ND), May 14 2009 12:00AM Great video of Dr. Robert Murphy talking about the myth of so-called “green jobs.” I’ll be interviewing Dr. Murphy on my radio show this Friday, and he’ll be appearing at the North Dakota Policy Council’s Free Market ...

Does Universal Preschool Improve Learning? Lessons from Georgia and Oklahoma

Campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama pledged to help states implement taxpayer-funded universal preschool–preschool for all.[1] The President’s early education plan, for which he has advocated spending up to $10 billion annually in fed­eral expenditures, encourages states to provide pre­school for every child.[2] As President, Obama reinforced his ...
Climate Change

High/Low: Is There Now Reasonable Agreement on the Costs and Benefits of Waxman-Markey?

Supporters of the Waxman-Markey climate bill have not seriously disputed the extreme costs and the negligible benefits estimated by critics of the cap-and-trade proposal. I must confess that I was expecting a real fight, but some very important markers seem to have been laid down in this legislative debate. Waxman-Markey ...
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